2020-10-12 - Triage report for "group::analytics"
Hi, @npost @djensen @wortschi @dennis @jeremy @mikelong
This is a group or stage level triage report that aims to summarize the feature proposals and bugs which have not been scheduled or triaged. For more information please refer to the handbook:
Scheduling the workload is a collaborative effort by the Product Managers and Engineering Managers for that group. Please work together to provide a best estimate on priority and milestone assignments. For each issue please:
- Determine if the issue should be closed if it is no longer relevant or a duplicate.
- If it is still relevant please assign either a best estimate versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone.
- Specifically for ~bug, if there is no priority or clarity on a versioned milestone, please add a Priority label. Priority labels have an estimate SLO attached to them and help team members and the wider community understand roughly when it will be considered to be scheduled.
- Once a milestone has been assigned please check off the box for that issue.
- Please work with your team to complete the list by the due date set.
Feature Proposal Section
For the following feature proposals. Please either close or assign either a versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone.
Unscheduled ~feature with-
gitlab-org/gitlab#263772 Feature Proposal: Option to Disable Group Level Activity Overview customer, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218061 Show stage or job duration in the overall CI/CD statistics customer, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#209328 Provide ability to configure Working Hours for Value Stream Analytics customer, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowproblem validation -
gitlab-org/gitlab#207117 Code Quality Dashboard Category:Code Quality, customer, devopsmanage, direction, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev
Unscheduled ~feature (non-customer)
gitlab-org/gitlab#262086 (closed) Allow users to schedule un-setting of their status values Next Up, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", priority3, sectiondev, workflowdesign -
gitlab-org/gitlab#262070 (closed) [VSA] "Days to completion" chart should not use totals Next Up, devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#260298 (closed) Navigation: Single project/group/more selection experience MVC ~"Category:Navigation", Next Up, UX, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", navigation, sectiondev, workflowdesign -
gitlab-org/gitlab#259647 (closed) Analytics date picker labels are not centre aligned ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity4, workflowready for development -
gitlab-org/gitlab#258680 (closed) [VSA] Apply filters to the "Type of Work" chart devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#257830 (closed) [VSA][FE] Update project-level requests to fit backend changes devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, ~"technical debt" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#257828 (closed) [VSA][FE] Add Vuex store to handle project-level requests devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, ~"technical debt" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#257827 (closed) [VSA][FE] Refactor project-level feature to Vue templates devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, ~"technical debt" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#255314 DevOps Score empty state on a new instance Category:DevOps Reports, Next Up, devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", priority4, sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#254972 (closed) DevOps Report - Subscribe to email updates devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowdesign -
gitlab-org/gitlab#254296 [Code Review Analytics] Deep links devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#254221 (closed) Follow-up from "Fix missing VSA request parameters" devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowcanary -
gitlab-org/gitlab#250659 (closed) Allow users to use ProductionStageEnd value stream analytics event Category:Value Stream Management, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#250340 [DevOps Score] Display some data even if change-over-time is unavailable Next Up, devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowblocked -
gitlab-org/gitlab#250337 (closed) [DevOps Score] Display exact days in waiting-to-load message Next Up, backend, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowscheduling -
gitlab-org/gitlab#249803 [VSA] General VSA Feedback From Gabe devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#247931 Show DevOps Score Immediately on New Instances devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#246493 (closed) Remove vertical value stream tiles Next Up, devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", priority3, sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#241156 Better error handling for MR Analytics devopsmanage, ~"feature", featureaddition, frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#233166 Tasks by Type don't allow selection of labels from parent group analytics, devopsmanage, ~"feature", featureaddition, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#230683 GitLab idea exchange devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#230562 Throughput: Table column sorting devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowdesign -
gitlab-org/gitlab#230385 Allow "Time Spent" value to be used in GitLab insights Dogfooding, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", insights, sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229946 (closed) MR Analytics: Project filter backend, devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229726 (closed) MR Analytics: Add metrics panels to top of page backend, devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowdesign -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229718 MR Analytics: MTTM chart (FE) devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229717 MR Analytics: MTTM chart (BE) backend, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229604 MR analytics: Throughput chart empty state Next Up, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowdesign -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229587 (closed) Get feedback from users from the UI on MR analytics features devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowdesign -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229267 Throughput Analytics: Filter control saving backend, devopsmanage, ~"feature", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, workflowsolution validation
Unscheduled UX Debt Issues
gitlab-org/gitlab#204726 (closed) Contribution analytics: chart zoom usability UX, UX debt, devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev
Bug Section
For the following bugs. Please either close or assign either a versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone and ensure that a priority label is set.
