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  • Jeff King's avatar
    fsck: detect very large tree pathnames · 0fbcaef6
    Jeff King authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    In general, Git tries not to arbitrarily limit what it will store, and
    there are currently no limits at all on the size of the path we find in
    a tree. In theory you could have one that is gigabytes long.
    But in practice this freedom is not really helping anybody, and is
    potentially harmful:
      1. Most operating systems have much lower limits for the size of a
         single pathname component (e.g., on Linux you'll generally get
         ENAMETOOLONG for anything over 255 bytes). And while you _can_ use
         Git in a way that never touches the filesystem (manipulating the
         index and trees directly), it's still probably not a good idea to
         have gigantic tree names. Many operations load and traverse them,
         so any clever Git-as-a-database scheme is likely to perform poorly
         in that case.
      2. We still have a lot of code which assumes strings are reasonably
         sized, and I won't be at all surprised if you can trigger some
         interesting integer overflows with gigantic pathnames. Stopping
         malicious trees from entering the repository provides an extra line
         of defense, protecting downstream code.
    This patch implements an fsck check so that such trees can be rejected
    by transfer.fsckObjects. I've picked a reasonably high maximum depth
    here (4096) that hopefully should not bother anybody in practice. I've
    also made it configurable, as an escape hatch.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff King <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>