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Open GitLab project pipeline improvements > Reduce test suite duration
  • GitLab project pipeline improvements > Reduce test suite duration

  • GitLab project pipeline improvements > Reduce test suite duration

    Open Epic created by Rémy Coutable

    I've created a script to extract GitLab CE master pipelines duration (, and here are the data and graph:

    Right now, the average pipeline duration for CE on master is 45 minutes, we should aim to reduce that to 30 minutes at the end of Q1 2018.

    Possible improvements:

    • Split some jobs into several jobs

    • Increase parallelization of specs jobs

    Prior work at

    Some additional ideas that don't currently have dedicated issues:

    Group expectations

    Even though in theory we should have one expectation per test, in practice it's often OK to group several expectations (possibly using aggregate_failures), particularly when the test setup is heavy.

    In the same idea you can use the have_attributes matcher, so instead of:

    # Here the setup is run twice
    it { expect( eq('foo') }
    it { expect(model.size).to eq(2) }

    you can do:

    # Here the setup is run only once
    it { expect(model).to have_attributes(name: 'foo', size: 2) }

    Chain expectations

    RSpec allows to use compund matchers, so instead of:

    # Here the setup is run twice
    it { start_with('Foo') }
    it { end_with('Bar') }

    you can do:

    # Here the setup is run only once
    it { start_with('Noel').and end_with('Rappin') }

    Move some callbacks to the Service layer

    Callbacks that are only executed on :create or on :update are good candidates to go into the Service layer for a few reasons:

    1. Models shouldn't care about lifecycle-specific behaviors

    2. These extra behaviors won't be triggered when using spec factories (at least until we use the services in factories...) meaning less side-effects and a less slower test suite in the end.


    before_validation :generate_password, on: :create
    before_validation :signup_domain_valid?, on: :create, if: ->(user) { !user.created_by_id }
    after_create :post_create_hook

    from app/models/user.rb.

    Consider removing tests that are duplicated

    We already have a very good coverage and that probably means that we're over-testing some parts of the application. We might want to remove some tests.

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    Edited by Rémy Coutable

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