Draft: PoC for removing partitioned data using foreign keys
5 unresolved threads
Related to #358943 (closed)
This partitions all of the tables described in https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/architecture/blueprints/ci_data_decay/pipeline_partitioning.html#why-do-we-need-to-partition-cicd-data and creates 5 partitions for each. It also adds some horrible hacks to allow the execution of Ci::CreatePipelineService
for data insertion:
# Configure which partition to use for data storage: 100..105
[1] pry(main)> Thread.current[:current_partition_id] = 103
=> 103
[2] pry(main)> Ci::CreatePipelineService.new(Project.find(75), User.first, { ref: 'main', variables_attributes: [ {key: 'GIT_STRATEGY', value: 'none' } ] }).execute!(:web, {})
=> #<ServiceResponse:0x00007ff272967960
id: 544,
ref: "main",
sha: "bc47a984eb5f8b5712a420ac1c043396e05f973f",
before_sha: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
created_at: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 12:44:39.769820000 UTC +00:00,
updated_at: Thu, 14 Jul 2022 12:44:39.769820000 UTC +00:00,
tag: false,
yaml_errors: nil,
committed_at: nil,
project_id: 75,
status: "created",
started_at: nil,
finished_at: nil,
duration: nil,
user_id: 1,
lock_version: 0,
auto_canceled_by_id: nil,
pipeline_schedule_id: nil,
source: "web",
config_source: "repository_source",
protected: true,
failure_reason: nil,
iid: 57,
merge_request_id: nil,
source_sha: nil,
target_sha: nil,
external_pull_request_id: nil,
ci_ref_id: 73,
locked: "artifacts_locked",
partition_id: 103>,
Data is inserted in the right partition:
gitlabhq_development_ci=# select id, iid, partition_id, project_id from p_ci_pipelines_103;
id | iid | partition_id | project_id
520 | 33 | 103 | 75
521 | 34 | 103 | 75
522 | 35 | 103 | 75
544 | 57 | 103 | 75
(4 rows)
gitlabhq_development_ci=# select id, name, commit_id, partition_id from p_ci_builds_103;
id | name | commit_id | partition_id
26751 | build1 | 520 | 103
26752 | test1 | 520 | 103
26753 | test2 | 520 | 103
26754 | deploy1 | 520 | 103
26755 | build1 | 521 | 103
26756 | test1 | 521 | 103
26757 | test2 | 521 | 103
26758 | deploy1 | 521 | 103
26759 | build1 | 522 | 103
26760 | test1 | 522 | 103
26761 | test2 | 522 | 103
26762 | deploy1 | 522 | 103
26847 | build1 | 544 | 103
26848 | test1 | 544 | 103
26849 | test2 | 544 | 103
26850 | deploy1 | 544 | 103
(16 rows)
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