diff --git a/app/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_helpers.rb b/app/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_helpers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf50305faaba6f6644af8c76638bcae6dea9283f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_helpers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module VulnerabilityFindingHelpers
+  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
diff --git a/app/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers.rb b/app/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f57e3cb0bfb0a4e9042b1a99e08e44457202b836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module VulnerabilityFindingSignatureHelpers
+  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
diff --git a/ee/app/finders/security/findings_finder.rb b/ee/app/finders/security/findings_finder.rb
index a538aecaab23e6eb6eeec9bb57fed14e9372e6da..8c55b60a34c9a7aadeda9dbebba286b2927eb5d7 100644
--- a/ee/app/finders/security/findings_finder.rb
+++ b/ee/app/finders/security/findings_finder.rb
@@ -47,10 +47,13 @@ def build_vulnerability_finding(security_finding)
       report_finding = report_finding_for(security_finding)
       return Vulnerabilities::Finding.new unless report_finding
-      finding_data = report_finding.to_hash.except(:compare_key, :identifiers, :location, :scanner, :links)
+      finding_data = report_finding.to_hash.except(:compare_key, :identifiers, :location, :scanner, :links, :signatures)
       identifiers = report_finding.identifiers.map do |identifier|
+      signatures = report_finding.signatures.map do |signature|
+        Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.new(signature.to_hash)
+      end
       Vulnerabilities::Finding.new(finding_data).tap do |finding|
         finding.location_fingerprint = report_finding.location.fingerprint
@@ -59,6 +62,7 @@ def build_vulnerability_finding(security_finding)
         finding.sha = pipeline.sha
         finding.scanner = security_finding.scanner
         finding.identifiers = identifiers
+        finding.signatures = signatures
diff --git a/ee/app/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder.rb b/ee/app/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder.rb
index 708ebca7c17fd707214a2f3aaeba3b29c9a9a45b..17a5fee391a1a9d1d1c0214ba07d109b211e5c6c 100644
--- a/ee/app/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder.rb
+++ b/ee/app/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder.rb
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ def vulnerabilities_by_finding_fingerprint(report_type, report)
     def normalize_report_findings(report_findings, vulnerabilities)
       report_findings.map do |report_finding|
         finding_hash = report_finding.to_hash
-          .except(:compare_key, :identifiers, :location, :scanner, :links)
+          .except(:compare_key, :identifiers, :location, :scanner, :links, :signatures)
         finding = Vulnerabilities::Finding.new(finding_hash)
         # assigning Vulnerabilities to Findings to enable the computed state
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ def normalize_report_findings(report_findings, vulnerabilities)
         finding.identifiers = report_finding.identifiers.map do |identifier|
+        finding.signatures = report_finding.signatures.map do |signature|
+          Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.new(signature.to_hash)
+        end
@@ -111,18 +114,36 @@ def include_dismissed?
     def dismissal_feedback?(finding)
-      dismissal_feedback_by_fingerprint[finding.project_fingerprint]
+      if ::Feature.enabled?(:vulnerability_finding_signatures, pipeline.project) && !finding.signatures.empty?
+        dismissal_feedback_by_finding_signatures(finding)
+      else
+        dismissal_feedback_by_project_fingerprint(finding)
+      end
+    end
+    def all_dismissal_feedbacks
+      strong_memoize(:all_dismissal_feedbacks) do
+        pipeline.project
+          .vulnerability_feedback
+          .for_dismissal
+      end
+    end
+    def dismissal_feedback_by_finding_signatures(finding)
+      potential_uuids = Set.new([*finding.signature_uuids, finding.uuid].compact)
+      all_dismissal_feedbacks.any? { |dismissal| potential_uuids.include?(dismissal.finding_uuid) }
     def dismissal_feedback_by_fingerprint
       strong_memoize(:dismissal_feedback_by_fingerprint) do
-        pipeline.project
-                .vulnerability_feedback
-                .for_dismissal
-                .group_by(&:project_fingerprint)
+        all_dismissal_feedbacks.group_by(&:project_fingerprint)
+    def dismissal_feedback_by_project_fingerprint(finding)
+      dismissal_feedback_by_fingerprint[finding.project_fingerprint]
+    end
     def confidence_levels
       Array(params.fetch(:confidence, Vulnerabilities::Finding.confidences.keys))
diff --git a/ee/app/models/concerns/ee/vulnerability_finding_helpers.rb b/ee/app/models/concerns/ee/vulnerability_finding_helpers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bcccfe0598cb89939aef7333c12f58b22bb16c7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee/app/models/concerns/ee/vulnerability_finding_helpers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module EE
+  module VulnerabilityFindingHelpers
+    extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+    def matches_signatures(other_signatures, other_uuid)
+      other_signature_types = other_signatures.index_by(&:algorithm_type)
+      # highest first
+      match_result = nil
+      signatures.sort_by(&:priority).reverse_each do |signature|
+        matching_other_signature = other_signature_types[signature.algorithm_type]
+        next if matching_other_signature.nil?
+        match_result = matching_other_signature == signature
+        break
+      end
+      if match_result.nil?
