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  • Kassio Borges's avatar
    Gitlab Importer - Skip some validations in Project/Group import · 4ee3412a
    Kassio Borges authored
    Some Project/Group imports are not importing all the relations due to
    some *subrelations* (nested relations) being invalid. To avoid that, and
    fix exceptions like
    #285107, every relation
    created will, from now on, be validated.
    Though, while working on
    this validation, some tests failed, exposing that some validations are
    actually blocking some imports.
    Validation to check if a _major_ association exists, or follow some kind
    of requirements, like "DiffNote validating if the MergeRequest is
    associated", doesn't work in the import process because the
    relations are created in a _nested_ way. Something like:
    diff_note = DiffNote.create(diff_note_attributes)
    mr = MergeRequest.create(mr_attributes, diff_notes: [diff_note])
    This commit skip these validations on the importing process, using the
    `validates :validation, unles...