diff --git a/doc/administration/gitaly/configure_gitaly.md b/doc/administration/gitaly/configure_gitaly.md
index 6888a2abe9a7d9089c1b46dac08b810cbfcd1f4e..84ab50f960cc635cc9cd8ce6b1e36dbc7882e9a2 100644
--- a/doc/administration/gitaly/configure_gitaly.md
+++ b/doc/administration/gitaly/configure_gitaly.md
@@ -823,70 +823,6 @@ repository. In the example above:
 You can observe the behavior of this queue using the Gitaly logs and Prometheus. For more
 information, see the [relevant documentation](monitoring.md#monitor-gitaly-concurrency-limiting).
-## Control groups
-> - Introduced in GitLab 13.10.
-Gitaly shells out to Git for many of its operations. Git can consume a lot of resources for certain operations,
-especially for large repositories.
-Control groups (cgroups) in Linux allow limits to be imposed on how much memory and CPU can be consumed.
-See the [`cgroups` Linux man page](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/cgroups.7.html) for more information.
-cgroups can be useful for protecting the system against resource exhaustion because of overconsumption of memory and CPU.
-Gitaly has built-in cgroups control. When configured, Gitaly assigns Git
-processes to a cgroup based on the repository the Git command is operating in.
-Each cgroup has a memory and CPU limit. When a cgroup reaches its:
-- Memory limit, the kernel looks through the processes for a candidate to kill.
-- CPU limit, processes are not killed, but the processes are prevented from consuming more CPU than allowed.
-The main reason to configure cgroups for your GitLab installation is that it
-protects against system resource starvation due to a few large repositories or
-bad actors.
-Some Git operations are expensive by nature. `git clone`, for instance,
-spawns a `git-upload-pack` process on the server that can consume a lot of memory
-for large repositories. For example, a client that keeps on cloning a
-large repository over and over again. This situation could potentially use up all of the
-memory on a server, causing other operations to fail for other users.
-There are many ways someone can create a repository that can consume large amounts of memory when cloned or downloaded.
-Using cgroups allows the kernel to kill these operations before they hog up all system resources.
-### Configure cgroups in Gitaly
-To configure cgroups in Gitaly, add `gitaly['cgroups']` to `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`. For
-# in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
-gitaly['cgroups_count'] = 1000
-gitaly['cgroups_mountpoint'] = "/sys/fs/cgroup"
-gitaly['cgroups_hierarchy_root'] = "gitaly"
-gitaly['cgroups_memory_limit'] = 32212254720
-gitaly['cgroups_memory_enabled'] = true
-gitaly['cgroups_cpu_shares'] = 1024
-gitaly['cgroups_cpu_enabled'] = true
-- `cgroups_count` is the number of cgroups created. Each time a new
-   command is spawned, Gitaly assigns it to one of these cgroups based
-   on the command line arguments of the command. A circular hashing algorithm assigns
-   commands to these cgroups.
-- `cgroups_mountpoint` is where the parent cgroup directory is mounted. Defaults to `/sys/fs/cgroup`.
-- `cgroups_hierarchy_root` is the parent cgroup under which Gitaly creates groups, and
-   is expected to be owned by the user and group Gitaly runs as. Omnibus GitLab
-   creates the set of directories `mountpoint/<cpu|memory>/hierarchy_root`
-   when Gitaly starts.
-- `cgroups_memory_enabled` enables or disables the memory limit on cgroups.
-- `cgroups_memory_bytes` is the total memory limit each cgroup imposes on the processes added to it.
-- `cgroups_cpu_enabled` enables or disables the CPU limit on cgroups.
-- `cgroups_cpu_shares` is the CPU limit each cgroup imposes on the processes added to it. The maximum is 1024 shares,
-   which represents 100% of CPU.
-   which represents 100% of CPU.
 ## Background Repository Optimization
 Empty directories and unneeded configuration settings may accumulate in a repository and
diff --git a/doc/administration/gitaly/monitoring.md b/doc/administration/gitaly/monitoring.md
index 17f94f912ee06ca6af33ea9634515a99bbed42fc..7a4f2026f3d25682b4ab0d516258f1d86321292f 100644
--- a/doc/administration/gitaly/monitoring.md
+++ b/doc/administration/gitaly/monitoring.md
@@ -44,17 +44,6 @@ the Gitaly logs and Prometheus:
   - `gitaly_concurrency_limiting_acquiring_seconds` indicates how long a request has to
     wait due to concurrency limits before being processed.
-## Monitor Gitaly cgroups
-You can observe the status of [control groups (cgroups)](configure_gitaly.md#control-groups) using Prometheus:
-- `gitaly_cgroups_memory_failed_total`, a gauge for the total number of times
-   the memory limit has been hit. This number resets each time a server is
-   restarted.
-- `gitaly_cgroups_cpu_usage`, a gauge that measures CPU usage per cgroup.
-- `gitaly_cgroup_procs_total`, a gauge that measures the total number of
-   processes Gitaly has spawned under the control of cgroups.
 ## `pack-objects` cache
 The following [`pack-objects` cache](configure_gitaly.md#pack-objects-cache) metrics are available: