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  • AJ Heller's avatar
    Migrate the bm_diff benchmarks to python3 (#25619) · 5139a012
    AJ Heller authored
    * Migrate the bm_diff benchmarks to python3
    Includes a requirements.txt pinned at ~2017 versions, when this script
    was first written.
    * Replace p2 with p3 scipy/numpy dependencies.
    * py2->3 for benchmark setup scripts
    * upgrade pip to resolve python3 cryptography/setuptools-rust problem
    * re-add jobset import (accidentally removed)
    * re-add six's urllib import. This file is still used in py2 tests
    * force py3 in
    * Fix another instance of subprocess.check_output binary mode
    * Use the requirements.txt for CI perf environment setup
    * Try to upgrade PyJWT. (v2.0.0 was problematic, #25053)
    v2.x makes encode return strs from jwt.encode in both py2 and py3.
    Previously, py3 would return bytes, and py2 a str.
    * upgate cryptography lib version requirements for jwt.
    * Wrap pip requirements specifier in quotes '>=x,<y'
    * Decode subprocess output once instead of for every line
    * Revert "Decode subprocess output once instead of for every line"
    This reverts commit 28d14026431622ac7afd3535a8d7118e5be96628.
    py2 doesn't support the `text` argument to subprocess.check_output.
    * Address reviewer requests
    * Pin a valid scipy version
    * Remove scipy and tabulate dependencies from macos tests