2022-06-27 - Quad Planning Issues for Dev
Hi @gl-quality/dev-qe
Please quad-plan the following issues:
groupsource code
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#362707 (closed) Branch rules MVC: Add GraphQL endpoint to update the Branch rule Category:Source Code Management, Deliverable, backend, devopscreate, groupsource code, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#362706 (closed) Branch rules MVC: Add GraphQL endpoint to retrieve the list of Branch rules Category:Source Code Management, Deliverable, backend, devopscreate, groupsource code, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#362705 (closed) Branch rules MVC: Design or reuse the database schema to store Branch rules Category:Source Code Management, Deliverable, backend, database, devopscreate, groupsource code, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#362219 (closed) Branch rules MVC: Add GraphQL endpoint to delete the Branch rule Category:Source Code Management, Deliverable, Stretch, automation:ml, backend, devopscreate, groupsource code, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
gitlab-org/gitlab#348426 Deprecate column
. Category:Source Code Management, Stretch, backend, devopscreate, groupsource code, maintenancerefactor, missed:14.10, missed:14.8, missed:14.9, missed:15.0, missed:15.1, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2 - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/343103 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
groupcode review
Group:- gitlab-org/cli#1003 (closed) Replace codeql.yml with Gitlab security scanner(s) Deliverable, auto updated, cli, devopscreate, groupcode review, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.0
- gitlab-org/cli#1002 (closed) Migrate build_docs.yml -> Gitlab CI Deliverable, auto updated, cli, devopscreate, groupcode review, missed-deliverable, missed:14.10, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.0
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/343362 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#333947 (closed) Remove tmp_index_merge_requests_draft_and_status Deliverable, backend, database, devopscreate, groupcode review, missed-deliverable, missed:15.1, sectiondev, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#24733 (closed) Disable diff inclusion in comment emails for a repository Category:Source Code Management, Technical Writing, UX, customer, devopscreate, diff, emails, groupcode review, notifications, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
Group: ~"group::editor"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#365996 (closed) Create REST API endpoint for projects/project_id/ls_files Category:Web IDE, GitLab Free, Stretch, backend, devopscreate, frontend, ~"group::editor", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#365265 Allow to navigate from a footnote reference to a footnote definition in the Content Editor ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"Content Editor", featureenhancement, frontend, ~"group::editor", typefeature, workflowready for development %15.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#363026 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable pages_lets_encrypt_ecdsa Category:Pages, devopscreate, feature flag, featureaddition, ~"group::editor", missed:15.1, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#359022 (closed) Deserialize front matter on the FE ~"Content Editor", Deliverable, GitLab Free, devopscreate, featureenhancement, ~"group::editor", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#359020 (closed) Deserialize color chips on the FE ~"Content Editor", GitLab Free, Stretch, devopscreate, featureenhancement, ~"group::editor", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#359012 (closed) Deserialize embedded video and audio on the FE ~"Content Editor", Deliverable, GitLab Free, devopscreate, featureenhancement, ~"group::editor", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#355924 Calculate renames in the custom VS Code filesystem module ~"Accepting merge requests", Category:Web IDE, GitLab Free, Stretch, devopscreate, frontend, ~"group::editor", missed:14.10, missed:15.0, missed:15.1, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#355923 (closed) TDD a polished custom VS Code filesystem module ~"Accepting merge requests", Category:Web IDE, GitLab Free, devopscreate, frontend, ~"group::editor", missed:14.10, missed:15.0, missed:15.1, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#355922 (closed) Configure TDD for custom filesystem module for client-side VS Code ~"Accepting merge requests", Category:Web IDE, GitLab Free, devopscreate, featureaddition, frontend, ~"group::editor", missed:14.10, missed:15.0, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#352667 (closed) Support autocomplete suggestions in Content Editor ~"Content Editor", Deliverable, GitLab Free, devopscreate, featureaddition, frontend, ~"group::editor", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#343361 Add test coverage for HTML extensions in the Content Editor ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"Content Editor", Deliverable, auto updated, devopscreate, frontend, ~"group::editor", maintenancerefactor, missed-deliverable, missed:14.6, missed:14.7, missed:14.8, sectiondev, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %15.2
Group:- gitlab-org/gitaly#4297 Tooling to map projects and repositories to shards and back (on gitlab.com) ~"Accepting merge requests", devopssystems, groupgitaly, workflowready for development %15.2
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/issues/4266 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/issues/4220 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitaly/-/issues/4198 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitaly#3817 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable pagination token exact match Category:Gitaly, Stretch, devopscreate, feature flag, featureflagproduction, groupgitaly, missed:14.10, missed:14.4, missed:14.5, missed:14.7, missed:14.8, missed:14.9, missed:15.0, sectiondev, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitaly#3782 (closed) Make Gitaly provide all the project license details Category:Gitaly, devopscreate, groupgitaly, missed:15.0, missed:15.1, sectiondev, workflowready for development %15.2
Group: ~"group::authentication and authorization"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#365523 (closed) Create a gem to support Microsoft Graph API email sending ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"Category:Authentication and Authorization", Stretch, customer, devopsmanage, ~"group::authentication and authorization", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#364543 (closed) Add offset-based pagination to list personal/group/project/impersonation tokens Stretch, backend, ~"candidate::15.2", devopsmanage, featureenhancement, ~"group::authentication and authorization", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#364128 (closed) PLACEHOLDER: Outcome of Customizable Roles Investigation - Next Step Deliverable, auto updated, ~"candidate::15.2", devopsmanage, ~"group::authentication and authorization", sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#323615 (closed) Disable Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant without client credentials by default ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"Category:Authentication and Authorization", Stretch, backend, ~"candidate::15.2", devopsmanage, ~"group::authentication and authorization", oauth, priority3, sectiondev, security, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#296544 (closed) Cleanup for Group Managed accounts post-EoL ~"Category:Authentication and Authorization", Stretch, devopsmanage, ~"group::authentication and authorization", sectiondev, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %15.2
- gitlab-org/gitlab#216173 Add SAML support to Okta GitLab application ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"Category:Authentication and Authorization", ~"candidate::15.3", customer, devopsmanage, ~"group::authentication and authorization", saml, scim, sectiondev, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.3
Group: ~"group::workspace"
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/365100 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
Group: ~"group::integrations"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#365605 (closed) Enforce rate limits on webhook executions for paid plan customers Application Limits, Deliverable, Eng-Inter-DeptRate Limits, Error Budget Improvement, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, availabilitylimit, backend, ~"devops::ecosystem", direction, documentation, ~"group::integrations", reliability, sectiondev, severity3, typefeature, workflowready for development %15.2
Job URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops/-/jobs/2642183504
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