+        Set.new([uuid, *signature_uuids]).include?(other_uuid)
+      else
+        match_result
+      end
+    end
+    def signature_uuids
+      signatures.map do |signature|
+        hex_sha = signature.signature_hex
+        ::Security::VulnerabilityUUID.generate(
+          report_type: report_type,
+          location_fingerprint: hex_sha,
+          primary_identifier_fingerprint: primary_identifier&.fingerprint,
+          project_id: project_id
+        )
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/ee/app/models/concerns/ee/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers.rb b/ee/app/models/concerns/ee/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b8ea6a59ac4251c47eb45b5b218392e412ffbaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee/app/models/concerns/ee/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module EE
+  module VulnerabilityFindingSignatureHelpers
+    extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+    # If the location object describes a physical location within a file
+    # (filename + line numbers), the 'location' algorithm_type should be used
+    #
+    # If the location object describes arbitrary data, then the 'hash'
+    # algorithm_type should be used.
+      'scope_offset' => 3,
+      'location' => 2,
+      'hash' => 1
+    }.freeze
+    class_methods do
+      def priority(algorithm_type)
+        raise ArgumentError.new("No priority for #{algorithm_type.inspect}") unless PRIORITIES.key?(algorithm_type)
+        PRIORITIES[algorithm_type]
+      end
+    end
+    def priority
+      self.class.priority(algorithm_type)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/ee/app/models/license.rb b/ee/app/models/license.rb
index 4708eb78c32c3c5fe6914abab23f96c9662d2844..cad241d913f1768c84845f9ab2bd0b358d779abd 100644
--- a/ee/app/models/license.rb
+++ b/ee/app/models/license.rb
@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ class License < ApplicationRecord
+    vulnerability_finding_signatures
diff --git a/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding.rb b/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding.rb
index 2cbccb3b2b8fde8a05402519b63b31407baeac7d..5e8c3f62886c723aa8c8406c3a14f734a2ad6d13 100644
--- a/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding.rb
+++ b/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ class Finding < ApplicationRecord
     include ShaAttribute
     include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize
     include Presentable
+    include ::VulnerabilityFindingHelpers
     # https://gitlab.com/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/3148
     # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/214563#note_370782508 is why the table names are not renamed
@@ -332,12 +333,16 @@ def assets
-    alias_method :==, :eql? # eql? is necessary in some cases like array intersection
+    alias_method :==, :eql?
     def eql?(other)
-      other.report_type == report_type &&
-        other.location_fingerprint == location_fingerprint &&
-        other.first_fingerprint == first_fingerprint
+      return false unless other.report_type == report_type && other.primary_identifier_fingerprint == primary_identifier_fingerprint
+      if ::Feature.enabled?(:vulnerability_finding_signatures, project)
+        matches_signatures(other.signatures, other.uuid)
+      else
+        other.location_fingerprint == location_fingerprint
+      end
     # Array.difference (-) method uses hash and eql? methods to do comparison
@@ -348,7 +353,7 @@ def hash
       # when Finding is persisted and identifiers are not preloaded.
       return super if persisted? && !identifiers.loaded?
-      report_type.hash ^ location_fingerprint.hash ^ first_fingerprint.hash
+      report_type.hash ^ location_fingerprint.hash ^ primary_identifier_fingerprint.hash
     def severity_value
@@ -380,7 +385,7 @@ def pipeline_branch
-    def first_fingerprint
+    def primary_identifier_fingerprint
diff --git a/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding_signature.rb b/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding_signature.rb
index a7db39a50276940cb8bdcc019c468f2546e5acb2..4792e24267371ea2cde7f2e4089fc745e06d7cbe 100644
--- a/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding_signature.rb
+++ b/ee/app/models/vulnerabilities/finding_signature.rb
@@ -5,11 +5,23 @@ class FindingSignature < ApplicationRecord
     self.table_name = 'vulnerability_finding_signatures'
     include BulkInsertSafe
+    include VulnerabilityFindingSignatureHelpers
     belongs_to :finding, foreign_key: 'finding_id', inverse_of: :signatures, class_name: 'Vulnerabilities::Finding'
     enum algorithm_type: { hash: 1, location: 2, scope_offset: 3 }, _prefix: :algorithm
     validates :finding, presence: true
+    def signature_hex
+      signature_sha.unpack1("H*")
+    end
+    def eql?(other)
+      other.algorithm_type == algorithm_type &&
+        other.signature_sha == signature_sha
+    end
+    alias_method :==, :eql?
diff --git a/ee/app/services/security/store_report_service.rb b/ee/app/services/security/store_report_service.rb
index 2ac1fa9885cfbac8bde4ed1a738d269717444da1..ae68ed2665e42f668dc34431f3a0f0a6e45f2798 100644
--- a/ee/app/services/security/store_report_service.rb
+++ b/ee/app/services/security/store_report_service.rb
@@ -61,17 +61,21 @@ def create_vulnerability_finding(vulnerability_findings_by_uuid, finding)
-      vulnerability_params = finding.to_hash.except(:compare_key, :identifiers, :location, :scanner, :scan, :links)
+      vulnerability_params = finding.to_hash.except(:compare_key, :identifiers, :location, :scanner, :scan, :links, :signatures)
       entity_params = Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability_params&.dig(:raw_metadata)).slice('description', 'message', 'solution', 'cve', 'location')
       # Vulnerabilities::Finding (`vulnerability_occurrences`)
       vulnerability_finding = vulnerability_findings_by_uuid[finding.uuid] ||
-        create_new_vulnerability_finding(finding, vulnerability_params.merge(entity_params))
+        find_or_create_vulnerability_finding(finding, vulnerability_params.merge(entity_params))
       update_vulnerability_scanner(finding) unless Feature.enabled?(:optimize_sql_query_for_security_report, project)
       update_vulnerability_finding(vulnerability_finding, vulnerability_params)
       reset_remediations_for(vulnerability_finding, finding)
-      update_finding_signatures(finding, vulnerability_finding)
+      if ::Feature.enabled?(:vulnerability_finding_signatures, project)
+        update_feedbacks(vulnerability_finding, vulnerability_params[:uuid])
+        update_finding_signatures(finding, vulnerability_finding)
+      end
       # The maximum number of identifiers is not used in validation
       # we just want to ignore the rest if a finding has more than that.
@@ -86,8 +90,16 @@ def create_vulnerability_finding(vulnerability_findings_by_uuid, finding)
       create_vulnerability(vulnerability_finding, pipeline)
+    def find_or_create_vulnerability_finding(finding, create_params)
+      if ::Feature.enabled?(:vulnerability_finding_signatures, project)
+        find_or_create_vulnerability_finding_with_signatures(finding, create_params)
+      else
+        find_or_create_vulnerability_finding_with_location(finding, create_params)
+      end
+    end
     # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
-    def create_new_vulnerability_finding(finding, create_params)
+    def find_or_create_vulnerability_finding_with_location(finding, create_params)
       find_params = {
         scanner: scanners_objects[finding.scanner.key],
         primary_identifier: identifiers_objects[finding.primary_identifier.key],
@@ -120,6 +132,56 @@ def create_new_vulnerability_finding(finding, create_params)
+    def get_matched_findings(finding, normalized_signatures, find_params)
+      project.vulnerability_findings.where(**find_params).filter do |vf|
+        vf.matches_signatures(normalized_signatures, finding.uuid)
+      end
+    end
+    def find_or_create_vulnerability_finding_with_signatures(finding, create_params)
+      find_params = {
+        # this isn't taking prioritization into account (happens in the filter
+        # block below), but it *does* limit the number of findings we have to sift through
+        location_fingerprint: [finding.location.fingerprint, *finding.signatures.map(&:signature_hex)],
+        scanner: scanners_objects[finding.scanner.key],
+        primary_identifier: identifiers_objects[finding.primary_identifier.key]
+      }
+      normalized_signatures = finding.signatures.map do |signature|
+        ::Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.new(signature.to_hash)
+      end
+      matched_findings = get_matched_findings(finding, normalized_signatures, find_params)
+      begin
+        vulnerability_finding = matched_findings.first
+        if vulnerability_finding.nil?
+          find_params[:uuid] = finding.uuid
+          vulnerability_finding = project
+            .vulnerability_findings
+            .create_with(create_params)
+            .find_or_initialize_by(find_params)
+        end
+        vulnerability_finding.uuid = finding.uuid
+        vulnerability_finding.location_fingerprint = if finding.signatures.empty?
+                                                       finding.location.fingerprint
+                                                     else
+                                                       finding.signatures.max_by(&:priority).signature_hex
+                                                     end
+        vulnerability_finding.location = create_params.dig(:location)
+        vulnerability_finding.save!
+        vulnerability_finding
+      rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
+        get_matched_findings(finding, normalized_signatures, find_params).first
+      rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e
+        Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_exception(e, create_params: create_params&.dig(:raw_metadata))
+      end
+    end
     def update_vulnerability_scanner(finding)
       scanner = scanners_objects[finding.scanner.key]
@@ -223,6 +285,14 @@ def create_vulnerability_pipeline_object(vulnerability_finding, pipeline)
     # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
+    def update_feedbacks(vulnerability_finding, new_uuid)
+      vulnerability_finding.load_feedback.each do |feedback|
+        feedback.finding_uuid = new_uuid
+        feedback.vulnerability_data = vulnerability_finding.raw_metadata
+        feedback.save!
+      end
+    end
     def update_finding_signatures(finding, vulnerability_finding)
       to_update = {}
       to_create = []
@@ -240,12 +310,12 @@ def update_finding_signatures(finding, vulnerability_finding)
         next if poro_signature.nil?
-        to_update[signature.id] = poro_signature.to_h
+        to_update[signature.id] = poro_signature.to_hash
       # any remaining poro signatures left are new
       poro_signatures.values.each do |poro_signature|
-        attributes = poro_signature.to_h.merge(finding_id: vulnerability_finding.id)
+        attributes = poro_signature.to_hash.merge(finding_id: vulnerability_finding.id)
         to_create << ::Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.new(attributes: attributes, created_at: Time.zone.now, updated_at: Time.zone.now)
diff --git a/ee/changelogs/unreleased/improve_vuln_tracking-backend_use_fingerprints.yml b/ee/changelogs/unreleased/improve_vuln_tracking-backend_use_fingerprints.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..59214838ccc9f1904aac3405d1585b7cb3381418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee/changelogs/unreleased/improve_vuln_tracking-backend_use_fingerprints.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Improve vulnerability tracking using finding signatures
+merge_request: 54608
+type: added
diff --git a/ee/config/feature_flags/development/vulnerability_finding_signatures.yml b/ee/config/feature_flags/development/vulnerability_finding_signatures.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..df555253bace8bfb2bf87a41efb0643021fdee5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee/config/feature_flags/development/vulnerability_finding_signatures.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name: vulnerability_finding_signatures
+introduced_by_url: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/54608
+rollout_issue_url: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/322044
+milestone: '13.11'
+type: development
+group: group::vulnerability research
+default_enabled: false
diff --git a/ee/lib/ee/gitlab/background_migration/update_location_fingerprint_for_container_scanning_findings.rb b/ee/lib/ee/gitlab/background_migration/update_location_fingerprint_for_container_scanning_findings.rb
index e8b8177b5e26686b10698d291c7175a627836ad3..48227dfb2762c4be4fa9cd93bbe0303e02ab1236 100644
--- a/ee/lib/ee/gitlab/background_migration/update_location_fingerprint_for_container_scanning_findings.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/ee/gitlab/background_migration/update_location_fingerprint_for_container_scanning_findings.rb
@@ -51,13 +51,14 @@ def version_semver_like?(version)
         override :perform
         def perform(start_id, stop_id)
-                  .select(:id, "raw_metadata::json->'location' AS loc")
+            .select(:id, "raw_metadata::json->'location' AS loc")
                   .where(id: start_id..stop_id)
                   .each do |finding|
                     next if finding.loc.nil?
