Merge requests requiring attention for `group::workspace` - 2022-08-08
Hi, @mksionek
This is a group level merge requests report. This report contains:
- Open team MRs updated more than 28 days ago
Please review these merge requests to identify if there are any steps that can shorten the time to merge, such as reminding the author or reviewers about it, marking it as draft or closing the MR.
Weekly idle merge request trends by group can be found in the Sisense dashboard or details on the report in the handbook
- Confirm your group's Open MR Review Time is within target on your Engineering metrics dashboard
Idle team merge requests (human updated more than 28 days ago)
- @mksionek - gitlab-org/gitlab!84565 (merged) devopsmanage, ~"group::workspace", sectiondev, typemaintenance
- @serenafang - gitlab-org/gitlab!81951 (closed) backend, devopsmanage, ~"group::workspace", sectiondev
- @serenafang - gitlab-org/gitlab!81472 (merged) backend, devopsmanage, ~"group::workspace", sectiondev, typebug, workflowin dev
Note: Using full links to the merge requests will update the merge request which will remove them from the future report.
Job URL:
This merge request report was generated from this policy