"splines = true" merging multiedges together when using the neato engine
Steps to reproduce
URL to example of graph with splines = false
Then swap splines = false to splines = true to see the difference
Or render using graphviz #graphviz.render('neato', 'png', 'filename').replace('\', '/')
Expected Behaviour
When using splines = true I would expect the edges to go around the nodes but without merging the multi-edges between some of the nodes
Actual Behaviour
When using splines = true, parallel edges (multi-edges) get merged and I loose some of my edges.
OS Version
Windows - 21H1
Graphviz Version
neato - graphviz version 2.50.0
Additional info
As seen in this stackoverflow post parallel edges used to be rendered differently: The stackoverflow link in question Testing the code in that link the edges dont render like they do now, so this is probably a bug introduced in later updates. Rendered using http://magjac.com/graphviz-visual-editor/, http://viz-js.com/ and python graphviz.render give the same results.