                     package = finding.loc.dig('dependency', 'package', 'name')
                     image = finding.loc.dig('image')
                     new_fingerprint = finding.calculate_new_fingerprint(image, package)
                     next if new_fingerprint.blank?
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb
index 457af2dd7861d1321435caeb44033dd7e5457b96..3f80bed37d146aa912bb0e7e1f47a7142b081191 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb
@@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ module Security
         class Common
           SecurityReportParserError = Class.new(Gitlab::Ci::Parsers::ParserError)
-          def self.parse!(json_data, report)
-            new(json_data, report).parse!
+          def self.parse!(json_data, report, vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled = false)
+            new(json_data, report, vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled).parse!
-          def initialize(json_data, report)
+          def initialize(json_data, report, vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled = false)
             @json_data = json_data
             @report = report
+            @vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled = vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled
           def parse!
@@ -80,11 +81,20 @@ def create_vulnerability(data)
             links = create_links(data['links'])
             location = create_location(data['location'] || {})
             remediations = create_remediations(data['remediations'])
-            signatures = create_signatures(tracking_data(data))
+            signatures = create_signatures(location, tracking_data(data))
+            if @vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled && !signatures.empty?
+              # NOT the signature_sha - the compare key is hashed
+              # to create the project_fingerprint
+              highest_priority_signature = signatures.max_by(&:priority)
+              uuid = calculate_uuid_v5(identifiers.first, highest_priority_signature.signature_hex)
+            else
+              uuid = calculate_uuid_v5(identifiers.first, location&.fingerprint)
+            end
-                uuid: calculate_uuid_v5(identifiers.first, location),
+                uuid: uuid,
                 report_type: report.type,
                 name: finding_name(data, identifiers, location),
                 compare_key: data['cve'] || '',
@@ -99,14 +109,19 @@ def create_vulnerability(data)
                 raw_metadata: data.to_json,
                 metadata_version: report_version,
                 details: data['details'] || {},
-                signatures: signatures))
+                signatures: signatures,
+                project_id: report.project_id,
+                vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: @vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled))
-          def create_signatures(data)
-            return [] if data.nil? || data['items'].nil?
+          def create_signatures(location, tracking)
+            tracking ||= { 'type' => 'hash', 'items' => [] }
+            create_hash_signatures!(tracking['items']) if tracking['type'] == 'hash'
             signature_algorithms = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
-            data['items'].each do |item|
+            tracking['items'].each do |item|
               next unless item.key?('signatures')
               item['signatures'].each do |signature|
@@ -117,19 +132,32 @@ def create_signatures(data)
             signature_algorithms.map do |algorithm, values|
               value = values.join('|')
-              begin
-                signature = ::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::FindingSignature.new(
-                  algorithm_type: algorithm,
-                  signature_value: value
-                )
-                signature.valid? ? signature : nil
-              rescue ArgumentError => e
-                Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_for_dev_exception(e)
+              signature = ::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::FindingSignature.new(
+                algorithm_type: algorithm,
+                signature_value: value
+              )
+              if signature.valid?
+                signature
+              else
+                Gitlab::AppLogger.warn(message: "Vulnerability tracking signature is not valid", signature: signature.to_s)
+          def create_hash_signatures!(items)
+            return if items.nil?
+            items.each do |item|
+              item_data = item['data']
+              next if item_data.nil?
+              item['signatures'] ||= []
+              item['signatures'] << { 'algorithm' => 'hash', 'value' => Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(item_data) }
+            end
+          end
           def create_scan
             return unless scan_data.is_a?(Hash)
@@ -201,11 +229,11 @@ def finding_name(data, identifiers, location)
             "#{identifier.name} in #{location&.fingerprint_path}"
-          def calculate_uuid_v5(primary_identifier, location)
+          def calculate_uuid_v5(primary_identifier, location_fingerprint)
             uuid_v5_name_components = {
               report_type: report.type,
               primary_identifier_fingerprint: primary_identifier&.fingerprint,
-              location_fingerprint: location&.fingerprint,
+              location_fingerprint: location_fingerprint,
               project_id: report.project_id
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding.rb
index 387834e655a4b09c818e784a53c72b8833e62715..9e6d24708344213089b5154a212095119bb18971 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ module Ci
     module Reports
       module Security
         class Finding
+          include ::VulnerabilityFindingHelpers
           UNSAFE_SEVERITIES = %w[unknown high critical].freeze
           attr_reader :compare_key
@@ -25,10 +27,11 @@ class Finding
           attr_reader :remediations
           attr_reader :details
           attr_reader :signatures
+          attr_reader :project_id
           delegate :file_path, :start_line, :end_line, to: :location
-          def initialize(compare_key:, identifiers:, links: [], remediations: [], location:, metadata_version:, name:, raw_metadata:, report_type:, scanner:, scan:, uuid:, confidence: nil, severity: nil, details: {}, signatures: []) # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
+          def initialize(compare_key:, identifiers:, links: [], remediations: [], location:, metadata_version:, name:, raw_metadata:, report_type:, scanner:, scan:, uuid:, confidence: nil, severity: nil, details: {}, signatures: [], project_id: nil, vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: false) # rubocop:disable Metrics/ParameterLists
             @compare_key = compare_key
             @confidence = confidence
             @identifiers = identifiers
@@ -45,6 +48,8 @@ def initialize(compare_key:, identifiers:, links: [], remediations: [], location
             @remediations = remediations
             @details = details
             @signatures = signatures
+            @project_id = project_id
+            @vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled = vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled
             @project_fingerprint = generate_project_fingerprint
@@ -66,6 +71,7 @@ def to_hash
+              signatures
             ].each_with_object({}) do |key, hash|
               hash[key] = public_send(key) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend
@@ -85,13 +91,22 @@ def unsafe?
           def eql?(other)
-            report_type == other.report_type &&
-              location.fingerprint == other.location.fingerprint &&
-              primary_fingerprint == other.primary_fingerprint
+            return false unless report_type == other.report_type && primary_identifier_fingerprint == other.primary_identifier_fingerprint
+            if @vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled
+              matches_signatures(other.signatures, other.uuid)
+            else
+              location.fingerprint == other.location.fingerprint
+            end
           def hash
-            report_type.hash ^ location.fingerprint.hash ^ primary_fingerprint.hash
+            if @vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled && !signatures.empty?
+              highest_signature = signatures.max_by(&:priority)
+              report_type.hash ^ highest_signature.signature_hex.hash ^ primary_identifier_fingerprint.hash
+            else
+              report_type.hash ^ location.fingerprint.hash ^ primary_identifier_fingerprint.hash
+            end
           def valid?
@@ -104,7 +119,7 @@ def keys
-          def primary_fingerprint
+          def primary_identifier_fingerprint
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature.rb
index bc4d04cd32e7dd3a0d3bc30bb1027786811c1ef1..db628c3b57176fe12c20dd27800405e518fbd555 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature.rb
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ module Ci
     module Reports
       module Security
         class FindingSignature
+          include VulnerabilityFindingSignatureHelpers
           attr_accessor :algorithm_type, :signature_value
           def initialize(params = {})
@@ -12,11 +14,19 @@ def initialize(params = {})
             @signature_value = params.dig(:signature_value)
+          def priority
+            ::Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.priority(algorithm_type)
+          end
           def signature_sha
-          def to_h
+          def signature_hex
+            signature_sha.unpack1("H*")
+          end
+          def to_hash
               algorithm_type: algorithm_type,
               signature_sha: signature_sha
@@ -26,6 +36,13 @@ def to_h
           def valid?
+          def eql?(other)
+            other.algorithm_type == algorithm_type &&
+              other.signature_sha == signature_sha
+          end
+          alias_method :==, :eql?
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/container_scanning.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/container_scanning.rb
index f335df42d4e5d1349860abd924c22bf9c1f8d51b..f93eddea2ea4b29c56ae14f1efb679ed0071dd25 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/container_scanning.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/container_scanning.rb
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ def initialize(image:, operating_system:, package_name: nil, package_version: ni
               @package_version = package_version
-            private
             def fingerprint_data
+            private
             def docker_image_name_without_tag
               base_name, version = image.split(':')
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/coverage_fuzzing.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/coverage_fuzzing.rb
index 7429004f53568f60fea59037a7ae8bb508ed3ea7..49705ead2ea60cbf325cb12c563895d0a2e0b9ca 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/coverage_fuzzing.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/coverage_fuzzing.rb
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ def initialize(crash_address:, crash_type:, crash_state:)
               @crash_state = crash_state
-            private
             def fingerprint_data
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dast.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dast.rb
index 605e60e7490e8c314bab8a5ff585ffb9bde5bcda..da438b709104d837dc0ed1ccdc4048931182f0ab 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dast.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dast.rb
@@ -20,8 +20,6 @@ def initialize(hostname:, method_name:, path:, param: nil)
             alias_method :fingerprint_path, :path
-            private
             def fingerprint_data
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dependency_scanning.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dependency_scanning.rb
index 8af5febc8a4cf2ecdd4857940e55ecfaefb994e4..05dc7a61ddf9c4736e95d4e120fcda2e3f6631f1 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dependency_scanning.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/dependency_scanning.rb
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ def initialize(file_path:, package_name:, package_version: nil)
               @package_version = package_version
-            private
             def fingerprint_data
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/sast.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/sast.rb
index effc48580c7da242bd5775da7681ab298e858c3f..23ffa91e72059b66dfaffd398ba24814029c6c70 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/sast.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/sast.rb
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ def initialize(file_path:, start_line:, end_line: nil, class_name: nil, method_n
               @start_line = start_line
-            private
             def fingerprint_data
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/secret_detection.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/secret_detection.rb
index 24aa979e4afa0491153be4c35c072d9ee3640bb8..0fd5cc5af113127c299d10aa0adfa1a9f62f743c 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/secret_detection.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/locations/secret_detection.rb
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ def initialize(file_path:, start_line:, end_line: nil, class_name: nil, method_n
               @start_line = start_line
-            private
             def fingerprint_data
diff --git a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer.rb b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer.rb
index e2c8c50b1971c6323c10e8faf913840313cef746..699c161512d3e8a16ce1f6d7e08274479e0d00df 100644
--- a/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer.rb
+++ b/ee/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer.rb
@@ -8,12 +8,17 @@ class VulnerabilityReportsComparer
           include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize
           attr_reader :base_report, :head_report
+          attr_reader :added, :fixed
           ACCEPTABLE_REPORT_AGE = 1.week
           def initialize(base_report, head_report)
             @base_report = base_report
