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Remove invalid data from jira_tracker_data table

Jarka Košanová requested to merge 198030-fix-wrong-data into master

What does this MR do?

In !18639 (merged) we started migrating data for issue trackers and jira from properties field of services table to jira_tracker_data and issue_tracker_data. While everything went fine for issue_tracker_data the data were not properly migrated for jira_tracker_data. *_iv values are missing in some cases, mostly for api_url field.

While the final fix will be reinserting the data correctly, this MR removes the invalid data so that users can use their project.

Before reinserting the data we need to find the cause why it failed in the first place.

Records affected

gitlabhq_production=# select count(*) from jira_tracker_data WHERE (length(encrypted_api_url) > 0 AND encrypted_api_url_iv IS NULL) OR (length(encrypted_url) > 0 AND encrypted_url_iv IS NULL) OR (length(encrypted_username) > 0 AND encrypted_username_iv IS NULL) OR (length(encrypted_password) > 0 AND encrypted_password_iv IS NULL);
-[ RECORD 1 ]
count | 1953

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Availability and Testing

Issue: #198030 (closed)

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Merge request reports