Pushing milestone back to 13.0 since the new project/group settings UI for variables will be live during 12.10. This will give us a full milestone to determine if it's safe to remove to old UI and related code.
I've set #211799 (closed) as related - for awareness - as we've had some tickets from customers about this.
One of the specific issues customers have raised about the new UI:
In the old UI before version 12.9, you could specify an environment "mask" - for example, "dev -*".
The linked issue specified at least one other issue also.
Another curiosity: customer raised ticket with screenshots, and we spent some time going back and forth trying to work out what feature the were asking about. It looked like CI/CD variables, but I couldn't reproduce it, and the UI is, obviously, radically different.
Checking existing projects on gitlab.com and on self managed, old UI. I've also upgraded my test instance to 12.9.2 and
This actually was an oversight on our part during the refactor, so I flipped the feature flag back off immediately.
The problems described are fixed here !27699 (merged) and I will turn the feature flag back on here soon.
Just a heads up, the dropdown will contain any wildcard scopes defined but also fetches any environments defined within .gitlab-ci.yml. This API is now being used as well https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/environments.html