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  • Matheus Tavares's avatar
    replace-object: make replace operations thread-safe · b1fc9da1
    Matheus Tavares authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    replace-object functions are very close to being thread-safe: the only
    current racy section is the lazy initialization at
    prepare_replace_object(). The following patches will protect some object
    reading operations to be called threaded, but before that, replace
    functions must be protected. To do so, add a mutex to struct
    raw_object_store and acquire it before lazy initializing the
    replace_map. This won't cause any noticeable performance drop as the
    mutex will no longer be used after the replace_map is initialized.
    Later, when the replace functions are called in parallel, thread
    debuggers might point our use of the added replace_map_initialized flag
    as a data race. However, as this boolean variable is initialized as
    false and it's only updated once, there's no real harm. It's perfectly
    fine if the value is updated right after a thread read it in
    replace-map.h:lookup_replace_object() (there'll only be a performance
    penalty for the affected threads at that...