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Making list command fzf friendly

Gonzalo Matheu requested to merge plain_list into fork-master

--no-header and --plain flags are added to make the list command output friendlier to fzf.

Output looks like:

➜  pass --plain --no-header
I am a cred with lots of spaces

and the default output is:

➜  pass 
Password Store
├── a
│   ├── 1
│   └── 2
├── b
├── cred1
└── I am a cred with lots of spaces

Having fzf installed and executing pass show $(pass --plain --no-header | fzf) will open the fuzzy finder to search password names. (I wrote a password-store zsh plugin using antigen)

asciinema recording with usage ->

Edited by Gonzalo Matheu

Merge request reports