diff --git a/app/models/concerns/enums/internal_id.rb b/app/models/concerns/enums/internal_id.rb
index 71c86bab1361d991375ab577309d023a75f2d2b4..a8227363a22a9df61ae8cc086e8d4630fee4d332 100644
--- a/app/models/concerns/enums/internal_id.rb
+++ b/app/models/concerns/enums/internal_id.rb
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ def self.usage_resources
         alert_management_alerts: 8,
         sprints: 9, # iterations
         design_management_designs: 10,
-        incident_management_oncall_schedules: 11
+        incident_management_oncall_schedules: 11,
+        ml_experiments: 12
diff --git a/app/models/ml/experiment.rb b/app/models/ml/experiment.rb
index 7ef9c70ba7ee69fa715642d69bd418cf9a429885..e4e9baac4c8cd31cb448234f3b7b9182b65ac7fe 100644
--- a/app/models/ml/experiment.rb
+++ b/app/models/ml/experiment.rb
@@ -2,11 +2,33 @@
 module Ml
   class Experiment < ApplicationRecord
-    validates :name, :iid, :project, presence: true
-    validates :iid, :name, uniqueness: { scope: :project, message: "should be unique in the project" }
+    include AtomicInternalId
+    validates :name, :project, presence: true
+    validates :name, uniqueness: { scope: :project, message: "should be unique in the project" }
     belongs_to :project
     belongs_to :user
     has_many :candidates, class_name: 'Ml::Candidate'
+    has_internal_id :iid, scope: :project
+    def artifact_location
+      'not_implemented'
+    end
+    class << self
+      def by_project_id_and_iid(project_id, iid)
+        find_by(project_id: project_id, iid: iid)
+      end
+      def by_project_id_and_name(project_id, name)
+        find_by(project_id: project_id, name: name)
+      end
+      def has_record?(project_id, name)
+        where(project_id: project_id, name: name).exists?
+      end
+    end
diff --git a/config/feature_flags/development/ml_experiment_tracking.yml b/config/feature_flags/development/ml_experiment_tracking.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2749cbc3fc1e4ffdb04c3b1e8aaa7994647f95b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/feature_flags/development/ml_experiment_tracking.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name: ml_experiment_tracking
+introduced_by_url: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/95689
+rollout_issue_url: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/371669
+milestone: '15.4'
+type: development
+group: group::incubation
+default_enabled: false
diff --git a/db/migrate/20220818132108_add_deleted_on_to_ml_experiments.rb b/db/migrate/20220818132108_add_deleted_on_to_ml_experiments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6ba9f78553b3abb5c87ae4ceaa47724657570a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/migrate/20220818132108_add_deleted_on_to_ml_experiments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class AddDeletedOnToMlExperiments < Gitlab::Database::Migration[2.0]
+  def change
+    add_column :ml_experiments, :deleted_on, :datetime_with_timezone, index: true
+  end
diff --git a/db/schema_migrations/20220818132108 b/db/schema_migrations/20220818132108
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77683e61f2e4bc0fabdab03ac8643e3c2a0e61d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/schema_migrations/20220818132108
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/db/structure.sql b/db/structure.sql
index ae1b0ca99902c042655d3b9560f921073cca1420..e9ec938289d4c16bc8cebe0bb12fd4d16164c977 100644
--- a/db/structure.sql
+++ b/db/structure.sql
@@ -17718,6 +17718,7 @@ CREATE TABLE ml_experiments (
     project_id bigint NOT NULL,
     user_id bigint,
     name text NOT NULL,
+    deleted_on timestamp with time zone,
     CONSTRAINT check_ee07a0be2c CHECK ((char_length(name) <= 255))
diff --git a/lib/api/api.rb b/lib/api/api.rb
index 5a8772d6c568b9240e9034c6b9129066739f95b8..443bf1d649aace1372c6c8e3761e9e29eabd7561 100644
--- a/lib/api/api.rb
+++ b/lib/api/api.rb
@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ class API < ::API::Base
       mount ::API::Users
       mount ::API::Version
       mount ::API::Wikis
+      mount ::API::Ml::Mlflow
     mount ::API::Internal::Base
diff --git a/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/get_experiment.rb b/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/get_experiment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd42c45c06b71e5eb31c1bf445cd105089cd1488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/get_experiment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module API
+  module Entities
+    module Ml
+      module Mlflow
+        class GetExperiment < Grape::Entity
+          expose :experiment do
