2021 Q4 Focus on Corrective Actions
As a continuation of the work started in Q3, this epic will capture the efforts to continue to burn down our backlog of outstanding Corrective Actions
Corrective Actions in the Infrastructure Team project
- By end of Q4, have 0 Past Due severity1 or severity2 corrective actions (that are not blocked by other departments).
- By end of Q4, have refined all of past due severity3 corrective actions
DRI/Squad Leader:
@amoter - Anna Liisa Moter
- @cmcfarland - Cameron McFarland
- @rehab - Rehab Hassanein
- @anganga - Anthony Maina Ng'ang'a
- 4th engineer TBD
- Slack: #infra-corrective-actions
- Issue tracking board
- Meeting agenda
- Meeting recordings
- Sisense Corrective Action dashboard
- Corrective Action Workflow
- Ally
- Current Milestone
- Show closed items
Link items together to show that they're related or that one is blocking others.