Title format: "Recruiting for #(issue id of your research project)"
Example: "Recruiting for #123"
Title format: "Recruiting for #(issue id of your research project)" Example: "Recruiting for #123"
<!---To learn about the Research Recruitment process please review the Recruiting handbook page at https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/ux-research-training/recruiting-participants/>--->
To learn about the Research Recruitment process please review the Recruiting handbook page at https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/ux-research-training/recruiting-participants/>
## To be completed by the Requester
#### What is the link to the research issue/epic you're recruiting for?
<!---If it's an issue, create a relationship by pasting the issue URL into the /relate quick action below. --->
#### What is the research project you're recruiting for?
<!--Create a relationship by pasting the issue URL into the /relate quick action below. -->
/relate ISSUE-URL
#### Who are your target participants?
<!---For example: SREs who use Kubernetes; a mix of GitLab and non-GitLab users. Are there underrepresented groups that would like to ensure you speak with, whom and how many?--->
<!--Add specific recruitment criteria, e.g. "SREs who use Kubernetes, a mix of GitLab and non-GitLab users, Assistive Technology users." -->
#### What is your target sample size?
<!---For example: If you are conducting user interviews, how many people would you like to speak with?--->
<!--Speak with the UX Researcher if unsure. We recommend 5-8 per user group for usability test, interviews, 8-10 for diary study, 15-20 for card sorting, 30 for tree testing. -->
#### What is the link to your screener or survey?
<!---Please note your screener or survey must be entered into Qualtrics before it can be distributed to users.
Need help getting started with your screener? Here's an example of a completed screener - https://gitlab.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/preview/SV_cT80heuzGIlAdZH?Q_SurveyVersionID=current&Q_CHL=preview--->
To ensure that the UX Research Operations Coordinator can properly edit and field the Qualtrics screener, please also provide a Google Doc version of the screener with the qualifying & disqualifying criteria clearly labeled. Here is an [example](https://docs.google.com/document/d/12i2eVYQYyjRhaoHm5ufww67tMvqCOWKimV64CiOKopA/edit?usp=sharing) for guidance. If you have not provided the Google Doc version of your screener your coordinator will not be able to shortlist for you.
<!--Screener or survey must be entered into Qualtrics before it can be distributed to users.
* Have you shared the screener in Qualtrics and Google Doc format with the UX Research Operations Coordinator?
- [ ] cfaughnan@gitlab.com
Need help getting started with your screener? Here's an example of a completed screener - https://gitlab.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/preview/SV_cT80heuzGIlAdZH?Q_SurveyVersionID=current&Q_CHL=preview -->
***`The remaining questions relate to _moderated_ sessions only:`***
***(Required)** Screener in Google doc, with qualifying & disqualifying criteria clearly labeled:
* Screener in Qualtrics (if exist already):
* Screener in Rally (if exist as part of the study):
#### Has your screener gone through peer review?
**(Required)** To request a review, post in the #ux_research_team_lounge channel. Either a UX Research Operations Coordinator or UX Researcher will review and provide feedback.
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
**(Required)** Before launching your screener, please contact your assigned UX Researcher, a member of the [UX Research Team](https://handbook.gitlab.com/handbook/product/ux/ux-research/how-uxr-team-operates/#how-ux-researchers-are-assigned), or another team member associated with the research project in this issue to confirm your target participants. Any changes made to the target audience need to be communicated with the DRIs on this issue before the screener gets distributed to users.
- Insert a link to the issue comment here:
**(Required)** Tick the box if you've done the following. Note recruitment **cannot** proceed if the following steps are not completed:
- [ ] The screener has gone through peer review with the UX Research team.
- [ ] **(If ReOps to set up the screener)** The screener doc is shared with the UX Research Operations Coordinator (cfaughnan@gitlab.com).
#### When are you hoping to meet with users?
<!---For example: Over the next 2 weeks, within the next month, etc. Remember that recruitment timelines have a minimum of 2 weeks depending on criteria.--->
@@ -45,25 +39,37 @@ To ensure that the UX Research Operations Coordinator can properly edit and fiel
<!--- Once you provide the length of your study, the UX Research Operations Coordinator will be able to assign the correct incentive amount.