             @head_report = head_report
+            @added = []
+            @fixed = []
+            calculate_changes
           def base_report_created_at
@@ -30,16 +35,34 @@ def base_report_out_of_date
             ACCEPTABLE_REPORT_AGE.ago > @base_report.created_at
-          def added
-            strong_memoize(:added) do
-              head_report.findings - base_report.findings
-            end
-          end
+          def calculate_changes
+            @added = []
+            @fixed = []
+            @existing = []
+            base_findings = base_report.findings
+            head_findings = head_report.findings
-          def fixed
-            strong_memoize(:fixed) do
-              base_report.findings - head_report.findings
+            head_findings_hash = head_findings.index_by(&:object_id)
+            # This is slow - O(N^2). If we didn't need to worry about one high
+            # priority fingerprint that doesn't match overruling a lower
+            # priority fingerprint that does match, we'd be able to do some
+            # set operations here
+            base_findings.each do |base_finding|
+              still_exists = false
+              head_findings.each do |head_finding|
+                next unless base_finding.eql?(head_finding)
+                still_exists = true
+                head_findings_hash.delete(head_finding.object_id)
+                break
+              end
+              @fixed << base_finding unless still_exists
+            @added = head_findings_hash.values
diff --git a/ee/spec/factories/ci/reports/security/findings.rb b/ee/spec/factories/ci/reports/security/findings.rb
index 9ad1cedd1851746469c8b379d1620f1c085dd853..e3971bc48f33d94ac2ef612a503123c48ac3aa8b 100644
--- a/ee/spec/factories/ci/reports/security/findings.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/factories/ci/reports/security/findings.rb
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
         project_id: n
+    vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled { false }
diff --git a/ee/spec/factories/vulnerabilities/feedback.rb b/ee/spec/factories/vulnerabilities/feedback.rb
index f8b4f031762b339e2157d0ed151c54831a986ea9..34b81bd469d99dd3b846e85f6b7fed0b1718727c 100644
--- a/ee/spec/factories/vulnerabilities/feedback.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/factories/vulnerabilities/feedback.rb
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
     category { 'sast' }
     project_fingerprint { generate(:project_fingerprint) }
     vulnerability_data { { category: 'sast' } }
+    finding_uuid { Gitlab::UUID.v5(SecureRandom.hex) }
     trait :dismissal do
       feedback_type { 'dismissal' }
diff --git a/ee/spec/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder_spec.rb b/ee/spec/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder_spec.rb
index e687d3449171c45f77d62a7292413e792c44240b..5be86ae14e918a2e4a54f24af26b63e289c53f32 100644
--- a/ee/spec/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/finders/security/pipeline_vulnerabilities_finder_spec.rb
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ def disable_deduplication
         # use the same number of queries, regardless of the number of findings
         # contained in the pipeline report.
-        sast_findings = pipeline.security_reports.reports['sast'].findings
+        container_scanning_findings = pipeline.security_reports.reports['container_scanning'].findings
         dep_findings = pipeline.security_reports.reports['dependency_scanning'].findings
-        # this test is invalid if we don't have more sast findings than dep findings
-        expect(sast_findings.count).to be > dep_findings.count
+        # this test is invalid if we don't have more container_scanning findings than dep findings
+        expect(container_scanning_findings.count).to be > dep_findings.count
-        (sast_findings + dep_findings).each do |report_finding|
+        (container_scanning_findings + dep_findings).each do |report_finding|
           # create a finding and a vulnerability for each report finding
           # (the vulnerability is created with the :confirmed trait)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ def disable_deduplication
         # should be the same number of queries between different report types
         expect do
-          described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[sast] }).execute
+          described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[container_scanning] }).execute
         end.to issue_same_number_of_queries_as {
           described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[dependency_scanning] }).execute
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ def disable_deduplication
         orig_security_reports = pipeline.security_reports
         new_finding = create(:ci_reports_security_finding)
         expect do
-          described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[sast] }).execute
+          described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[container_scanning] }).execute
         end.to issue_same_number_of_queries_as {
-          orig_security_reports.reports['sast'].add_finding(new_finding)
+          orig_security_reports.reports['container_scanning'].add_finding(new_finding)
           allow(pipeline).to receive(:security_reports).and_return(orig_security_reports)
-          described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[sast] }).execute
+          described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[container_scanning] }).execute
@@ -130,9 +130,11 @@ def disable_deduplication
       context 'when sast' do
         let(:params) { { report_type: %w[sast] } }
         let(:sast_report_fingerprints) {pipeline.security_reports.reports['sast'].findings.map(&:location).map(&:fingerprint) }
+        let(:sast_report_uuids) {pipeline.security_reports.reports['sast'].findings.map(&:uuid) }
         it 'includes only sast' do
           expect(subject.findings.map(&:location_fingerprint)).to match_array(sast_report_fingerprints)
+          expect(subject.findings.map(&:uuid)).to match_array(sast_report_uuids)
           expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(sast_count)
@@ -172,52 +174,107 @@ def disable_deduplication
       let(:ds_finding) { pipeline.security_reports.reports["dependency_scanning"].findings.first }
       let(:sast_finding) { pipeline.security_reports.reports["sast"].findings.first }
-      let!(:feedback) do
-        [
-          create(
-            :vulnerability_feedback,
-            :dismissal,
-            :dependency_scanning,
-            project: project,
-            pipeline: pipeline,
-            project_fingerprint: ds_finding.project_fingerprint,
-            vulnerability_data: ds_finding.raw_metadata