+            expose :experiment_id
+            expose :name
+            expose :lifecycle_stage
+            expose :artifact_location
+          end
+          private
+          def lifecycle_stage
+            object.deleted_on? ? 'deleted' : 'active'
+          end
+          def experiment_id
+            object.iid.to_s
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/new_experiment.rb b/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/new_experiment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0979183985067f7db4a4728a8d1dccf19bc610c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/api/entities/ml/mlflow/new_experiment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module API
+  module Entities
+    module Ml
+      module Mlflow
+        class NewExperiment < Grape::Entity
+          expose :experiment_id
+          private
+          def experiment_id
+            object.iid.to_s
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/api/ml/mlflow.rb b/lib/api/ml/mlflow.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbdfa03411453d0b8806ba1f50b1ee179ead81cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/api/ml/mlflow.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'mime/types'
+module API
+  # MLFlow integration API, replicating the Rest API https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/rest-api.html#rest-api
+  module Ml
+    class Mlflow < ::API::Base
+      # The first part of the url is the namespace, the second part of the URL is what the MLFlow client calls
+      MLFLOW_API_PREFIX = ':id/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/'
+      before do
+        authenticate!
+        not_found! unless Feature.enabled?(:ml_experiment_tracking, user_project)
+      end
+      feature_category :mlops
+      content_type :json, 'application/json'
+      default_format :json
+      helpers do
+        def resource_not_found!
+          render_structured_api_error!({ error_code: 'RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST' }, 404)
+        end
+        def resource_already_exists!
+          render_structured_api_error!({ error_code: 'RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS' }, 400)
+        end
+      end
+      params do
+        requires :id, type: String, desc: 'The ID of a project'
+      end
+      resource :projects, requirements: API::NAMESPACE_OR_PROJECT_REQUIREMENTS do
+        desc 'API to interface with MLFlow Client, REST API version 1.28.0' do
+          detail 'This feature is gated by :ml_experiment_tracking.'
+        end
+        namespace MLFLOW_API_PREFIX do
+          resource :experiments do
+            desc 'Fetch experiment by experiment_id' do
+              success Entities::Ml::Mlflow::GetExperiment
+              detail 'https://www.mlflow.org/docs/1.28.0/rest-api.html#get-experiment'
+            end
+            params do
+              optional :experiment_id, type: String, default: '', desc: 'Experiment ID, in reference to the project'
+            end
+            get 'get', urgency: :low do
+              experiment = ::Ml::Experiment.by_project_id_and_iid(user_project.id, params[:experiment_id])
+              resource_not_found! unless experiment
+              present experiment, with: Entities::Ml::Mlflow::GetExperiment
+            end
+            desc 'Fetch experiment by experiment_name' do
+              success Entities::Ml::Mlflow::GetExperiment
+              detail 'https://www.mlflow.org/docs/1.28.0/rest-api.html#get-experiment-by-name'
+            end
+            params do
+              optional :experiment_name, type: String, default: '', desc: 'Experiment name'
+            end
+            get 'get-by-name', urgency: :low do
+              experiment = ::Ml::Experiment.by_project_id_and_name(user_project, params[:experiment_name])
+              resource_not_found! unless experiment
+              present experiment, with: Entities::Ml::Mlflow::GetExperiment
+            end
+            desc 'Create experiment' do
+              success Entities::Ml::Mlflow::NewExperiment
+              detail 'https://www.mlflow.org/docs/1.28.0/rest-api.html#create-experiment'
+            end
+            params do
+              requires :name, type: String, desc: 'Experiment name'
+              optional :artifact_location, type: String, desc: 'This will be ignored'
+              optional :tags, type: Array, desc: 'This will be ignored'
+            end
+            post 'create', urgency: :low do
+              resource_already_exists! if ::Ml::Experiment.has_record?(user_project.id, params[:name])
+              experiment = ::Ml::Experiment.create!(name: params[:name],
