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Other labels

  • triagedquestion
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is a question to use the library
  • triagedenhancement
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is a request for enhancement of the library
  • triageddiscussion
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This is a discussion issue, or the issue requires discussion for clarification
  • triagedchore
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue does not affect functionality of GnuTLS, but needs to be done for housekeeping the project (e.g., updating submodules)
  • triagedbug
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is a deficiency in the library
  • regression
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue has been identified as a regression from the past releases
  • process
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is about the project's processes
  • platformwindows
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is related to Windows platform
  • platformmacos
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is related to macOS platform
  • patch-or-wont-happen
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    We lack development resources; if nobody steps up to create a patch, this feature or bug fix won't happen
  • need tests
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This patch set needs additional tests
  • need review
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This merge request needs reviewing
  • need investigation
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue needs to be investigated further to figure the root cause
  • need information
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    More information should be provided to clarify the issue
  • need attention
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is open for long without a triage
  • infrastructure
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is about infrastructure (e.g., CI, issue tracker), rather than the codebase itself
  • Support for additional algorithms as a compromise between our message of being a TLS library, and being useful to our users.
  • good first issue
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This issue is appropriate as a first project for new contributors
  • blocked
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    The issue needs more information to proceed; or this merge request cannot proceed as is.
  • backlog
    gnutls / GnuTLS
    This is about nice ideas which are deemed interesting but not to be immediately implemented.