Force notifications to SAML email address for dedicated users
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- Gosia Ksionek authored
- help_text = readonly ? s_("Profiles|Your email address was automatically set based on your %{provider_label} account") % { provider_label: attribute_provider_label(:email) } : user_email_help_text(@user)
= form.text_field :email, required: true, class: 'input-lg', value: ( unless @user.temp_oauth_email?), help: help_text, readonly: readonly || email_change_disabled
{ help: s_("Profiles|This email will be displayed on your public profile"), include_blank: s_("Profiles|Do not show on profile") },
- commit_email_docs_link = link_to s_('Profiles|Learn more'), help_page_path('user/profile/index', anchor: 'commit-email', target: '_blank')
= :commit_email, options_for_select(commit_email_select_options(@user), selected: selected_commit_email(@user)),
{ help: s_("Profiles|This email will be used for web based operations, such as edits and merges. %{learn_more}").html_safe % { learn_more: commit_email_docs_link } },