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Labels can be applied to issues and merge requests. Group labels are available for any project within the group.


  • A defect is classified as critical if it completely blocks the functionality and performance of a product, rendering it unusable. Any form of catastrophic failure that leads to the non-usability of a product can be classified as critical. It can also refer to a situation where a core feature is missing or does not work at all. In most cases, a critical bug is typically a high priority. However, there are exceptions to this rule.
  • These are significant defects that affect key app functionality, causing the product to deviate from expectations and disrupt the product experience. Bugs are classified as high severity if they interfere with some of the app’s key features and often require urgent attention. While these bugs need immediate attention, it does not cause the product to crash or make it unusable.
  • Bugs are classified as low severity or minor bugs if they have little or no impact on the key features of a product. While low severity bugs are obvious and would have to be fixed eventually, they do not have any immediate effect on how product users interact with the product.
  • Bugs in this category affect product features and cause them to behave differently from expected. However, their impact on the overall application’s functionality is still negligible. Hence, they are addressed only after the high-severity defects have been fixed.
  • This is nota bug but a new feature that should be put in Trello as a new story