2024-07-22 - Quad Planning Issues for Ops
Hi @gl-quality/ops-qe
Please quad-plan the following issues:
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#469603 Plot status over time using a bar chart Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsverify, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469602 (closed) Start tracking failures, successes, AND others (others = canceled + skipped) Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", backend, clickhouse, devopsverify, featureaddition, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469601 Add custom date range option in Date range filter Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, backend, devopsverify, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469600 (closed) Add a Date Range filter Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, backend, devopsverify, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469599 Add a Branch filter Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, backend, devopsverify, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469598 Remove all filters that are on individual panels Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsverify, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469596 Add Source filter Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", backend, devopsverify, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469595 Plot p50 and p95 pipeline duration over time using a line graph Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, backend, devopsverify, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#469591 (closed) Add mean duration metric Category:Fleet Visibility, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, backend, devopsverify, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#467234 (closed) Hide CI log timestamps on mobile Category:Runner Core, UX, devopsverify, frontend, grouprunner, maintenancerefactor, quick win, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#466667 Ensure that ci_runner_versions is populated when new cell is created Category:Fleet Visibility, EffortLow, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, devopsverify, estimatetiny, grouprunner, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#465743 Add web url to runners in the group fleet dashboard Category:Fleet Visibility, devopsverify, featureenhancement, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#465350 (closed) Show timestamps in new renderer Category:Fleet Visibility, devopsverify, featureenhancement, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#454310 (closed) GraphQL: Add support to compute mean duration of pipelines in PipelineAnalytics Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, GraphQL, ~"analytics instrumentation", backend, clickhouse, devopsverify, direction, featureaddition, grouprunner, missed:17.2, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#438408 Filter Fleet dashboard metrics by runner tags - Admin View Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Ultimate, RunnerP1, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", devopsverify, direction, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.7
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/36991 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/ci-cd/runner-tools/grit#18 (closed) AWS: Linux Docker AMI for GitLab-hosted runners Category:Hosted Runners, RunnerP2, devopsverify, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %16.8
- gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#36792 Runner Incept test for Azure Fleeting Plugin Category:Runner Core, devopsverify, grouprunner, missed:16.11, missed:16.8, missed:17.0, missed:17.1, sectionci, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#36510 Runner release process should check the existence of all uploaded resources Category:Runner Core, devopsverify, grouprunner, maintenancepipelines, missed:16.10, missed:16.11, missed:16.5, missed:16.7, missed:16.9, missed:17.0, missed:17.1, missed:17.2, priority2, ~"runner-distribution", runnercore, sectionci, severity2, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#387937 Remove runnerPlatforms and runnerSetup GraphQL queries Category:Fleet Visibility, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, breaking change, deprecation, devopsverify, grouprunner, maintenanceremoval, missed:15.11, missed:15.9, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %18.0
- gitlab-org/gitlab#354756 (closed) Add service ping to support tracking runner maintenance notes Category:Fleet Visibility, UX, auto updated, backend, devopsverify, grouprunner, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#27835 Dynamically create PVC volumes with storage classes for kubernetes Category:Runner Core, Deliverable, GitLab Free, RunnerP1, blocked, critical-customer-escalation, customer, devopsverify, documentation, ~"executor::kubernetes", featureenhancement, grouprunner, missed-deliverable, missed:16.0, missed:16.1, missed:16.3, missed:16.4, missed:16.5, missed:16.6, runnercore, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/ci-cd/distribution/runner/self-hosted#1 Add prefix to the terraform resources [Deprecated] Category:Runner, devopsverify, grouprunner, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %13.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#202293 Add timestamps to the CI logs for each line in the log Category:Continuous Integration, Community challenge, RunnerP1, customer, devopsverify, featureenhancement, grouprunner, missed:16.9, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.5
