tests: correct gost server certificates
All threads resolved!
All threads resolved!
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Commits have Signed-off-by:
with name/author being identical to the commit author -
Code modified for feature -
CI timeout is 2h or higher (see Settings/CICD/General pipelines/Timeout)
Reviewer's checklist:
Any issues marked for closing are addressed -
There is a test suite reasonably covering new functionality or modifications -
Function naming, parameters, return values, types, etc., are consistent and according to CONTRIBUTION.md
This feature/change has adequate documentation added -
No obvious mistakes in the code
Edited by Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos
Merge request reports
added need review label
- Resolved by Dmitry Baryshkov
added 31 commits
7639158a...5d5613b7 - 30 commits from branch
- a1f8f103 - tests: correct gost server certificates
7639158a...5d5613b7 - 30 commits from branch
mentioned in commit fb791c36
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