@tristan.read@ohoral @lauraMon please comment in this thread with issues you'd like to propose we schedule for %12.9. It could include non monitor::health related work, technical debt, working group work..etc
@ClemMakesApps The grouping of the resolve/ignore buttons in the error tracking list would be nice to do in %12.9. There are two parts to this: add the button-group component to gitlab-ui then implement it in gitlab:
I added the issues from %12.8 that are missed-deliverable in general to the Scope of work table for %12.9. Please let me know if there are questions. If any of those issues end up making it, we can remove them! Thanks.
@williamchia we usually move things over to the next milestone closer to the end of the milestone. Usually around the 17/18th of the month. I think it's okay for us to pre-emptively think about it for 12.9 from a capacity standpoint but leave them in the 12.8 milestone for now
cool - let's keep the state as is. The chart in the description of this issue will show 3 issues pulled forward from the last release. The pannling issue board will only show 2 unless/if that last one shifts.
@sarahwaldner and @williamchia - I noticed that there wasn't a design section on this one so wanted to let you know what I'm working on and to check in on upcoming priorities:
@ameliabauerly Yes, thank you for always being so thorough.
I discussed with @kbychu this morning that we want to orient the team towards improving the Triage workflow/Incident Management, specifically the beginning of the Triage workflow when someone starts investigation. I believe that we will pick back up on Incident automation problem validation. I am going to review the problem validation epic this afternoon and see if we want to make any adjustments to it as well as draft my initial hypotheses, then tag you for us to collaborate.
To summarize: We will be discovery/problem validation on how to enable/improve/streamline the initial investigation process as part of the Triage workflow.
I think the next step for the incident automation problem validation issue was to set up user interviews. Since we combined the screener for incident automation and the SIG recruiting, we'll probably have to decide who is going to join the SIG and use the remaining people for the Incident Automation Problem Validation interviews. We're hoping to complete the initial SIG interviews on Friday. After that point, we'd likely have a set of people for both the SIG and for the automation interviews Will keep you posted on this! :)
Also FYI, @ohoral and @tristan.read are going to work on the status page MVC from the frontend side. It's a little much to break it down for each person in the Deliverable in general level, so I've assigned issues to them both so they can both decide how to best work together and move our feature forward
Looking forward to working on this! @ohoral do you have any recommendations on which issue would be best for me to start with? I'm still finishing off a %12.8 deliverable so I could take the general#2 (closed) priority status page piece if this is defined
Also, since SRE team mentioned wanting the status page on AWS. I've created an access request for the dev team to gain access to aws staging. I'm expecting provisioning within the week