2020-11-16 Newly created unlabelled issues requiring initial triage
Hi Triage Team,
Here is a list of the latest issues without labels in the project.
In accordance with the Partial triage guidelines, we would like to ask you to:
If the issue is spam, report the abuse and make the issue confidential. Flag the report that is raised in the
Slack channel with a link to the issue and alert the@abuse-team
. -
If the issue is a request for help, you can use this template to provide resources and close the issue:
Hey @author. Based on the information given, this request for support is out of the scope of the issue tracker (which is for new bug reports and feature proposals). Unfortunately, I won't be able to help get it resolved. However, for support requests we have several resources that you can use to find help and support from the Community, including: * [Technical Support for Paid Tiers](https://about.gitlab.com/support/) * [Community Forum](https://forum.gitlab.com/) * [Reference Documents and Videos](https://about.gitlab.com/get-help/#references) Please refer to our [Support page](https://about.gitlab.com/support/) for more information. If you believe this was closed in error, please feel free to re-open the issue. /label ~"support request" /close
- If the issue is re-opened after you closed it, you should get an email notification and would then be responsible for re-evaluating the issue.
- (Optional) Alternatively, instead of closing the issue when using the template above, you could take on the role of customer support and ask the reporter for more information so we can properly assist them. If you do this, add the awaiting feedback label.
Check for duplicate issues. If identified as a duplicate, the new issue can be closed with a note similar to:
Hey @author. Thanks for creating this issue, but it looks like a duplicate of #issue. I'm closing this issue in favour of #issue. Please add your thoughts and feedback on #issue (don't forget to upvote feature proposals). /duplicate #issue
If it is unclear whether the issue is a bug or a support request:
the PM/EM for the relevant group and ask for their opinion.
Add a type label.
- If identified as a bug, add a severity label.
- If the severity is severity1 or severity2, mention relevant PM/EMs from the relevant stage group from product devstages categories.
Add a stage label.
Add a group label.
Add relevant category labels to facilitate automatic addition of stage and group labels.
If needed, mention relevant domain experts if the issue requires further attention.
(Optional) Mention relevant PM/EMs from the relevant stage group from product devstages categories.
For the issues triaged please check off the box in front of the given issue.
Once you've triaged all the issues assigned to you, you can unassign yourself with the /unassign me
quick action.
When all the checkboxes are done, close the issue, and celebrate!
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283795 STREAMING:- England vs Belgium Live Stream
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283794 England vs Belgium Live stream - TOTAL SPORTEK
gitlab-org/gitlab#283793 StreamS
reddit@@~England vs Belgium Live Stream Reddit
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283814 Live!! Belgium vs England Live Stream Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283813 (StrEaMs^LiVe)@!!Denmark vs Iceland Live Stream ~ Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283812 STREAMING-Iceland vs Denmark Live Stream Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283817 [Reddit/Streams]!!Belgium vs. England live stream @reddit free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283816 [Official@FREE"]"!"Belgium vs. England"liVe StreaMs-reddit
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283815 NFL Streams - Reddit
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281818 (closed) Repository browser cannot show contents of folder names starting with "@"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281713 (closed) Release evidence doesn't include issues
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281720 (closed) Error 500 on initial loading Gitlab Community Edition
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281711 (closed) MergeService ERROR: Merge request is not mergeable
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281710 Docs feedback: Write your title
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281699 (closed) gitlab-CI: overriding an included variable with an empty value
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283808 (StrEaMs^LiVe)@!!England vs Belgium Live Stream ~ Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283806 Italy- Poland in diretta streaming
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283805 Italy vs Poland in diretta streaming
gitlab-org/gitlab#283804 StreamS
reddit@@~Italy vs Poland Live Stream Reddit - gitlab-org/gitlab#283803 (("STrEaMs-reddit"))Italy vs Poland Live Stream @.Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283802 STREAMING:- Italy vs Poland Live Stream
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282339 (closed) Moving an Issue between projects in Milestone shows twice
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282297 Add Issue Weight to Milestone View
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281951 (closed) Disappeared a shortcut to reply an MR discussion immediately
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281944 (closed) New group + Mattermost team results into 500 error
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281878 (closed) Cannot run a delayed job with rules and depending on a previous success of a job
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281837 (closed) Use GitPod directly from a merge request and file view instead of the Web IDE
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282623 Chatwork: Registration complete
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282624 Chatwork: Just one more step to get started
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282591 (closed) Remove extra line present in multiline commit description
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281698 (closed) Not all CI environment variables being fetched via Gitlab api GET request
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281695 (closed) Docs feedback: registry garbage collector
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281692 Pages access control values are confusing
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282540 Allow adding an explanatory comment when editing several Issues at once
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282538 display security and compliance scanner output for triage upon catching non-zero exit codes
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282518 (closed) JIRA Issue Integration - Allow Multiple Project Keys
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282438 (closed) Ability to reference Maintainers or Developers from CODEOWNERS
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282423 (closed) Merge request security reports comparison details in documentation request
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282419 Server to Server Authentication/Authorization on behalf of a user event
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281691 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281690 (closed) The area for assigning labels is too small on issues.
- gitlab-org/gitlab#281681 (moved) no space left on device, cause unknown
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283824 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283823 (closed) Application security feature addition: Add ability to block MR when SAST/DAST scans find new vulnerabilities
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283821 [Reddit/Streams]!!Rafael Nadal vs Andrey Rublev live stream @reddit free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283820 Collect artifacts from child pipelines in release evidence
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283819 [Official@FREE"]"!"Rafael Nadal vs Andrey Rublev"liVe StreaMs-reddit
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283818 Live!! Rafael Nadal vs Andrey Rublev Live Stream Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283801 Iceland vs Denmark Live stream - TOTAL SPORTEK
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283800 (("STrEaMs-reddit"))Denmark vs Iceland Live Stream @.Free
gitlab-org/gitlab#283799 StreamS
reddit@@~Denmark vs Iceland Live Stream Reddit
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283423 Error: release review-testing-fs-q0p1ep failed: timed out waiting for the condition
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283422 (closed) Docs feedback: Need documentation on how to specify saml providers
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283170 (closed) Clicking on an image in a commit duplicates avatar next to comment box
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283792 (("STrEaMs-reddit"))England vs Belgium Live Stream @.Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283621 (closed) Pipeline page/tab dependencies are visualised wrongly
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283438 (closed) No button in environment sections for review app even after a successful job
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282516 (closed) gitlab pipelines external jobs allow_failure
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282486 (closed) Create release without source code assets
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282443 IFrame embedding does not work
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283798 STREAMING- Iceland vs Denmark Live Stream.@Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283797 STREAMING:- Denmark vs Iceland Live Stream
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283796 STREAMING- Belgiumvs England Live Stream.@Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283164 (closed) Support for South Africa region S3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282980 (closed) Mermaid Markdown ER Diagram text not visible
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282625 External pipeline status not getting applied to all branches and MRs containing the commit
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282414 Spam fighting: please allow to use akismet on bio and website_url of users
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282410 (closed) Docs feedback - feature proposal: Write your title
- gitlab-org/gitlab#282408 (closed) The contribution calendar sometimes only shows half-yearly data
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283811 STREAMING-Poland vs Italy Live Stream Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283810 (StrEaMs^LiVe)@!!Italy vs. Poland Live Stream ~ Free
- gitlab-org/gitlab#283809 STREAMING-Belgium vs England Live Stream Free