+                                                    user: current_user,
+                                                    project: user_project)
+              present experiment, with: Entities::Ml::Mlflow::NewExperiment
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/factories/ml/experiments.rb b/spec/factories/ml/experiments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..043ca712e60886997d9e1dd32387a1facc4bca0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/factories/ml/experiments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+FactoryBot.define do
+  factory :ml_experiments, class: '::Ml::Experiment' do
+    sequence(:name) { |n| "experiment#{n}" }
+    association :project
+    association :user
+  end
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/api/schemas/ml/get_experiment.json b/spec/fixtures/api/schemas/ml/get_experiment.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf8da7f999f4df8ac4f0f214905d5ae3c3a64077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/fixtures/api/schemas/ml/get_experiment.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+  "type": "object",
+  "required": [
+    "experiment"
+  ],
+  "properties": {
+    "experiment": {
+      "type": "object",
+      "required" : [
+        "experiment_id",
+        "name",
+        "artifact_location",
+        "lifecycle_stage"
+      ],
+      "properties" : {
+        "experiment_id": { "type": "string" },
+        "name": { "type": "string" },
+        "artifact_location": { "type": "string" },
+        "lifecycle_stage": { "type": { "enum" : ["active", "deleted"] } }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/spec/models/ml/experiment_spec.rb b/spec/models/ml/experiment_spec.rb
index dca5280a8fe7948604618b191dc24f2d1571945f..e300f82d2904ff03a600dca504a83ac60bbad28d 100644
--- a/spec/models/ml/experiment_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/ml/experiment_spec.rb
@@ -8,4 +8,55 @@
     it { is_expected.to belong_to(:user) }
     it { is_expected.to have_many(:candidates) }
+  describe '#by_project_id_and_iid?' do
+    let(:exp) { create(:ml_experiments) }
+    let(:iid) { exp.iid }
+    subject { described_class.by_project_id_and_iid(exp.project_id, iid) }
+    context 'if exists' do
+      it { is_expected.to eq(exp) }
+    end
+    context 'if does not exist' do
+      let(:iid) { non_existing_record_id }
+      it { is_expected.to be(nil) }
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#by_project_id_and_name?' do
+    let(:exp) { create(:ml_experiments) }
+    let(:exp_name) { exp.name }
+    subject { described_class.by_project_id_and_name(exp.project_id, exp_name) }
+    context 'if exists' do
+      it { is_expected.to eq(exp) }
+    end
+    context 'if does not exist' do
+      let(:exp_name) { 'hello' }
+      it { is_expected.to be_nil }
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#has_record?' do
+    let(:exp) { create(:ml_experiments) }
+    let(:exp_name) { exp.name }
+    subject { described_class.has_record?(exp.project_id, exp_name) }
+    context 'if exists' do
+      it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
+    end
+    context 'if does not exist' do
+      let(:exp_name) { 'hello' }
+      it { is_expected.to be_falsey }
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/spec/requests/api/ml/mlflow_spec.rb b/spec/requests/api/ml/mlflow_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..534947fcac7c819f89563ffb08656a317dbe6862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/requests/api/ml/mlflow_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'mime/types'
+RSpec.describe API::Ml::Mlflow do
+  include SessionHelpers
+  include ApiHelpers
+  include HttpBasicAuthHelpers
+  let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :private) }
+  let_it_be(:developer) { create(:user).tap { |u| project.add_developer(u) } }
+  let_it_be(:experiment) do
+    create(:ml_experiments, user: project.creator, project: project)
+  end
+  let(:current_user) { developer }
+  let(:ff_value) { true }
+  let(:scopes) { %w[api] }
+  let(:headers) do
+    { 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{create(:personal_access_token, scopes: scopes, user: current_user).token}" }
+  end
+  let(:params) { {} }
+  let(:request) { get api(route), params: params, headers: headers }
+  before do
+    stub_feature_flags(ml_experiment_tracking: ff_value)
+    request
+  end
+  shared_examples 'Not Found' do |message|
+    it "is Not Found" do
+      expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found)
+      expect(json_response['message']).to eq(message) if message.present?
+    end
+  end
+  shared_examples 'Not Found - Resource Does Not Exist' do
+    it "is Resource Does Not Exist" do
+      expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found)
+      expect(json_response).to include({ "error_code" => 'RESOURCE_DOES_NOT_EXIST' })
+    end
+  end
+  shared_examples 'Bad Request' do |error_code = nil|
+    it "is Bad Request" do
+      expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:bad_request)
+      expect(json_response).to include({ 'error_code' => error_code }) if error_code.present?
+    end
+  end
+  shared_examples 'shared error cases' do
+    context 'when not authenticated' do
+      let(:headers) { {} }
+      it "is Unauthorized" do
+        expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:unauthorized)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'when user does not have access' do
+      let(:current_user) { create(:user) }
+      it_behaves_like 'Not Found'
+    end
+    context 'when ff is disabled' do
+      let(:ff_value) { false }
+      it_behaves_like 'Not Found'
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'GET /projects/:id/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/get' do
+    let(:experiment_iid) { experiment.iid.to_s }
+    let(:route) { "/projects/#{project.id}/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/get?experiment_id=#{experiment_iid}" }
+    it 'returns the experiment' do
+      expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)
+      expect(response).to match_response_schema('ml/get_experiment')
+      expect(json_response).to include({
+                                         'experiment' => {
+                                           'experiment_id' => experiment_iid,
+                                           'name' => experiment.name,
+                                           'lifecycle_stage' => 'active',
+                                           'artifact_location' => 'not_implemented'
+                                         }
+                                       })
+    end
+    describe 'Error States' do
+      context 'when has access' do
+        context 'and experiment does not exist' do
+          let(:experiment_iid) { non_existing_record_iid.to_s }
+          it_behaves_like 'Not Found - Resource Does Not Exist'
+        end
+        context 'and experiment_id is not passed' do
+          let(:route) { "/projects/#{project.id}/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/get" }
+          it_behaves_like 'Not Found - Resource Does Not Exist'
+        end
+      end
+      it_behaves_like 'shared error cases'
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'GET /projects/:id/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/get-by-name' do
+    let(:experiment_name) { experiment.name }
+    let(:route) do
+      "/projects/#{project.id}/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/get-by-name?experiment_name=#{experiment_name}"
+    end
+    it 'returns the experiment' do
+      expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok)
+      expect(response).to match_response_schema('ml/get_experiment')
+      expect(json_response).to include({
+                                         'experiment' => {
+                                           'experiment_id' => experiment.iid.to_s,
+                                           'name' => experiment_name,
+                                           'lifecycle_stage' => 'active',
+                                           'artifact_location' => 'not_implemented'
+                                         }
+                                       })
+    end
+    describe 'Error States' do
+      context 'when has access but experiment does not exist' do
+        let(:experiment_name) { "random_experiment" }
+        it_behaves_like 'Not Found - Resource Does Not Exist'
+      end
+      context 'when has access but experiment_name is not passed' do
+        let(:route) { "/projects/#{project.id}/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/get-by-name" }
+        it_behaves_like 'Not Found - Resource Does Not Exist'
+      end
+      it_behaves_like 'shared error cases'
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'POST /projects/:id/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/create' do
+    let(:route) do
+      "/projects/#{project.id}/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/create"
+    end
+    let(:params) { { name: 'new_experiment' } }
+    let(:request) { post api(route), params: params, headers: headers }
+    it 'creates the experiment' do
+      expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:created)
+      expect(json_response).to include('experiment_id' )
+    end
+    describe 'Error States' do
+      context 'when experiment name is not passed' do
+        let(:params) { {} }
+        it_behaves_like 'Bad Request'
+      end
+      context 'when experiment name already exists' do
+        let(:existing_experiment) do
+          create(:ml_experiments, user: current_user, project: project)
+        end
+        let(:params) { { name: existing_experiment.name } }
+        it_behaves_like 'Bad Request', 'RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS'
+      end
+      context 'when project does not exist' do
+        let(:route) { "/projects/#{non_existing_record_id}/ml/mflow/api/2.0/mlflow/experiments/create" }
+        it_behaves_like 'Not Found', '404 Project Not Found'
+      end
+    end
+  end