Release 12.2
First steps
Create a new slack channel #f_release_12_2
Set the channel topic to RMs:
Invite all current release managers -
Inside the old release slack channel, notify about#f_release_12_2
Hello :wave: We are starting 12.2 into #f_release_12_2 Please archive this channel and join #f_release_12_2 if interested
Determine latest day of the month where we'd create the stable branch: 19th August 2019______ - This will be known as the freeze date
- Monitor QA issues for each deploy to
- Ensure any deploys that do not make it to canary are investigated
- Try to push any successful deploy to canary into production after some time has passed, preferrably after all QA tasks are accounted and checked
- Monitor for any blockers to production and determine if canary should be disabled
Release Candidate
- Follow instructions in the release candidate issue on the aforementioned freeze date
Keep in mind that:
- After the freeze date only regression, security, and documentation fixes should be cherry-picked into stable branches.
- The final RC should point to the same commit as the final release.
At 15:00 UTC
If the final RC isn't tagged and deployed by this time, notify the Distribution Lead.
At 20:00 UTC
If the final RC still isn't tagged and deployed by this time, notify the VP of Engineering.
22nd: release day
No new code can be added to the release that was not included in the final RC.
At 08:00 UTC, final release is ready for tagging (Including changes at this stage requires signoff from the VP of Engineering):
Ensure tests are green on CE stable branch -
Ensure tests are green on EE stable branch -
Ensure tests are green on Omnibus CE stable branch -
Ensure tests are green on Omnibus EE stable branch -
Ensure master and stable branches are synced
Before 10:00 UTC:
Tag 12.2.0
:# In Slack: /chatops run release tag 12.2.0
Check progress of EE packages build and CE packages build
Before 12:00 UTC:
Deploy 12.2.0
to the canary VMs on In Slack: /chatops run deploy 12.2.0-ee.0 --production --canary
Confirm that there are no errors on canary
At 13:30 UTC:
Publish the packages via ChatOps: # In Slack: /chatops run publish 12.2.0
- Make sure that neither packages nor the blog post get published earlier than planned without approval by the messaging lead of the release post. Mind that you don't need their approval if you're on time
- If anything goes wrong and the release is delayed, ping the release post manager on Slack to make them aware of the issue. Cross-post the slack message to the #marketing channel to notify them too
At 14:10 UTC:
Verify that packages appear on
: EE / CE -
Verify that Docker images appear on
: EE / CE -
Create the 12.2.0
version on -
Once all packages are available publicly and is up and running on the release version, ping the release post manager on Slack (#release-post channel) to give them a go to merge the release post at ~14:20 UTC, so that it will be live at 15:00 UTC -
Make sure the release post manager will tweet about the 12.2.0
release. If they don't respond, ensure someone else tweets from the#releases
Edited by John Skarbek