- gitlab-org/gitlab#410315 Remove unencrypted runner tokens from database Category:Runner Core, database, devopsverify, feature flag, grouprunner, maintenanceremoval, missed:16.11, missed:16.2, missed:17.0, missed:17.1, missed:17.2, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
grouppackage registry
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#473152 (closed) Investigate database buffered counters for cached responses Category:Virtual Registry, ~"analytics instrumentation", backend, database, devopspackage, feature flag, featureaddition, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#473144 (closed) Cached response partitioning Category:Virtual Registry, ~"analytics instrumentation", backend, database, devopspackage, feature flag, featureaddition, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#471355 (closed) Ensure Pypi simple index endpoint output is valid HTML5 Category:Package Registry, automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopspackage, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.4
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/468171 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" %"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#467983 (closed) Maven Virtual Registry: Cache logic Category:Virtual Registry, Deliverable, ~"analytics instrumentation", api, backend, devopspackage, feature flag, featureaddition, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#467982 (closed) Maven Virtual Registry: Maven API endpoint Category:Virtual Registry, Deliverable, ~"analytics instrumentation", api, backend, devopspackage, feature flag, featureaddition, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#467979 (closed) Maven Virtual Registry: Registry models API Category:Virtual Registry, Deliverable, ~"analytics instrumentation", api, backend, devopspackage, feature flag, featureaddition, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#461786 (closed) Set sharding key for packages_composer_cache_files table Category:Package Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, devopspackage, grouppackage registry, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#460583 (closed) Show accurate number of errored packages on package registry list page Category:Package Registry, Deliverable, borrowpackage, devopspackage, featureenhancement, frontend, frontend-weight2, grouppackage registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#409873 (closed) [container registry migration] Remove backend related code Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Package:P1, backend, devopspackage, feature flag, grouppackage registry, maintenanceremoval, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3
groupcontainer registry
Group:- gitlab-org/container-registry#1306 (closed) DLB: Implement primary sticking Category:Container Registry, Engineering Time, backend, devopspackage, golang, groupcontainer registry, maintenancescalability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/container-registry#1298 (closed) Add full test coverage for the async Background migration process Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, backend, devopspackage, featureaddition, golang, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/container-registry#1265 (closed) Implement first iteration of (async) BBM process in container registry Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, backend, devopspackage, documentation, golang, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/container-registry#1239 (closed) Investigate relatively high p95 aggregated storage delete latency on GitLab.com Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, Engineering Time, backend, devopspackage, golang, groupcontainer registry, infradev, maintenanceperformance, needs investigation, priority2, sectionci, severity2, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#441345 (closed) Protected containers: Show protection rules in project setting ui Community contribution, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsgovern, featureaddition, groupcontainer registry, sectionsec, typefeature, workflowin dev %16.10
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435954 (closed) GitLab Rails Plan for "Allowing moving projects with container repositories" on GitLab.com Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, backend, devopspackage, groupcontainer registry, rails, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431048 (closed) Do not show (zero) size of container registry manifest lists/indexes in the UI Category:Container Registry, Deliverable, borrowpackage, devopspackage, featureenhancement, frontend, frontend-weight2, groupcontainer registry, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#362290 (closed) Add the Container Registry to the list of audited events Category:Audit Events, Category:Container Registry, [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, customer, devopsgovern, groupcontainer registry, missed:16.11, missed:17.1, missed:17.2, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#331741 Allow private registry connections with the dependency proxy Category:Virtual Registry, Deliverable, Package:P1, [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, ~"analytics instrumentation", backend, customer, devopspackage, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, groupcontainer registry, ruby, sectionci, security, security-backlogreview-started, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.6
