Introduce ci_runner_limits_override feature flag 9 of 14 checklist items completed
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Allow Limitable to use an override feature flag 11 of 14 checklist items completed
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Sidekiq: Prevent `ArchiveTraceWorker` from holding client transactions open 5 of 6 checklist items completedgitlab!66538 14.2
Prevent `ArchiveTraceWorker` from holding client transactions open 4 of 4 checklist items completedgitlab!66203 14.52021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Build Artifacts GitLab.com Priority backend bugperformance database databaseapproved devopsverify feature flag gitlab.com grouppipeline execution infradev missed:14.2 missed:14.3 missed:14.4 priority1 production request releasedpublished sectionops severity1 typemaintenance workflowproduction
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Account only recent runners in plan limit for registered runners [RUN ALL RSPEC] [RUN AS-IF-FOSS] 7 of 13 checklist items completedgitlab!62670 14.02021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Application Limits Deliverable Technical Writing [Deprecated] Category:Runner backend bugperformance database databaseapproved devopsverify docsfeature documentation feature flag featureenhancement grouprunner infradev priority2 releasedpublished sectionops severity2 twfinished typefeature workflowproduction
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Add user-friendly message upon runner registration limit 1 of 14 checklist items completed
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Introduce limit to number of registered runners [RUN ALL RSPEC] [RUN AS-IF-FOSS] 1 of 14 checklist items completedgitlab!61050 13.12
Allow host class of Limitable to extend logic [RUN ALL RSPEC] [RUN AS-IF-FOSS] 1 of 14 checklist items completed
Introduce limit to number of registered runners [RUN ALL RSPEC] [RUN AS-IF-FOSS] 3 of 13 checklist items completedgitlab!60157 13.122021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Application Limits Deliverable Technical Writing [Deprecated] Category:Runner backend bugperformance database databaseapproved devopsverify docsfeature documentation feature flag featureenhancement grouprunner infradev priority2 releasedcandidate sectionops severity2 typefeature workflowproduction
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- 130
- 1
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Optimize searching cherry-picked merge requests for linking deployments 7 of 14 checklist items completedgitlab!58568 13.112021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Continuous Delivery GitLab.com Priority backend candidate14.0 corrective action database databaseapproved devopsrelease [DEPRECATED] gitlab.com grouprelease [DEPRECATED] infradev priority1 production request releasedcandidate sectionops severity1 typemaintenance workflowproduction
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- 9
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Fix previous deployment fetches wrong deployment 1 of 14 checklist items completedgitlab!58567 13.112021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Continuous Delivery GitLab.com Priority backend candidate14.0 corrective action database databaseapproved devopsrelease [DEPRECATED] gitlab.com grouprelease [DEPRECATED] infradev priority1 production request releasedcandidate sectionops severity1 typemaintenance workflowproduction
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- 22
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Batch-load environments in EE pipelines 7 of 8 checklist items completedgitlab!57706 13.112021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Cloud Connector Category:Continuous Integration backend bugperformance cloud connectoractive database databaseapproved devopsdata stores groupcloud connector infradev priority2 rapid action rapid actionpipeline abuse releasedcandidate sectionops severity2 typemaintenance workflowproduction
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Draft: Try a different query to obtain build artifacts 0 of 14 checklist items completedgitlab!57505 13.112021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Cloud Connector Category:Continuous Integration backend bugperformance cloud connectoractive database databasereview pending devopsdata stores groupcloud connector infradev priority2 rapid action rapid actionshift db load from primary sectionops severity2 typefeature typemaintenance workflowin dev
Do not stick to primary after log Jira DVCS usage 2 of 14 checklist items completed
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Draft: Resolve "`/api/:version/repos/:namespace/:project/branches` should not query the primary databases frequently" 0 of 14 checklist items completed
Drop unused preload from PipelineSerializer 2 of 9 checklist items completedgitlab!56988 13.112021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Cloud Connector Category:Continuous Integration SOX Reviewed backend bugperformance cloud connectoractive database databasereview pending devopsdata stores groupcloud connector infradev maintenanceremoval missed:13.10 priority2 rapid action rapid actionshift db load from primary releasedcandidate sectioncore platform severity2 typemaintenance workflowproduction
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Remove one usage of legacy stages 6 of 7 checklist items completedgitlab!56987 13.112021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Cloud Connector Category:Continuous Integration backend bugperformance cloud connectoractive database databaseapproved devopsdata stores frontend groupcloud connector infradev priority2 rapid action rapid actionshift db load from primary releasedcandidate sectionops severity2 typemaintenance workflowproduction
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- 61
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Prevent unnecessary sticking to the DB primary when recording experiments 0 of 14 checklist items completed
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Force ApplicationRecord#with_fast_statement_timeout to use replicas 7 of 14 checklist items completedgitlab!56476 13.112021Q1 gitlab.com Latency Degradation Category:Code Review Workflow Category:Source Code Management GitLab.com Priority backend bugperformance database databaseapproved devopscreate gitlab.com groupcode review groupscalability infradev priority1 production request releasedcandidate sectiondev severity1 typemaintenance workflowproduction
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- 37
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Port essential database metrics to Sidekiq 6 of 14 checklist items completed
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