- Engineering Managers: Please add a severity label for those issues without one
- Product Designers: Please add a severity label to UX ~bug issues without one
Heatmap for all bugs
Bugs for their priority and severity label are counted here. Every bug should have severity and priority labels applied. Please take a look at the bugs which fall into the columns indicating that the priority or severity labels are currently missing.
severity1 | severity2 | severity3 | severity4 | No severity | |
priority1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
priority2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
priority3 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 1 | 0 |
priority4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
No priority | 0 | 0 | 7 | 8 | 0 |
frontend ~bug (non-customer)
gitlab-org/gitlab#259647 (closed) Analytics date picker labels are not centre aligned ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"feature::maintenance", frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity4, workflowready for development -
gitlab-org/gitlab#258572 (closed) Filter bar autocomplete lag (freeze) when typing ~"bug", ~"component:filter", devopsmanage, frontend, ~"group::analytics", javascript, sectiondev, severity4, ~"value stream analytics" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#255974 (closed) [VSA] Cancel button disabled when editing a stage ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"bug", devopsmanage, frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity4, workflowscheduling -
gitlab-org/gitlab#246790 (closed) y-axis in Merge Request Analytics table displays 500m label Next Up, ~"bug", devopsmanage, frontend, ~"group::analytics", priority4, sectiondev, severity4, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/gitlab#221044 (closed) [Issues analytics] Epics filter not being applied to table data backend, ~"bug", devopsmanage, frontend, ~"group::analytics", priority3, sectiondev, severity3, workflowscheduling -
gitlab-org/gitlab#216799 (closed) VSA: weird aggregation in duration chart Category:Value Stream Management, ~"bug", devopsmanage, frontend, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity3, ~"value stream analytics"
Unscheduled ~bug with-
gitlab-org/gitlab#229716 (closed) Group-level Productivity Analytics do not show metrics for nested projects in subgroups ~"bug", customer, devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", priority3, sectiondev, severity3, ~"support-fix"
Unscheduled ~bug (non-customer)
gitlab-org/gitlab#255973 (closed) [VSA] Some median values seem to be incorrect backend, ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity3 -
gitlab-org/gitlab#245320 (closed) [VSA] Fixture raises NoMethodError outside of CI context backend, ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity3, workflowsolution validation -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229198 (closed) Total Contributions column within the Contribution Analytics does not always equal the sum of the other columns ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity4, workflowscheduling -
gitlab-org/gitlab#229076 (closed) Access Denied for group-level analytics ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity4 -
gitlab-org/gitlab#214456 (closed) Duplicated records in issue_metrics
tables. backend, ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity3, workflowsolution validation -
gitlab-org/gitlab#197161 Improve documentation on how to get total time computation in cycle analytics ~"bug", devopsmanage, documentation, ~"group::analytics", sectiondev, severity3 -
gitlab-org/gitlab#43226 (closed) Insights using current labels instead of historical backend, ~"bug", devopsmanage, ~"group::analytics", insights, sectiondev, severity3, workflowsolution validation
This is a group level triage report that aims to collate the latest bug reports (for frontend and otherwise) and feature proposals. For more information please refer to the handbook:
If assignees or people mentioned in this individual triage report need to be amended, please edit group-definition.yml.