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Bridge messages between Matrix and Gitter

Eric Eastwood requested to merge 1684-bridge-messages into develop

Bridge messages between Matrix and Gitter

Part of

Dev notes

Split out from

$ mongo gitter
> db.matricesbridgeduser.remove({ userId: db.users.findOne({ username: 'MadLittleMods' })._id })


  • Only allow certain rooms to bridge messages for this initial phase
    • Added isRoomAllowedToBridge
  • Add tests

Testing strategy

  1. Configure your webapp secrets again to get the latest matrix__ environment variables added,
  2. Send a message from one of your Gitter rooms
  3. Login to your local Riot instance which points at your local synapse: http://localhost:18010/
  4. In Riot in your rooms list -> Rooms -> + -> Explore public rooms -> Find the bridged room just created from sending the message above
  5. Send a message back from Riot.
  6. Notice the message go to Gitter
Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports