2020-05-27 Newly created unlabelled issues requiring initial triage
Hi Triage Team,
Here is a list of the latest issues without labels in the project.
In accordance with the Partial triage guidelines, we would like to ask you to:
- Check for duplicates in this project and others (it is common for issues reported in EE to already exist in CE).
- Add a type label.
- If identified as a bug, add a severity label.
- If the severity is ~S1 or ~S2, mention relevant PM/EMs from the relevant stage group from product devstages categories.
- Add a group label.
- Add a stage label.
- Add relevant category and facet labels to facilitate automatic addition of stage and group labels.
- If needed, mention relevant domain experts if the issue requires further attention.
- If the issue looks like spam, please report it
For the issues triaged please check off the box in front of the given issue.
Once you've triaged all the issues assigned to you, you can unassign yourself with the /unassign me
quick action.
When all the checkboxes are done, close the issue, and celebrate!
gitlab-org/gitlab#219183 (closed) cert manager error"="acme: urn:ietf:params:acme:error:malformed: No order for ID 3139387196 -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219164 (closed) Pricing page is not usable on iOS devices -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219157 (closed) 12.10.6 to 13.0.0 upgrade failure; undefined method `parent_class' for MergeRequest:Class
gitlab-org/gitlab#219148 Unstable download files https://plugins.gradle.org -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219140 (closed) Custom vulnerability report doesn't populate Security Dashboard -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219136 Filter Notifications by Change Type
gitlab-org/gitlab#219131 (closed) Deploy-ECS.gitlab-ci.yml AWS_REGION variable -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219128 No "/explore" link on start page anymore -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219123 Allow other URI Schemes for Release assets (not only http(s) and ftp) -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219111 Put the SSH key title/comment in authorized_keys file -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219109 Add support to "from" option in authorized_keys file
gitlab-org/gitlab#219099 (closed) User Setting missing for detailed information mail settings -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219091 (closed) Cannot see and interact with related issues in the Epic tree -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219085 (closed) Docs feedback: Wrong procedure to add an existing Kubernetes cluster
gitlab-org/gitlab#219083 Moving an issue template does not remove it from new issue template list -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219081 (closed) With large files push gets error: RPC failed; http 413 curl 22 the requested URL returned error: 413 -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219080 (closed) unable to start the bootstrap: can't create new listener: listen unix /var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/gitaly.socket: protocol not available
gitlab-org/gitlab#219075 (closed) Cannot close merge requests. -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219070 (closed) Docs - product feedback: Write your title -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219066 (closed) Fork still pending deletion 4 days after scheduled
gitlab-org/gitlab#219065 (closed) Variable can be used on include.ref
gitlab-org/gitlab#219048 (closed) GITCLI FROZEN WHEN ENTERING PASSWORD -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219047 (closed) $ does not work in regular expressions in IF-WHEN
gitlab-org/gitlab#219046 (closed) Bug: Healthcheck & readiness probe (/-/liveness, /-/readiness) return 200 when missing database connection -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219045 (closed) Gitlab console frozen when entering password -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219031 (closed) mermaid state diagrams scale past the borders of their containers
gitlab-org/gitlab#219067 (closed) How to disable hset_redis_diff_caching -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219014 (closed) Subgroup/Project Sorting Bug During Paging -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219012 (closed) Auto-devops production deploy job failed
gitlab-org/gitlab#219009 (closed) Internal server error when making token request -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219011 (closed) Reopen: Allow board without "open" and "closed" lanes -
gitlab-org/gitlab#219005 Cleverer "Merge when pipeline succeeds" (productivity and security)
gitlab-org/gitlab#218999 Can not export projects - error: Operation not supported - copy_file_range -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218995 (closed) Permission denied with submodules -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218963 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
gitlab-org/gitlab#218914 (closed) Can't view contents of files -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218839 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218828 Set notes on Pipeline list via artifact
gitlab-org/gitlab#218824 (closed) Cannot create new file from mobile device -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218805 (closed) Change wording of job "retry" button based on pass/fail -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218796 Rebases trigger noisy, uninformative messages
gitlab-org/gitlab#218791 (closed) rules/when : Inconsistent handling if no default value -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218915 (confidential) ~"(confidential)" -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218778 Docs feedback: registry push troubleshooting in kubernetes/helm deploy
gitlab-org/gitlab#218772 Block execution of pipeline during specified period -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218771 Job log completely strips CRCRLF lines -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218770 (closed) BUG: Releases Test Evidence File fails to download in 12.7.5-ee
gitlab-org/gitlab#218761 (closed) Not able to Filter on milestones that have been closed -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218760 (closed) Jira Integration - Automatically Adds Text To MR That Closes the Jira Issue -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218759 (closed) How to use "search issues by release"?
gitlab-org/gitlab#218754 (closed) Bug: lost content when rename file in WEBIDE -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218750 Render lockfiles changes in MRs instead of displaying them like a diff -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218748 (closed) Can not create New Project within the group
gitlab-org/gitlab#218743 Layout in jobs list hides relevant info -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218736 Artefacts noch displayed when using license_compliance -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218730 (closed) Follow-up from "Fix leaky constant in master check, attr config, issue connection specs"
gitlab-org/gitlab#218693 (closed) Workflow rules not working as intended with [ci skip] commit message prefix -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218691 (closed) webhook returning http status code 100 causes 500 internal server error -
gitlab-org/gitlab#218675 CI/CD Automating Issues label assignment
gitlab-org/gitlab#218641 (closed) Automatic Issue Closing not working with customized expression
Edited by Désirée Chevalier