2025-01-28 - Community contributions report
Hi MR coaches! This report consolidates all community contributions requiring attention. Please help process these merge requests according to our workflow guidelines.
Quick Links
- In Dev MRs
- Ready for Review MRs
- In Review MRs
- Blocked MRs
- If the merge request depends on the completion of work elsewhere, set workflowblocked.
Required Actions
For each merge request, please:
- If reviewer assigned + last comment from reviewer: Ping author, set workflowin dev
- If reviewer assigned + last comment from author: Ping reviewer, set workflowready for review
- If no reviewer is assigned, find and assign a reviewer via one of the below:
- Danger bot's suggested reviewer
- GitLab Roulette
- Product Categories
- If blocked by dependencies: Set workflowblocked
For more details, see Community Contributions Handbook.
Community Contribution Report
1 General Idle MRs (21+ days without activity)
Community contributions requiring GitLab response.
idle: 25d |
| Debian package file name uniqueness (gitlab-org/gitlab!117492 - closed) | Leading Organization devopspackage grouppackage registry typefeature workflowready for development
Untriaged Community MRs
Required labels:
- Type label
- Group label
- Some group labels are not sufficient (e.g. groupdistribution), and you will need to use the lower level labels such as group::distributionbuild)
- Stage label
- If no appropriate stage and group label, add a department or team label.
- Category labels facilitate automatic addition of stage and group labels
Security Note
If an MR appears to be fixing a security vulnerability that you believe should not be public, please ask the AppSec team in the sec-appsec Slack channel.
Quick Setup
The quick action /copy_metadata <issue link>
can fill in the necessary information.
Always verify the metadata accuracy.
Reviewer Assignment Process
- For MRs with Group Label:
- Assign Danger bot's suggested reviewer or
- Assign a reviewer from the product group or
- Escalate to the group's engineering manager if team is at capacity
- For MRs with Uncertain Ownership:
- Assign Danger bot's suggested reviewer or
- Assign a reviewer through reviewer roulette
- Note: Any qualified reviewer can help - MR coach status not required
Completion Steps
- Check off processed MRs
- Once you've triaged all the merge requests assigned to you, you can unassign and unsubscribe yourself:
/unassign me
Alternatively, you can use the existing project comment template or create a custom one with the above quick actions.
When all the checkboxes are done, close the issue, and celebrate!
Remove "Learn more." link from coverage check i... (gitlab-org/gitlab!179162 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, bugux, devopscreate, docsfeature, linked-issue, pipelinetier-1, sectiondev, typebug, workflowready for review
Remove obsolete note regarding Alpine DNS issues (gitlab-org/gitlab-runner!5320 - merged) (by
) - 1st contribution, Category:Runner Core, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsverify, docs-only, documentation, grouprunner, linked-issue, twtriaged, workflowready for review
Draft: feat: ... (gitlab-org/gitlab!179308 - closed) (by
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, pipelinetier-1, workflowin dev
Move emails to use mailer instead of empty mailer (gitlab-org/gitlab!179191) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, pipelinetier-1, workflowin dev
Ensure psql fallback is used in pending_migrati... (gitlab-org/gitlab-development-kit!4440 - merged) (by
) - 1st contribution, Category:GDK, Community contribution, Hackathon, groupdeveloper tooling, workflowin dev
Migrate resource gitlab_group_membership from s... (gitlab-org/terraform-provider-gitlab!2283 - merged) (by
) - Category:Terraform provider, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsdeploy, documentation, groupenvironments, linked-issue, sectioncd, twtriaged, workflowready for review
Introduce the ability to reorder group and proj... (gitlab-org/gitlab!179299) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, linked-issue, pipelinetier-1, workflowin dev
Improve pages docs (gitlab-org/gitlab!178901 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, docs-only, documentation, maintenancerefactor, typemaintenance, workflowin dev
Pull documentation title from markdown frontmatter (gitlab-org/developer-relations/contributor-success/contributors-gitlab-com!611 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Contributor Success, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Draft: Project job token group target (gitlab-org/terraform-provider-gitlab!2288 - closed) (by
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowin dev
Add frontend test helper to find an element (gitlab-org/developer-relations/contributor-success/contributors-gitlab-com!615 - merged) (by
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Contributor Success, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowin dev
Fixing various linting failures for GitLab Work... (gitlab-org/gitlab!179305 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, pipelinetier-1, workflowin dev
feat(variables): add option to list/update/set ... (gitlab-org/cli!1861 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, Technical Writing, UI text, backend, devopscreate, documentation, groupcode review, linked-issue, sectiondev, workflowin dev
Add CI_JOB_SERVICES to predefined variables list (gitlab-org/gitlab!179225 - closed) (by
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, docs-only, documentation, linked-issue, twtriaged, workflowready for review
Refactor LFS FinalizeUploadService for improved... (gitlab-org/gitlab!179183 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsmonitor, grouprespond, linked-issue, pipelinetier-2, pipeline:mr-approved, sectionanalytics, workflowready for review
Draft: Add ability to push image indexes with p... (gitlab-org/gitlab-runner!5316) (by
) - Category:Runner Core, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsverify, grouprunner, linked-issue, workflowin dev
Fix service account rotation_configuration ID e... (gitlab-org/terraform-provider-gitlab!2282 - merged) (by
) - Category:Terraform provider, Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, bugfunctional, devopscd, pipeline:mr-approved, sectioncd, typebug, workflowin dev
Badges - Adding a note to Pipeline status badge (gitlab-org/gitlab!178900 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, docs-only, workflowin dev
refactor(var): rename functions to match what t... (gitlab-org/cli!1860 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, backend, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Bootstrap Vue application for the Geo replicabl... (gitlab-org/gitlab!179270 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, UX, backend, frontend, linked-issue, pipelinetier-1, workflowready for review
Feat(Blob): Add graph render support for Blob V... (gitlab-org/gitlab!179301 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, linked-issue, pipelinetier-1, workflowready for review
fix(ci get): do not require branch if pipelineI... (gitlab-org/cli!1869 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
fix(ci status): use GetLatestPipeline API for b... (gitlab-org/cli!1866 - merged) (by
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowin dev
Job URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops/-/jobs/8966740630 This report was generated from this policy