-          ),
-          create(
-            :vulnerability_feedback,
-            :dismissal,
-            :sast,
-            project: project,
-            pipeline: pipeline,
-            project_fingerprint: sast_finding.project_fingerprint,
-            vulnerability_data: sast_finding.raw_metadata
-          )
-        ]
-      end
+      context 'when vulnerability_finding_signatures feature flag is disabled' do
+        let!(:feedback) do
+          [
+            create(
+              :vulnerability_feedback,
+              :dismissal,
+              :dependency_scanning,
+              project: project,
+              pipeline: pipeline,
+              project_fingerprint: ds_finding.project_fingerprint,
+              vulnerability_data: ds_finding.raw_metadata,
+              finding_uuid: ds_finding.uuid
+            ),
+            create(
+              :vulnerability_feedback,
+              :dismissal,
+              :sast,
+              project: project,
+              pipeline: pipeline,
+              project_fingerprint: sast_finding.project_fingerprint,
+              vulnerability_data: sast_finding.raw_metadata,
+              finding_uuid: sast_finding.uuid
+            )
+          ]
+        end
-      context 'when unscoped' do
-        subject { described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline).execute }
+        before do
+          stub_feature_flags(vulnerability_finding_signatures: false)
+        end
+        context 'when unscoped' do
+          subject { described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline).execute }
-        it 'returns non-dismissed vulnerabilities' do
-          expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(cs_count + dast_count + ds_count + sast_count - feedback.count)
-          expect(subject.findings.map(&:project_fingerprint)).not_to include(*feedback.map(&:project_fingerprint))
+          it 'returns non-dismissed vulnerabilities' do
+            expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(cs_count + dast_count + ds_count + sast_count - feedback.count)
+            expect(subject.findings.map(&:project_fingerprint)).not_to include(*feedback.map(&:project_fingerprint))
+          end
-      end
-      context 'when `dismissed`' do
-        subject { described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[dependency_scanning], scope: 'dismissed' } ).execute }
+        context 'when `dismissed`' do
+          subject { described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[dependency_scanning], scope: 'dismissed' } ).execute }
-        it 'returns non-dismissed vulnerabilities' do
-          expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(ds_count - 1)
-          expect(subject.findings.map(&:project_fingerprint)).not_to include(ds_finding.project_fingerprint)
+          it 'returns non-dismissed vulnerabilities' do
+            expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(ds_count - 1)
+            expect(subject.findings.map(&:project_fingerprint)).not_to include(ds_finding.project_fingerprint)
+          end
+        end
+        context 'when `all`' do
+          let(:params) { { report_type: %w[sast dast container_scanning dependency_scanning], scope: 'all' } }
+          it 'returns all vulnerabilities' do
+            expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(cs_count + dast_count + ds_count + sast_count)
+          end
-      context 'when `all`' do
-        let(:params) { { report_type: %w[sast dast container_scanning dependency_scanning], scope: 'all' } }
+      context 'when vulnerability_finding_signatures feature flag is enabled' do
+        let!(:feedback) do
+          [
+            create(
+              :vulnerability_feedback,
+              :dismissal,
+              :sast,
+              project: project,
+              pipeline: pipeline,
+              project_fingerprint: sast_finding.project_fingerprint,
+              vulnerability_data: sast_finding.raw_metadata,
+              finding_uuid: sast_finding.uuid
+            )
+          ]
+        end
-        it 'returns all vulnerabilities' do
-          expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(cs_count + dast_count + ds_count + sast_count)
+        before do
+          stub_feature_flags(vulnerability_finding_signatures: true)
+        end
+        context 'when unscoped' do
+          subject { described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline).execute }
+          it 'returns non-dismissed vulnerabilities' do
+            expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(cs_count + dast_count + ds_count + sast_count - feedback.count)
+            expect(subject.findings.map(&:project_fingerprint)).not_to include(*feedback.map(&:project_fingerprint))
+          end
+        end
+        context 'when `dismissed`' do
+          subject { described_class.new(pipeline: pipeline, params: { report_type: %w[sast], scope: 'dismissed' } ).execute }
+          it 'returns non-dismissed vulnerabilities' do
+            expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(sast_count - 1)
+            expect(subject.findings.map(&:project_fingerprint)).not_to include(sast_finding.project_fingerprint)
+          end
+        end
+        context 'when `all`' do
+          let(:params) { { report_type: %w[sast dast container_scanning dependency_scanning], scope: 'all' } }
+          it 'returns all vulnerabilities' do
+            expect(subject.findings.count).to eq(cs_count + dast_count + ds_count + sast_count)
+          end
diff --git a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common_spec.rb b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common_spec.rb
index fb39ee92becfaea99e3f4ef1110ccf0414abd370..00cadb21b852411e342e137cee683cead0889558 100644
--- a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common_spec.rb
@@ -4,212 +4,195 @@
 RSpec.describe Gitlab::Ci::Parsers::Security::Common do
   describe '#parse!' do
-    let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) }
-    let(:artifact) { build(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :common_security_report) }
-    let(:report) { Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Report.new(artifact.file_type, pipeline, 2.weeks.ago) }
-    let(:location) { ::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Locations::DependencyScanning.new(file_path: 'yarn/yarn.lock', package_version: 'v2', package_name: 'saml2') }
-    let(:tracking_data) do
-      {
-        'type' => 'source',
-        'items' => [
-          'signatures' => [
-            { 'algorithm' => 'hash', 'value' => 'hash_value' },
-            { 'algorithm' => 'location', 'value' => 'location_value' },
