2024-04-25 Untriaged community merge requests requiring initial triage
Hi merge request coaches,
Here is a list of the Community contribution merge requests that do not have a type, stage, nor group label. We would like to ask you to:
- If missing, add a type label.
- If missing, add a group label.
NOTE: Some group labels are not sufficient (e.g. groupdistribution or groupgitaly and you will need to use the lower level labels such as group::gitalycluster) - If missing, add a stage label.
- Add relevant category labels to facilitate automatic addition of stage and group labels.
- If no appropriate stage and group label, add a department or team label.
- If an MR appears to be fixing a security vulnerability that you believe should not be public, please ask the AppSec team in the sec-appsec Slack channel.
Many times, using the quick action /copy_metadata <issue link>
can fill in the necessary information. Please double-check to ensure the metadata is correct.
For the merge requests triaged please check off the box in front of the given merge request.
If the merge request is ready for review, assign a reviewer based on the following criteria:
If a group label is applied, assign a relevant reviewer from the product group. If none of the relevant reviewers have capacity, ping the engineering manager for the group.
If it's not clear who the relevant reviewers for this merge request are, assign a reviewer using reviewer roulette; the reviewer does not need to be an MR coach.
Once you've triaged all the merge requests assigned to you, you can unassign and unsubscribe yourself via these quick actions:
/unassign me
When all the checkboxes are done, close the issue, and celebrate!
Add runner filter for generic owner field (gitlab-org/gitlab!150347 - merged) (by @martin.duffy
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, devopsverify, grouprunner, linked-issue, sectionci, workflowin dev -
Add a11y test for GlProgressBar component (gitlab-org/gitlab-ui!4125 - merged) (by @grace-chung
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsmanage, groupfoundations, linked-issue, sectioncore platform, workflowready for review
Fix `make lint` (golangci-lint) issues for `int... (gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!1008 - merged) (by @gauravmarwal
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, maintenancerefactor, typemaintenance, workflowready for review -
test(GlFormDate): add A11Y tests (gitlab-org/gitlab-ui!4110 - merged) (by @kiran-4444
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsmanage, groupfoundations, linked-issue, sectioncore platform, workflowready for review
Draft: Fix Lint/SymbolConversion Offenses (gitlab-org/gitlab!150589 - closed) (by @DontForgetPepper
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, workflowin dev -
Fix Style/HashAsLastArrayItem Offenses (gitlab-org/gitlab!150579 - merged) (by @harryminsky
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, backend, database, databasereview pending, linked-issue, maintenancerefactor, pipeline:mr-approved, typemaintenance, workflowready for review
Chore: added post migration step for removing n... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150410 - closed) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowin dev -
Add JSON validation spec for zoekt/node.rb (gitlab-org/gitlab!150406 - merged) (by @jzeng88
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Resolve `make lint` (golangci-lint) issues for... (gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!1034 - merged) (by @gauravmarwal
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review -
Resolve `make lint` (golangci-lint) issues for ... (gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!1033 - merged) (by @gauravmarwal
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Align project avatar to the top (gitlab-org/gitlab!150747 - merged) (by @grace-chung
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowin dev -
fix(GlPagination): remove upper page limit text... (gitlab-org/gitlab-ui!4141 - merged) (by @kiran-4444
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsmanage, groupfoundations, linked-issue, sectioncore platform, workflowready for review
Remove index index_vulnerabilities_on_detected_... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150759 - merged) (by @jzeng88
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowin dev -
Chore: Update URL for GitLeaks (gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/secrets!297 - merged) (by @mikelolasagasti
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, workflowready for review
Add Rake tasks for automated preflight checks (gitlab-org/gitlab!149958 - merged) (by @m.baur
) - Category:Geo Replication, Community contribution, backend, devopssystems, groupgeo, sectioncore platform, workflowin dev
Add specs for Gitlab::VulnerabilityScanning::Se... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150401 - merged) (by @jzeng88
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review -
Changes to convert secrets fips image to be bas... (gitlab-org/cloud-native/distroless/secrets!1 - merged) (by @jlindesm
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, workflowin review
Include itemprop attribute in project avatar co... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150597 - merged) (by @espadav8
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, UX, frontend, linked-issue, workflowready for review -
Fix Lint/SymbolConversion Offenses (gitlab-org/gitlab!150596) (by @DontForgetPepper
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, typemaintenance, workflowready for review
Lint: fixes for upload package (gitlab-org/gitlab!150440 - merged) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, backend, linked-issue, typemaintenance, workflowready for review -
Lint: fixes for zipartifacts (gitlab-org/gitlab!150422 - merged) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Fix `make lint` (golangci-lint) issues for `cli... (gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!1013 - merged) (by @gauravmarwal
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review -
Fix `make lint` (golangci-lint) issues for `int... (gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!1012 - merged) (by @gauravmarwal
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Swift padding (gitlab-org/gitlab-ui!4140 - closed) (by @nik132-eng
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsmanage, groupfoundations, sectioncore platform, workflowin dev -
Draft: Experiment (gitlab-org/incubation-engineering/mlops/model_experiment_example!4 - closed) (by @jagagopi
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, workflowin dev
Lint: fixes for upload exif packages (gitlab-org/gitlab!150448 - merged) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, backend, linked-issue, typemaintenance, workflowin dev -
Lint: fixes for upload internal packages (gitlab-org/gitlab!150444 - merged) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, backend, linked-issue, typemaintenance, workflowready for review
Use more meaningful audience in JWT ID token ex... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150362 - merged) (by @jbielick
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsverify, docs-only, documentation, grouppipeline security, sectionci, workflowin dev -
Add a11y tests for GlFilteredSearch component (gitlab-org/gitlab-ui!4126 - merged) (by @grace-chung
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsmanage, groupfoundations, linked-issue, sectioncore platform, workflowready for review
Lint: fixes for upload object store (gitlab-org/gitlab!150453 - merged) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review -
Collapse built in sections by default (gitlab-org/gitlab-runner!4732) (by @timmmm
) - Category:Runner Core, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsverify, grouprunner, linked-issue, sectionci, workflowin dev
Update proofreader.md (gitlab-org/gitlab!150634) (by @sanism
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, docs-only, workflowin dev -
Support banned projects in the VisibilityIcon c... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150599 - merged) (by @espadav8
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, UX, featureaddition, frontend, linked-issue, typefeature, workflowready for review
Draft: Fix Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces offenses (gitlab-org/gitlab!150718 - closed) (by @rajsodh1
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, typemaintenance, workflowin dev -
bug: Fix incorrect return code handling (gitlab-org/incubation-engineering/mobile-devops/download-secure-files!15 - merged) (by @Javinator9889
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, workflowin dev
Fix Kubernetes configurable retry (gitlab-org/gitlab-runner!4728 - closed) (by @karthiknatarajan
) - 1st contribution, Category:Runner Core, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsverify, golang, grouprunner, linked-issue, sectionci, workflowready for review -
Add --skip-restore-prompt to backup-utility for... (gitlab-org/build/CNG!1804 - merged) (by @lifez
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopssystems, groupdistribution, group::distributionbuild, linked-issue, sectioncore platform, workflowin dev
Draft: Protected packages: REST API GET package... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150493 - closed) (by @gerardo-navarro
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, Leading Organization, workflowin dev -
Add API for trigger group test webhook (gitlab-org/gitlab!150486 - merged) (by @lifez
) - Category:Webhooks, Community contribution, Hackathon, backend, devopsmanage, groupimport and integrate, linked-issue, sectioncore platform, workflowin dev
lint: fix transport.go lint errors (gitlab-org/gitlab!150533 - merged) (by @kiran-4444
) - 1st contribution, Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, maintenancerefactor, pipeline:mr-approved, typemaintenance, workflowin review -
Update Rainbow usages in lib/tasks/gitlab/: con... (gitlab-org/gitlab!150525 - merged) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, backend, linked-issue, maintenancerefactor, typemaintenance, workflowin review
Fix dead documentation anchor links in README (gitlab-org/gitlab-runner!4733 - merged) (by @marcows
) - Category:Runner Core, Community contribution, Hackathon, devopsverify, grouprunner, sectionci, workflowready for review -
Lint: fixes upload internal destination package (gitlab-org/gitlab!150459 - merged) (by @archish27
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Resolve `make lint` (golangci-lint) issues for ... (gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!1032 - merged) (by @gauravmarwal
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review -
Resolve `make lint` (golangci-lint) issues for ... (gitlab-org/gitlab-shell!1031 - merged) (by @gauravmarwal
) - Community contribution, Hackathon, linked-issue, workflowready for review
Job URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops/-/jobs/6711416791
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