Improve Auto DevOps page for clarity
Issue Description
In my February, 2021 skip-level with @clenneville, we discussed the status of the Auto DevOps documentation page at The page as it exists would benefit from information architecture and an initial implementation of CTRT. It was also noted that there's increased awareness of this page, due to a desire to more effectively market the use of the Auto DevOps feature.
This issue will describe the effort to improve this page to at least meet the following requirements:
The page will effectively describe the concept of Auto DevOps. -
The tweet content will be removed from the page.~~ - gitlab!54625 (merged) -
A link will be added to the Marketing page regarding Auto DevOps, as a straightforward "And here's more info..." style. - gitlab!54625 (merged) -
The page's complexity will be reduced by linking more effectively to other pages that contain needed content about the feature. => gitlab!66153 (merged) -
The page's reading level will be kept in mind and hopefully reduced, in an effort to improve the page's clarity. => gitlab!66153 (merged)
Additional improvements may be added over time. Note that this effort isn't an end-all effort for this page, but an attempt to get the page to a baseline level of "this is helpful."
The deliverable for this issue is one or more MRs that address the stated needs.