grouppipeline execution
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#471617 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable root_cause_analysis_duo Deliverable, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, feature flag, featureenhancement, frontend, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#466260 (closed) Ensure items on RCA GA checklist are complete Category:Continuous Integration, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, frontend, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#462549 External CI Jobs - POC Category:Continuous Integration, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, Stretch, VerifyP2, cicdactive, devopsverify, direction, documentation, grouppipeline execution, needs weight, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#460285 (closed) [Feature flag] Cleanup ci_canceling_status Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, GitLab Free, VerifyP1, backend, cicdactive, customer, devopsverify, direction, featureenhancement, grouppipeline execution, pipeline processing, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
gitlab-org/gitlab#460256 Follow-up: Add 'manual' to the
constant Category:Continuous Integration, Engineering Time, VerifyP2, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, cicdactive, devopsverify, follow-up, grouppipeline execution, missed:17.0, missed:17.1, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3 - gitlab-org/gitlab#458490 (closed) XS Add sharding key YAML config to ci_stages & p_ci_stages (1 table) Category:Continuous Integration, Deliverable, Engineering Time, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancescalability, onboarding, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458469 Create Blueprint for External CI Jobs Category:Continuous Integration, FY25Q2, OKR, VerifyP2, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, needs weight, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#458442 (closed) Deactivate the visual_review_bot, remove remaining references, migrate to ghost user Category:Review Apps, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, follow-up, grouppipeline execution, maintenanceremoval, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#457606 DataIntegrityFailure error messages are obfuscating real exceptions Category:Continuous Integration, Engineering Time, Stretch, VerifyP1, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, maintenancerefactor, missed:17.1, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
gitlab-org/gitlab#455116 (closed) Fix accidental subqueries created by
adding a LIMIT clause to queries with existing LIMIT Category:Continuous Integration, Engineering Time, VerifyP2, cicdactive, devopsverify, follow-up, grouppipeline execution, infradev, maintenanceperformance, onboarding, priority3, sectionci, severity3, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3 - gitlab-org/gitlab#454375 (closed) Track RCA feature usage Category:Continuous Integration, VerifyP3, cicdactive, devopsverify, featureenhancement, grouppipeline execution, missed:17.2, needs weight, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#421025 Replace MergeToRefService with CreateRefService for merged results pipelines and mergability check - Backend Category:Merge Trains, Deliverable, GitLab Premium, VerifyP2, backend, cicdactive, devopsverify, direction, featureenhancement, grouppipeline execution, missed-deliverable, missed:16.10, missed:16.11, missed:16.9, missed:17.0, missed:17.1, missed:17.2, ~"release post", release post item, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#415070 (closed) Track Merge Train Usage on Gitlab.com Category:Merge Trains, VerifyP3, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, instrumentation, missed:16.6, missed:16.7, missed:17.2, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#387547 Add a filter for job name job list view Actionable InsightProduct change, Category:Continuous Integration, FY25, TW-DRIMarcel, UX, UX scorecard-rec, VerifyP2, cicdactive, customer, devopsverify, frontend, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
gitlab-org/gitlab#364377 (closed) Backend: Remove
column Category:Continuous Integration, backend, ciscaling, cicdactive, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, missed:15.10, missed:15.3, missed:15.4, missed:15.5, missed:15.6, missed:15.7, missed:15.8, missed:15.9, sectionci, typemaintenance, ~"verify-hackathon::delete-fest", workflowin dev %17.3 - gitlab-org/gitlab#227345 (closed) Support JaCoCo coverage reports for coverage visualization Category:Code Testing and Coverage, GitLab Free, Support Interest, VerifyP1, [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, cicdactive, customer, devopsverify, grouppipeline execution, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
grouppipeline authoring
