`devops::deploy` issues without a category label
The following issues have been identified in the devops::deploy stage that do not have a category label. These should be applied with urgency so that important issues are not being lost track of.
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436423 Consider an auto_delete_in configuration for Environments devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436358 (closed) (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436303 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/7_configure/auto_devops/auto_devops_templates_spec.rb | Configure AutoDevOps Templates using express template works with Auto DevOps QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436302 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/7_configure/auto_devops/create_project_with_auto_devops_spec.rb | Configure Auto DevOps with a Kubernetes Agent runs auto devops QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436289 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/6_release/deploy_key/add_deploy_key_spec.rb | Release Deploy key creation user adds a deploy key QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436288 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/6_release/deploy_key/clone_using_deploy_key_spec.rb | Release Git clone using a deploy key user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ECDSA(521) to clone code using pipelines QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436287 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/6_release/deploy_token/add_deploy_token_spec.rb | Release Deploy token creation user adds a deploy token QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436079 (closed) Usability updates to the Stopping Environments Modal SUSImpacting, UI text, UX, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenanceusability, sectioncd, severity4, typemaintenance, workflowready for design
- gitlab-org/gitlab#436076 (closed) Fix Broken Links in Stopping Environments Modal SUSImpacting, UX, bugux, devopsdeploy, frontend, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, severity3, typebug, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435964 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/6_release/deploy_key/clone_using_deploy_key_spec.rb | Release Git clone using a deploy key user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ED25519(256) to clone code using pipelines QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, found:staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435930 (closed) API: update environment_scoped group variables changes the wrong one Category:Source Code Management, automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435660 Follow-up from "Milestones finder - filter by id OR title" Community contribution, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancerefactor, priority3, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435641 Test CI templates for ECS and EC2 deployments devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435410 Improve documentation on KAS certificate settings devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435314 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435193 Update ReleasesFinders to use scopes devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancerefactor, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435084 (closed) Large volume of jobs utilizing resource groups can result in jobs stuck waiting for resource customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#435053 (closed) Fix and add back reverted feature devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#434990 (closed) Cells: Define environments workflows Category:Cell, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typeignore
- gitlab-org/gitlab#434665 (closed) Slow test in spec/features/projects/show/user_interacts_with_auto_devops_banner_spec.rb | Project > Show > User interacts with auto devops implicitly enabled banner when user has mantainer access when AutoDevOps is implicitly enabled when user dismisse... Category:Groups & Projects, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", maintenanceperformance, priority3, rspec profiling, ~"rspec:slow test", sectioncd, severity3, test, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#434609 (closed) Remove old *::Clusters::IntegrationsController classes devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#434395 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/7_configure/auto_devops/auto_devops_templates_spec.rb | Configure AutoDevOps Templates using express template works with Auto DevOps QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failuretest-environment, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#434368 Improve Release state management and schedulability devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#434197 (closed) Dashboard sidebar sizing GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, documentation, groupenvironments, ~"issue::planning", sectioncd, typeignore, workflowdesign
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433474 (closed) AutoFlow: protect against SSRF devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433473 AutoFlow: kas accepts events and starts workflows devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433462 AutoFlow: emit required events devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433347 Implement unsubscribing from the stream Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, featureenhancement, frontend, groupenvironments, ~"issue::planning", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433275 Create an index for the deploy keys finder devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", maintenanceperformance, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433238 Ideate on ways of displaying the workload labels Category:Kubernetes Management, UX, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, ~"issue::planning", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowdesign
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433198 AutoFlow: provision a Temporal server devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, ~"issue::planning", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433088 AutoFlow: prepare a technical design document devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, ~"issue::planning", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#433087 (closed) AutoFlow: prepare an architectural blueprint devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, ~"issue::planning", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432929 Agent version on /-/clusters page not updating automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, priority3, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432925 Environment search doesn't work as expected if directory name and beginning of the environment name is the same customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity4, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432868 Make breadcrumbs text more intuitive on the creation of new entities pages of Deploy - Environments SUSImpacting, ~"UX debt", devopsdeploy, featureenhancement, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, severity4, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432767 Example for dynamically setting environment not working Category:Pipeline Composition, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432658 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432623 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
