2022-12-05 - Secure weekly status
Secure weekly status
Current status
Help wanted
Features and high-priority bugs delivered in the last 7 days.
- groupsecurity policies Scheduled scan execution policy does not work
- groupdynamic analysis Move DAST owasp ZAP scanner image to Free/Premium
- groupsecurity policies Security Approval/Review triggered based on specific paths
- groupthreat insights ActiveRecord::QueryCanceled: PG::QueryCanceled: ERROR: canceling statement due to statement timeout
groupdynamic analysis [Feature flag] Cleanup
- groupstatic analysis (confidential)
- groupcomposition analysis (spike) sync between monolith package metadata and the license database
- groupdynamic analysis Add _REQUEST_HEADERS_BASE64 variable to DAST API
- groupcomposition analysis License Scanning using License DB and SBOM components
- groupvulnerability research LicenseDB Logging & Observability
- groupvulnerability research LicenseDB Listener
- groupcompliance [Frontend] Add the ability to manage a default project compliance framework on groups
- groupvulnerability research LicenseDB Interfacer
groupcompliance Add event type information for audit events using Auditor.audit in
- groupcomposition analysis Sync Rails backend with License DB
- groupcomposition analysis FE - [License Approvals] - Add new dropdown that preempts the current configuration drop downs
- groupdynamic analysis Adopt security report schema 15-0-0 in Fuzz Testing
- groupcompliance Add a visual indication to show that a streaming audit event destination has filters applied
- groupstatic analysis Severity Icons with Outlines
- groupthreat insights Design: Enhanced bulk actions
Job URL: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/quality/triage-ops/-/jobs/3420918038