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  • Brian Williams's avatar
    Correctly deduplicate vulnerabilities with 8 digit image tags · 752d9a59
    Brian Williams authored and Mehmet Emin INAC's avatar Mehmet Emin INAC committed
    Exclude 8-digit numbers from the location fingerprint when performing
    vulnerability deduplication. This means that when two different images
    are tagged with short hashes such as my-image:62011677 and
    my-image:e2e32c98, these will be grouped in the vulnerability report
    instead of being displayed as separate line items. It's still ambiguous
    as to whether 62011677 is a hash or a number, but since version numbers
    rarely become that large this is the quickest way to fix the case where
    we have a short-ref tagging scheme.
    Changelog: fixed
    EE: true