Group:- gitlab-org/gitlab#473043 (closed) Frontend: Update the catalog icon in the pipeline editor Actionable InsightProduct change, Category:Pipeline Composition, Technical Writing, UI text, UX, UX scorecard-rec, devopsverify, frontend, grouppipeline authoring, maintenanceusability, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#472174 Ci::Config::FeatureFlags is required when calling root methods Category:Pipeline Composition, Engineering Time, backend, ~"candidate::17.4", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, severity3, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#471997 (closed) Backend: Remove the type parameter from Ci::Config::FeatureFlags Category:Pipeline Composition, Engineering Time, backend, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, severity3, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#471738 (closed) Backend: Serialize execution config into its own db record instead of storing in options col Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, devopsverify, featureconsolidation, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#471221 Change assigning partition_id when creating child pipelines Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.4
- gitlab-org/gitlab#468221 (closed) Backend: Make trigger and run keyword mutually exclusive in processable.rb Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, backend, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#468218 (closed) Backend: Update json_schema_validator to return meaningful error messages Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, backend, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
gitlab-org/gitlab#467375 (closed) PoC: Create a JSON schema SSOT for the
keyword Category:Pipeline Composition, Engineering Time, backend, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3 - gitlab-org/gitlab#464679 Reduce number of queries executed by *::CreatePipelineWorker Category:Continuous Integration, Category:Pipeline Composition, Engineering Time, backend, ~"candidate::17.4", ~"ci::pipeline creation", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancerefactor, priority3, ~"querylimiting-disable", sectionci, severity3, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.4
gitlab-org/gitlab#461861 (closed) Backend: Enable
flag by default on RSpec tests Category:Pipeline Composition, backend, ~"candidate::17.2", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancetest-gap, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3 - gitlab-org/gitlab#442783 (closed) Backend: Add new Publish API endpoint with input params Category:Component Catalog, Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, FY25Q2, OKR, backend, ~"candidate::17.2", devopsverify, featureenhancement, grouppipeline authoring, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#442067 Document vision of publishing process in the CI catalog blueprint Architecture Evolution Blueprint, Category:Pipeline Composition, devopsverify, documentation, featureenhancement, grouppipeline authoring, missed:17.0, missed:17.1, missed:17.2, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#439309 Document CI variables, GCP requirements, and maintainance runbook for Code Suggestion CI evaluation AI-Test Platform, Category:Pipeline Composition, Quality, Sub-DepartmentTest Platform, automation:ml, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, maintenancepipelines, missed:16.11, missed:16.9, missed:17.0, missed:17.1, missed:17.2, sectionci, teamTest and Tools Infrastructure, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#438275 Backend: Allow interpolation to use local context data Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, TW-DRIMarcel, backend, ~"candidate::17.2", customer, devopsverify, documentation, featureenhancement, grouppipeline authoring, release post itemin review, sectionci, typefeature, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#393672 (closed) Frontend: Mini pipeline graph missing information about downstream jobs Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, GitLab Free, OKR, TW-DRILysanne, UX, ~"analytics instrumentation", ~"candidate::17.2", design-weight2, devopsverify, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, grouppipeline authoring, missed-deliverable, missed:16.5, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#350057 (closed) Backend: Decouple scoped variables from the job record CI variables, Category:Continuous Integration, Category:Pipeline Composition, Deliverable, Engineering Time, Error Budget Improvement, Track Health Status [DEPRECATED], [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, backend, bugperformance, ~"ci::pipeline creation", devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, missed-deliverable, missed:15.0, missed:15.7, missed:15.8, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowin dev %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#323097 (closed) View the variables entered when running a manual pipeline CI variables, Category:Pipeline Composition, Category:Secrets Management, Category:Variables, GitLab Free, TW-DRILysanne, UX, VerifyP1, [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, customer, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, missed:16.2, missed:16.3, missed:16.4, missed:16.5, missed:16.6, missed:16.7, missed:16.8, missed:17.2, priority3, sectionci, typefeature, workflowready for development %17.3
- gitlab-org/gitlab#227632 (closed) Backend: Increase MAX_PATTERN_COMPARISON for rules glob matcher from 10k->50k CI Adoption Driver, CI rules, Category:Continuous Integration, Category:Pipeline Composition, Category:SAST, Technical Writing, [deprecated] Accepting merge requests, backend, ~"candidate::17.3", ci-build, customer, customer priority10, devopsverify, grouppipeline authoring, internal customer, maintenanceperformance, sectionci, typemaintenance, workflowready for development %17.3
Job URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops/-/jobs/7392551521
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