Repository graph
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Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 322930-ignore-gemfile-lock
- 348489-use-name-instead-of-src-name
- 372273-update-schema-to-15-0.2
- 372766-add-appsec-scanning
- 390709-upgrade-ruby
- 396381-sbom-scanning-integration-test
- 439165_remove_grype
- 451071_remove_cyclonedx_override
- 477092-manual-mize-install
- 6/backport-dont-push-to-latest
- add-cache-to-ruby
- add-coverage
- add-generic-integration-tests
- add-integration-tests-for-almalinux
- add-integration-tests-for-amazon-linux
- add-integration-tests-for-debian
- add-integration-tests-for-distroless
- add-integration-tests-for-opensuse
- add-integration-tests-for-oracle-linux
- add-integration-tests-for-photon
- Tags 20
- 7.3.18 protected
- 7.3.17 protected
- 7.3.16 protected
- 7.3.15 protected
- 5.5.11 protected
- 6.7.7 protected
- 7.3.14 protected
- 7.3.13 protected
- 7.3.12 protected
- 7.3.11 protected
- 6.7.6 protected
- 7.3.10 protected
- 7.3.9 protected
- 7.3.8 protected
- 7.3.7 protected
- 7.3.6 protected
- 6.7.5 protected
- 7.3.5 protected
- 6.7.4 protected
- 7.3.4 protected