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Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos requested to merge tmp-no-well-defined into master

This removes the documented use of this macro. It was non-functional. Given the nature of the definition of the non-well defined date for certificates, it may be wise not to use a special macro at all. The reason is that the no-well defined date is a real date (~year 9999), and any approximation with seconds will be unstable due to irregular leap seconds.


  • Code modified for feature
  • Documentation updated / NEWS entry present (for non-trivial changes)

Reviewer's checklist:

  • Any issues marked for closing are addressed
  • There is a test suite reasonably covering new functionality or modifications
  • Function naming, parameters, return values, types, etc., are consistent and according to
  • This feature/change has adequate documentation added
  • No obvious mistakes in the code

Merge request reports