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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • Issues belonging to the Secret Detection group of the Secure stage. See
  • Moved from `group::provision` to `group::fulfillment platform`.
  • Any issue or epic relating to features/enhancements that will enable users to better perform their remediation tasks for vulnerabilities. This can include prioritization methods or any mechanism that makes AppSec's job easier.
  • Roadmap theme for Composition Analysis, focusing on expanding scanner coverage enhancements. This can include updates to existing functionality as well as supporting new languages / frameworks / package managers.
  • estimatexxl
    >6 months for 1 engineer
  • estimatelarge
    6 months for 1 engineer
  • estimatemedium
    3 months for 1 engineer
  • estimatesmall
    1 month for 1 engineer
  • estimatetiny
    1-2 weeks for 1 engineer
  • Inactive issues that are not for the current quarter to improve contributor journey as part of the open source growth strategy:
  • Inactive issues that are not for the current quarter to scale the community as part of the open source growth strategy:
  • Inactive issues that are not for the current quarter that address internal technical debt or improve workflow processes in support of the open source growth strategy:
  • Inactive issues that are not for the current quarter to increase contribution value as part of the open source growth strategy:
  • Inactive issues that are not for the current quarter to expand outreach as part of the open source growth strategy: