2020-09-07 - Triage report for "Engineering Productivity"
Hi, @kwiebers
This is a group or stage level triage report that aims to summarize the feature proposals and bugs which have not been scheduled or triaged. For more information please refer to the handbook:
Scheduling the workload is a collaborative effort by the Product Managers and Engineering Managers for that group. Please work together to provide a best estimate on priority and milestone assignments. For each issue please:
- Determine if the issue should be closed if it is no longer relevant or a duplicate.
- If it is still relevant please assign either a best estimate versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone.
- Specifically for ~bug, if there is no priority or clarity on a versioned milestone, please add a Priority label. Priority labels have an estimate SLO attached to them and help team members and the wider community understand roughly when it will be considered to be scheduled.
- Once a milestone has been assigned please check off the box for that issue.
- Please work with your team to complete the list by the due date set.
Engineering Productivity unscheduled priority::2 issues
triage-ops#525 (closed) Adjust issue/bug triage reports to align with SLO moving to severity for bugs Engineering Productivity, eptriage, priority2
Engineering Productivity issues in planning breakdown
gitlab-org/gitlab#207955 (closed) Allow charting against milestones Engineering Productivity, Quality, devopsmanage, ~"feature", ~"group::analytics", insights, priority3, sectiondev, workflowplanning breakdown -
gitlab-org/quality/team-tasks#199 Quality Engineering KPI - Ratio of quarantine vs total end-to-end tests in master
per month Engineering Productivity, Quality, epmetrics, priority3, workflowplanning breakdown
New Engineering Productivity issues
#372 (closed) 2020-09-07 Flaky examples Engineering Productivity, triage report -
triage-ops#559 (closed) Triage issues are polluting issue search in gitlab-org/gitlab Engineering Productivity, ~"bug", eptriage, priority3, triage policy -
gitlab-org/gitlab#244885 Consider use a hash of the qa/
folder as the QA image tag Engineering Productivity, QA, ~"tooling", ~"tooling::pipelines" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#244288 (closed) Some review-deploy
job are stuck and finishes in 215 minutes instead of the 90 minutes default timeout Engineering Productivity, ~"bug", epreview-apps, severity3 -
triage-serverless#50 (closed) Alert when triage-reaction service goes down Engineering Productivity, eptriage, ~"feature", priority2 -
gitlab-org/gitlab-docs#846 (closed) Use libxml2 and libxslt bundled with the gem Community contribution, Engineering Productivity, ci-build, ~"nanoc", ruby, security, ~"workflow::In dev" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#243712 (closed) Reviewer Roulette "Looking for reviews" option Danger bot, Engineering Productivity, devopscreate, ~"ep::workflow", sectiondev, ~"tooling", ~"tooling::workflow" -
gitlab-org/gitlab-triage#215 Add branches as resource_rules Engineering Productivity, Quality, eptriage, ~"feature", featureaddition -
#361 (closed) 2020-08-31 Flaky examples Engineering Productivity, triage report
This is a group level triage report that aims to collate the latest bug reports (for frontend and otherwise) and feature proposals. For more information please refer to the handbook:
If assignees or people mentioned in this individual triage report need to be amended, please edit group-definition.yml.
Edited by Kyle Wiebers