dot creates ugly edge instead of simple curve
Steps to reproduce
dot -Tpng myfile.gv >myfile.png
digraph G {
rankdir = LR;
node [ shape = circle ];
node [ label = "", width = 0.3 ];
S10 -> S5 [ label = <i> ];
S7 [ shape = doublecircle ];
S2 -> S11 [ label = <a> ];
S8 -> S10 [ label = <t> ];
S5 -> S4 [ label = <o> ];
S5 -> S2 [ label = <c> ];
S4 -> S2 [ label = <n> ];
S0 -> S7 [ label = <n> ];
S8 -> S0 [ label = <e> ];
Instead of simple curve connecting S5 -> S2
, "c" edge contains a "hiccup"
Expected Behaviour
"Nice" symmetric edge is desired
Actual Behaviour
OS Version
lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Linuxmint
Description: Linux Mint 20.3
Release: 20.3
Codename: una
Graphviz Version
dot - graphviz version 4.0.1~dev.20220529.1049 (20220529.1049)