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Working with docker windows

Florian requested to merge agixid/security-code-scan:dotnet-framework into master

What does this MR do?

I successfully built and used security-code-scan "docker on windows" for WebGoat.NET

I don't think we can easily combine "classic" security-code-scan and "framework" security-code-scan as they don't use the same base docker images and it may require to push multiple flavor for each .NET framework version depending on projects.

I pushed the two images on dockerhub if you want a quick try.

From windows and with a docker on windows server :

git clone
cd WebGoat.NET
docker run --interactive --tty --rm --volume "%cd%":C:\tmp\app --env CI_PROJECT_DIR=C:\tmp\app\WebGoat agix/security-code-scan-framework:3.5_3.2.0

I didn't take time to use it directly from gitlab ci with sast but I bet SAST_ANALYZER_IMAGES would do the trick (and I have to figure it out how to tell sast to use my image in case this is dotnet-framework project)

I also need more project to test on, so help is appreciated.

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