@luke yes we will! I will get that added!
Hi @aoetama, related to the Asset production
list in my comment above, I want to touch base on deliverables. Do you anticipate having promotional a...
Hi @elimahalo, the pw is share-shore-os-peak
. Also, I'm working on a dedicated Figma file for these campaigns. We've nailed down the themes so I am...
Thanks @luke. That sounds correct to me. Can you share the password for the linked Figma File?
Hi Mahalo team, thanks for your time today! Here is a quick recap of action items we owe you in order to get started. Let me know if I missed anyth...
@fanthony2 @michnovosel Do we have the specs for all booth sponsorships yet?
@Rachel_Lurie - I’ve started this design epic here, feel free to update or adjust the epic description as needed. When you create an issue, there ...
HI @aoetama @michnovosel | Do you have an update on the status of the copywriting for these assets?...
@gmadlinger @eirinipan @srances Just FYI - This is the design epic, which will nest all the design support issues for FY25Q4 pain point campaign co...
@michnovosel Thanks so much for putting this epic together! @elimahalo Just wanted to let you know I’ve started creating the design issues for the ...
Hi @aoetama - When opening new issues for this project, please use this Content Design template for all of the ebooks, one-pagers, whitepapers, etc...
@aoetama - Here is the Creative Epic. Feel free to update the Epic description or retitle the Epic as needed. Please link all relevant design issue...
Closing since the product area has been de-priotitized, thank you.