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Drop Delayed Project Removal column from Namespaces

Merged Drew Blessing requested to merge dblessing_remove_delayed_project_removal_ignore into master
All threads resolved!
+ 1
@@ -16178,8 +16178,7 @@ CREATE TABLE namespaces (
push_rule_id bigint,
shared_runners_enabled boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
allow_descendants_override_disabled_shared_runners boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,
traversal_ids integer[] DEFAULT '{}'::integer[] NOT NULL,
delayed_project_removal boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL
traversal_ids integer[] DEFAULT '{}'::integer[] NOT NULL
CREATE SEQUENCE namespaces_id_seq
@@ -26915,8 +26914,6 @@ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX term_agreements_unique_index ON term_agreements USING btree
CREATE INDEX tmp_idx_deduplicate_vulnerability_occurrences ON vulnerability_occurrences USING btree (project_id, report_type, location_fingerprint, primary_identifier_id, id);
CREATE INDEX tmp_idx_on_namespaces_delayed_project_removal ON namespaces USING btree (id) WHERE (delayed_project_removal = true);
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_namespaces_empty_traversal_ids_with_child_namespaces ON namespaces USING btree (id) WHERE ((parent_id IS NOT NULL) AND (traversal_ids = '{}'::integer[]));
CREATE INDEX tmp_index_namespaces_empty_traversal_ids_with_root_namespaces ON namespaces USING btree (id) WHERE ((parent_id IS NULL) AND (traversal_ids = '{}'::integer[]));