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Deprecate use of id for vulnerabilityFindingDismiss mutation

Merged Matt Wilson requested to merge matt_wilson-vulnerabilityFindingDismiss-deprecation into master
All threads resolved!
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
stage: Secure # (required) String value of the stage that the feature was created in. e.g., Growth
issue_url: # (required) Link to the deprecation issue in GitLab
body: | # (required) Do not modify this line, instead modify the lines below.
The vulnerabilityFindingDismiss GraphQL mutation can be used to set the status of a vulnerability finding to `Dismissed`. Previously, this mutation used the `id` field to uniquely identify findings. However, this did not work for dismissing findings from the pipeline security tab. Use of this identifier has subsequently been dropped in favor of the `uuid` field which will allow proper dismissal from the pipeline security tab.
You can use the vulnerabilityFindingDismiss GraphQL mutation to set the status of a vulnerability finding to `Dismissed`. Previously, this mutation used the `id` field to identify findings uniquely. However, this did not work for dismissing findings from the pipeline security tab. Therefore, using the `id` field as an identifier has been dropped in favor of the `uuid` field. Using the 'uuid' field as an identifier allows you to dismiss the finding from the pipeline security tab.