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Add test jobs for Python on MPI-GROMACS

M. Eric Irrgang requested to merge 3563-test-gmxapi-mpi into main

Spread the Python version coverage across OpenMPI and thread-MPI GROMACS installations.

Refs #3563 (closed)

Without a resolution to #4422 (closed) / #4423 (closed), the tests against MPI-GROMACS with mpiexec -n 2 cannot pass. I can either add some logic to skip this particular case until a fix for #4422 (closed) / #4423 (closed) is asserted (e.g. pytest.mark.skip_if(not gmxapi.version.has_feature('4423-fix'))) or this MR can be combined with the MR that provides the #4422 (closed) solution.

Edited by M. Eric Irrgang

Merge request reports