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Make the 'package-and-qa' job wait for downstream 'Trigger:qa-test' job

What does this MR do?

In the omnibus-gitlab-mirror pipelines, the Trigger:measure-memory job can take some time (up to 40 minutes) to run, and that can lead the upstream gitlab-org/gitlab job to timeout.

Since gitlab-org/gitlab's schedule:package-and-qa job is only interested in the result of the omnibus-gitlab-mirror's Trigger:qa-test job, this MR makes gitlab-org/gitlab's schedule:package-and-qa polls for omnibus-gitlab-mirror's Trigger:qa-test instead of the whole pipeline, so that the QA status would be reported as soon as Trigger:qa-test passes/fails.

This should mitigate #33272 (closed).

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Performance and Testing

Edited by Rémy Coutable

Merge request reports