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Enable Productivity Analytics feature

Adam Hegyi requested to merge enable-pa-ff-by-default into master

What does this MR do?

Sets Productivity Analytics feature flags to default to "on".

This was requested today by @valexieva in Slack#g_manage_analytics:

virjinia Today at 2:32 AM @ahegyi - do you mind turning both productivity analytics flags to on, so they go in so in 12.4? Thanks

ahegyi 7 hours ago what are the two flags?

virjinia 5 hours ago productivity_analytics

virjinia 5 hours ago productivity_analytics_scatterplot_enabled (not sure why it says enabled)

ahegyi 2 hours ago did you turn it on or off? I can see the scatterplot

virjinia 2 hours ago it's on, but I want to make it default on for on premise. I believe if the code says default on, then it ships as on in on-premise

virjinia 2 hours ago isn't that the case?

ahegyi 2 hours ago productivity_analytics_scatterplot_enabled, default_enabled: true

virjinia 2 hours ago cool, can we make the same for productivity_analytics?

virjinia 2 hours ago otherwise, unsure what actually happens?

ahegyi 2 hours ago if the 'productivity_analytics' ff is off then PA won't be visible at all (including scatterplot)

virjinia 2 hours ago ok, can we make it default on, please? 🙂

ahegyi 2 hours ago sure, I'll submit an MR

virjinia 2 hours ago Thanks!


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EDITED same day by @djensen to add Slack transcript.

Edited by Jan Provaznik

Merge request reports