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Solution validation: Wiki layout changes
What's this issue all about? (Background and context)
We are making changes to the layout of the wiki pages for reading and editing wiki pages.
What are the overarching goals for the research?
- Get feedback on layout changes with the wiki
- Get initial feedback of use of a popup for commit flow
What hypotheses and/or assumptions do you have?
- New layout for editing is more inviting due to larger focus to the content
- Infrequent actions like "Delete" will be found in the "more"/"overflow" menu
- Committing changes and saving changes are the same when there is no reviewer needed (aka the wiki flow)
What research questions are you trying to answer?
- How would you change the location of this page if we don't make it obvious that you can change the path from the title area?
- Could we lower the prominence of "Clone repository" or "Edit sidebar" in future designs?
- See if anyone notices missing sidebar while editing
- What is the general feeling on the saving flow
- What actions are we missing in the wiki
What persona, persona segment, or customer type experiences the problem most acutely?
- Eddie - Content Editor (link)
What business decisions will be made based on this information?
Design direction for updating the wiki layout and saving flow.
What, if any, relevant prior research already exists?
Who will be leading the research?
What timescales do you have in mind for the research?
Relevant links (script, prototype, notes, etc.)
- Prototype - Reading wiki actions: link
- What do the actions on the right sidebar "Clone repository" and "Edit sidebar" mean?
- When would you use the actions "Clone repository" and "Edit sidebar"?
- How would you delete this page?
- Was there an action that you expected while reading a wiki page that was missing in the prototype?
- What action would you replace the placeholder "Action" button and how would that make your experience better?
- Prototype - Editing: link
- How would you change the title of the page?
- What is the parent directory of this page?
- How would you move/change the parent directory of this wiki page?
- How would you save changes for edits made on the page?
- Based on what you saw today, how does this compare to your current documentation tool/platform?
Figma: design file
- Presentation of wiki layout felt familiar/similar to participant's current tool (link)
- Editing the title was straightforward (link)
- Participants did not suggest changing the title by editing the title to include path info (link)
- The intended answer was to use the new option of “Move to…” in the menu or suggesting something about changing the title.
- Participants found the “Move to…” option or suggested changing the parent directory by using the breadcrumb. Nobody in the first 5 participants suggested changing the title.
- Saving changes in a popup did not raise concern (link)
- Participants found the delete action in the 3 dots menu (link)
- Participants suggested that having a visible delete button would make it easier to find.
- Edit sidebar expectactions does not match current behaviour (link)
- Edit sidebar suggested functionality:
- Changing links
- Editing headings
- Organize list in more convenient way
- Edit sidebar suggested functionality:
- Sharing a wiki page is an action that was suggested from participants with Confluence (link)
- Participants from a Confluence background raised the feature of sharing a wiki page because sometimes the URL can be long so having a share button makes it convenient.
- Participants screened as GitLab users were confused about this question and suggested editing functionality for the page.
- Action: We currently don’t have a share button so we could reserve this secondary action for “Edit” and revisit “Share” functionality in the future.
- Could reframe the action of "Clone repository" to reflect user benefit (link)
- Participants saw the functionality to clone repository as a way of working from local machine
- Not a frequently used action
- Participant suggested auto-save wiki changes as a draft (link)
- Edits should auto save and the button would be for publish/commit the change.
Video walkthrough: