In-app awareness of Registration Features - Group access by IP address
requested to merge 341949-in-app-awareness-of-registration-features-feature-based-cta-2 into master
All threads resolved!
Compare changes
3- Axel García authored
- Rename shared view - Use shared examples for RF prompt
app/views/admin/application_settings/_registration_features_discovery_message.html.haml deleted
100644 → 0
+ 0
− 7
- registration_features_docs_path = help_page_path('development/service_ping/', anchor: 'registration-features-program')
- service_ping_settings_path = metrics_and_profiling_admin_application_settings_path(anchor: 'js-usage-settings')
= sprintf(s_('Want to use this feature for free? The %{linkStart}Registration Features Program%{linkEnd} does just that.') , { linkStart: "<a href=\"#{registration_features_docs_path}\" target=\"_blank\">", linkEnd: "</a>", }).html_safe