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Topics deprecated and export

Eric Eastwood requested to merge feature/topics-export into develop

Dev notes

Add a bunch of topics

for /l %x in (1, 1, 100) do node .\scripts\fixtures\create-topic.js --username MadLittleMods --group lots-a-topics --category general --title asdf%x --text asdf%x

Run scripts/utils/list-admins-of-every-forum.js against beta

# Update the symlink because it doesn't work straight from the git repo on Windows
mklink "C:\Users\MLM\Documents\GitLab\gitter-secrets\webapp\env" "C:\Users\MLM\Documents\GitLab\gitter-secrets\env"
# Eval the beta secrets
@FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('bash /c/Users/MLM/Documents/GitLab/gitter-secrets/webapp/env beta') DO @%i
# Run the util script
set NODE_ENV=beta&&node .\scripts\utils\list-admins-of-every-forum.js

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Edited by Eric Eastwood

Merge request reports