gitlab-org/gitlab#432516 Link to the pipeline from environments page when using trigger jobs with
keyword devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd - gitlab-org/gitlab#432482 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432409 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/7_configure/auto_devops/auto_devops_templates_spec.rb | Configure AutoDevOps Templates using express template works with Auto DevOps QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failureexternal-dependency, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432394 (closed) Gitlab Kubernetes Agent and kubectl exec timeout automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", needs investigation, sectioncd, support request
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432331 Create frontend chrome for the widgets based homepage devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432230 Discuss Ruby class documention for domain devopsdeploy, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432204 Add backend for the widgets based homepage and default homepage config automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432200 Merge request list widget automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432199 Feedback widget automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432198 Markdown widget automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432197 Issue list widget automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#432060 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/7_configure/auto_devops/create_project_with_auto_devops_spec.rb | Configure Auto DevOps with a Kubernetes Agent runs auto devops QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431999 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/6_release/deploy_key/add_deploy_key_spec.rb | Release Deploy key creation user adds a deploy key QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.gitlab.com, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431928 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable environmens_folder_new_look devopsdeploy, feature flag, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431913 (closed) Show a visual for stopping environments UX, devopsdeploy, direction, documentation, featureenhancement, groupenvironments, sectioncd, severity4, typefeature, workflowdesign
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431190 Shared agent remains in the system after deleting its registration project devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, severity3, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431133 (closed) Increase Kubernetes agent authorization limit for projects/groups GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, devopsdeploy, direction, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#431098 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/6_release/deploy_key/clone_using_deploy_key_spec.rb | Release Git clone using a deploy key user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ECDSA(521) to clone code using pipelines QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.gitlab.com, found:canary.staging.gitlab.com, found:gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#430901 Extend DORA metrics to calculate environment and deployment_tier beyond 'Production' or 'Prod' labels Category:DORA Metrics, GitLab Ultimate, customer, devopsdeploy, documentation, environmentsparked, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature
- gitlab-org/gitlab#430834 Document forgotten cluster issue devopsdeploy, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#430104 Protected environment deploy / approvals - unable to select multiple users. JavaScript Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'some') automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429873 (closed) Update the support end date for cluster k8s agents Category:Kubernetes Management, Technical Writing, devopsdeploy, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429722 (closed) Slow test in spec/features/projects/clusters_spec.rb | Clusters when user has a cluster when user adds an existing cluster when user filled form with environment scope user sees a cluster details page Category:Groups & Projects, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", maintenanceperformance, priority3, rspec profiling, ~"rspec:slow test", sectioncd, severity3, test, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429694 [Feature request] Add a write_repository access scope for deploy tokens automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowproblem validation
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429531 (closed) Add refresh icon for refetching the Kuberentes resources on the Environments page Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, Technical Writing, UI text, UX, devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, ~"issue::planning", missed:16.6, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429498 (closed) Slow test in spec/features/projects/settings/user_interacts_with_deploy_keys_spec.rb | User interacts with deploy keys adding deploy keys adds new key Category:Groups & Projects, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenanceperformance, priority3, rspec profiling, ~"rspec:slow test", sectioncd, severity3, test, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429459 Docs feedback: KAS deploy blog post not up to date Category:Kubernetes Management, devopsdeploy, docs-comments, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429425 Use GlFormGroup to label listbox in JIRA issue creation settings component:dropdown-collapsible-listbox, component:form, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429383 (closed) Failure in browser_ui/6_release/deploy_key/clone_using_deploy_key_spec.rb | Release Git clone using a deploy key user sets up a deploy key with QA::Runtime::Key::ECDSA(521) to clone code using pipelines QA, Quality, devopsdeploy, failurenew, found:canary.gitlab.com, groupenvironments, priority2, sectioncd, test
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429158 Remove support for ID in the "GET agent" REST API devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#429059 Follow-up from "Migrates the milestone combobox to GlListbox" SUSImpacting, ~"UX debt", automation:ml, bugux, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd, severity4, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#428882 (closed) Protected environment name with dot character cannot be updated DeployFY24Q4 Goal, customer, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, priority2, regression, regression:16.6, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typebug, workflowin review