#### Would you like the UX Research Operations Coordinator assigned to your issue to shortlist for you?
<!---Shortlisting means that the Coordinator assigned to your project will highlight potential individuals to you as they respond to the screener that may be a good fit for your study.--->
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
#### Does the Research DRI have any upcoming vacation time that may impact scheduling sessions for this study?
#### Do you have any upcoming vacation time that may impact scheduling sessions for this study?
## Checklist Before Launch
#### What is the link to your Calendly?
<!---If participants are not being sourced via Respondent, please ensure that you have done the following:
1. Limited your bookable hours: Calendly -> Event types -> 30 min meeting -> When can people book this event? -> Add your available times
2. Specified several different time periods that you'll be able to speak with users.
**Requester To-Dos**
* [ ] Comfirm with the UX Researcher that the recruitment criteria described here reflect your agreement.
* [ ] Apply ~"ReOps::ready for triage" label to this request.
Please note that if you are booking participants through Respondent, you will be asked to re-enter your availability there, because we are required to book through the platform.
**UX Research Operations Coordinator To-Dos**
* [ ] Unassign other Research Ops Coordinator & comment to let them know you'll be taking the request.
* [ ] Remove the ~"ReOps::ready for triage" label and replace with the ReOps grading level.
*[ ] Add Study to [ReOps Metrics Tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oL_SpHMs_iDJrU94a1KnLBB668ieDgeXfJNoQXhHmWs/edit#gid=0)
* [ ] Sense check the screener or survey.
* [ ] Comment here once the above actions are done, and inform the Requester to continue with next steps.
## Checklist to Launch the Recruitment
#### What is the link to your personal Zoom link?
<!---If participants are being sourced via Respondent, then please put your Zoom Personal Link (an alias of your personal meeting URL). -->
**Requester To-Dos**
***For Grade 1-2 level requests:**
* [ ] Follow the recruitment self-serve guide.
* [ ] If applicable, tag your UX Researcher for incentive processing in Rally.
**UX Research Operations Coordinator To-Dos**
***For Grade 3-4 or ReOps Assisted level requests:**
* [ ] Distribute the screener or survey. Remember: With surveys, send to a sample of participants first.
* [ ] Schedule participants [if required].
* [ ] Pay participants.
## (If recruitment is done outside of Rally) Checklist for Incentive Processing
**Requester To Dos**
*[ ] [Make a copy of the participant reimbursement spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1moXi9orRAC2-nmlO-f0P0pnFsZu7PEspBrOjSl-Ooaw/copy) and rename the copy to match the recruiting request issue (Please use the following naming convention: <RecruitingIssueID#-RecruitmentRequest> Example: _Recruiting Issue 1234 - Recruitment Request_).
* [ ] Follow the instructions in the copied spreadsheet.
*[ ] Move your copied sheet to the [UX Incentives Request](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rfHKQbG4-X7COhIg33ycL6FlmEoIw0ZE) folder in the shared UX Research drive.
@@ -72,19 +78,13 @@ Please note that if you are booking participants through Respondent, you will be
<!--- Please note you do not need to open a separate Incentives issue once the Recruiting issue is open for User Interviews.
## To be completed by the UX Research Operations Coordinator
* [ ] Unassign other Research Ops Coordinator & comment to let them know you'll be taking the request.
* [ ] Remove the ReOps::Triage label and replace with the ReOps grading level.
*[ ] Add Study to [ReOps Metrics Tracker](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oL_SpHMs_iDJrU94a1KnLBB668ieDgeXfJNoQXhHmWs/edit#gid=0)
* [ ] Sense check the screener or survey.
* [ ] Check that the requestor's Calendly link is set-up correctly.
* [ ] Distribute the screener or survey. Remember: With surveys, send to a sample of participants first.
* [ ] Schedule participants [if required].
* [ ] Pay participants.
**UX Research Operations Coordinator To-Dos**
* [ ] Pay participants in the spreadsheet.
* [ ] Delete the copied spreadsheet from Google Drive (to reduce the PII footprint).
* [ ] Close study in Research Ops Spreadsheet
## Invited participants
## (Optional - for collaborative research projects) Participants Table
| Participant | Invite? |Scheduled | Interviewed | Thank you gift sent? | Additional Notes |