- gitlab-org/gitlab#428765 New release validation - Asset link url must be a valid url automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureenhancement, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#428625 Deploy environment is marked as "stopped" after merging a branch even when it was not a temporary review environment automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#428567 (closed) Remove index_protected_environments_on_project_id devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::development", maintenancescalability, quick win, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#428322 (closed) Add services page to the Kubernetes dashboard - iteration 1 Category:Kubernetes Management, automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, ~"issue::development", sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#428319 Discover types of the resources available in the cluster within the current agent Category:Kubernetes Management, automation:ml, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, frontend, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
gitlab-org/gitlab#427839 Rename
backend, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancerefactor, ruby, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowready for development - gitlab-org/gitlab#427762 (closed) [Feature flag] Enable k8s Watch API devopsdeploy, feature flag, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", sectioncd, typeignore
- gitlab-org/gitlab#427758 Add spec to make sure deploy tokens are not allowed to access repo when repo disabled devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancetest-gap, sectioncd, typemaintenance
gitlab-org/gitlab#427682 (closed) Drop
column indeployments
table backend, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, missed:16.6, missed:16.7, ruby, sectioncd, typemaintenance, workflowready for development - gitlab-org/gitlab#427522 Allow retrieving agent in REST API with agent name instead of agent id devopsdeploy, featureenhancement, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#427442 (closed) Extend Metadata and Version REST API endpoints to include KAS Kubernetes API proxy URL api, devopsdeploy, featureaddition, groupenvironments, quick win, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#427010 MergeRequest Pipelines should note incompatibility with AutoDevOps features automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, docs-only, documentation, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426883 How to support group-level flexible metadata filtering for services backend, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenanceperformance, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426754 Notify if update ASAP in version API automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426625 Follow-up from "Migrate gl dropdown canary ingress" devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenancerefactor, sectioncd, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426595 (closed) Add legal disclaimer and experiment indicator to root cause analysis experiment ~"ai-assist", devopsdeploy, featureenhancement, frontend, groupenvironments, missed:16.6, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426418 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426285 Add access_as: user support for web terminal Category:Kubernetes Management, GitLab Premium, automation:ml, devopsdeploy, documentation, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#426057 (closed) Slow test in spec/features/projects/cluster_agents_spec.rb | ClusterAgents when user has an agent when visiting the index page displays a table with agent Category:Groups & Projects, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenanceperformance, priority3, rspec profiling, ~"rspec:slow test", sectioncd, severity3, test, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425969 Group Level Cluster View GitLab Free, GitLab Premium, GitLab Ultimate, UX, devopsdeploy, direction, documentation, featureaddition, groupenvironments, sectioncd, typefeature, workflowready for design
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425840 (closed) Subgroups are not presented in "Allowed to deploy" dropdown for group-level protected environments Deliverable, DeployFY24Q4 Goal, SLONear Miss, SUSImpacting, UX, devopsdeploy, frontend, frontend-weight1, groupenvironments, priority4, reproduced on GitLab.com, sectioncd, severity3, typebug, usability, workflowrefinement
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425759 (closed) Multiple approvers for protected environments get grouped for one rule resulting in blocking deployments DeployFY24Q4 Goal, SLOMissed, SUSImpacting, UX, backend, bugfunctional, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, priority2, ruby, sectioncd, severity2, typebug, workflowready for development
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425706 (closed) Terraform template doesn't work properly in triggered jobs Category:Pipeline Composition, Category:Templates, SLONear Miss, automation:ml, automation:ml wrong, automation:self-triage-encouraged, bugfunctional, ~"ci::templates", devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", sectioncd, severity3, terraform, typebug
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425694 Docs feedback: Manage Deploy Tokens Requires at least Owner Role automation:ml, automation:self-triage-encouraged, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425399 (closed) Slow test in spec/features/projects/environments/environment_spec.rb | Environment environment details page with auto-stop allows user to cancel auto stop Category:Groups & Projects, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, maintenanceperformance, priority3, rspec profiling, ~"rspec:slow test", sectioncd, severity3, test, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425283 (closed) Document kubernetes_dashboard feature flag Technical Writing, devopsdeploy, documentation, feature flag, groupenvironments, sectioncd
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425071 (closed) Slow test in spec/features/groups/clusters/user_spec.rb | User Cluster when user does not have a cluster and visits cluster index page when user filled form with valid parameters user sees namespace per environment is enabled by default Category:User Profile, devopsdeploy, groupenvironments, ~"issue::validation", maintenanceperformance, priority3, rspec profiling, ~"rspec:slow test", sectioncd, severity3, test, typemaintenance
- gitlab-org/gitlab#425058 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- gitlab-org/gitlab#424867 Improve the Environments dropdown behavior on feature flags page SUSImpacting, UX, devopsdeploy, frontend, groupenvironments, maintenanceusability, sectioncd, severity4, typemaintenance, workflowrefinement
You are welcome to help improve this report.