-            { 'algorithm' => 'scope_offset', 'value' => 'scope_offset_value' }
-          ]
-        ]
-      }
-    end
+    where(vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: [true, false])
+    with_them do
+      let_it_be(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline) }
+      let(:artifact) { build(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :common_security_report) }
+      let(:report) { Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Report.new(artifact.file_type, pipeline, 2.weeks.ago) }
+      let(:location) { ::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Locations::DependencyScanning.new(file_path: 'yarn/yarn.lock', package_version: 'v2', package_name: 'saml2') }
+      let(:tracking_data) { nil }
+      before do
+        allow_next_instance_of(described_class) do |parser|
+          allow(parser).to receive(:create_location).and_return(location)
+          allow(parser).to receive(:tracking_data).and_return(tracking_data)
+        end
-    before do
-      allow_next_instance_of(described_class) do |parser|
-        allow(parser).to receive(:create_location).and_return(location)
-        allow(parser).to receive(:tracking_data).and_return(tracking_data)
+        artifact.each_blob { |blob| described_class.parse!(blob, report, vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled) }
-      artifact.each_blob { |blob| described_class.parse!(blob, report) }
-    end
-    describe 'parsing finding.name' do
-      let(:artifact) { build(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :common_security_report_with_blank_names) }
-      context 'when message is provided' do
-        it 'sets message from the report as a finding name' do
-          vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1020' }
-          expected_name = Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata)['message']
+      describe 'parsing finding.name' do
+        let(:artifact) { build(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :common_security_report_with_blank_names) }
-          expect(vulnerability.name).to eq(expected_name)
-        end
-      end
-      context 'when message is not provided' do
-        context 'and name is provided' do
-          it 'sets name from the report as a name' do
-            vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1030' }
-            expected_name = Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata)['name']
+        context 'when message is provided' do
+          it 'sets message from the report as a finding name' do
+            vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1020' }
+            expected_name = Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata)['message']
             expect(vulnerability.name).to eq(expected_name)
-        context 'and name is not provided' do
-          context 'when CVE identifier exists' do
-            it 'combines identifier with location to create name' do
-              vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-2017-11429' }
-              expect(vulnerability.name).to eq("CVE-2017-11429 in yarn.lock")
+        context 'when message is not provided' do
+          context 'and name is provided' do
+            it 'sets name from the report as a name' do
+              vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1030' }
+              expected_name = Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata)['name']
+              expect(vulnerability.name).to eq(expected_name)
-          context 'when CWE identifier exists' do
-            it 'combines identifier with location to create name' do
-              vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CWE-2017-11429' }
-              expect(vulnerability.name).to eq("CWE-2017-11429 in yarn.lock")
+          context 'and name is not provided' do
+            context 'when CVE identifier exists' do
+              it 'combines identifier with location to create name' do
+                vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-2017-11429' }
+                expect(vulnerability.name).to eq("CVE-2017-11429 in yarn.lock")
+              end
+            end
+            context 'when CWE identifier exists' do
+              it 'combines identifier with location to create name' do
+                vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CWE-2017-11429' }
+                expect(vulnerability.name).to eq("CWE-2017-11429 in yarn.lock")
+              end
-          end
-          context 'when neither CVE nor CWE identifier exist' do
-            it 'combines identifier with location to create name' do
-              vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'OTHER-2017-11429' }
-              expect(vulnerability.name).to eq("other-2017-11429 in yarn.lock")
+            context 'when neither CVE nor CWE identifier exist' do
+              it 'combines identifier with location to create name' do
+                vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'OTHER-2017-11429' }
+                expect(vulnerability.name).to eq("other-2017-11429 in yarn.lock")
+              end
-    end
-    describe 'parsing finding.details' do
-      context 'when details are provided' do
-        it 'sets details from the report' do
-          vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1020' }
-          expected_details = Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata)['details']
+      describe 'parsing finding.details' do
+        context 'when details are provided' do
+          it 'sets details from the report' do
+            vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1020' }
+            expected_details = Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata)['details']
-          expect(vulnerability.details).to eq(expected_details)
+            expect(vulnerability.details).to eq(expected_details)
+          end
-      end
-      context 'when details are not provided' do
-        it 'sets empty hash' do
-          vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1030' }
-          expect(vulnerability.details).to eq({})
+        context 'when details are not provided' do
+          it 'sets empty hash' do
+            vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == 'CVE-1030' }
+            expect(vulnerability.details).to eq({})
+          end
-    end
-    describe 'parsing remediations' do
-      let(:expected_remediation) { create(:ci_reports_security_remediation, diff: '') }
+      describe 'parsing remediations' do
+        let(:expected_remediation) { create(:ci_reports_security_remediation, diff: '') }
-      it 'finds remediation with same cve' do
-        vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == "CVE-1020" }
-        remediation = { 'fixes' => [{ 'cve' => 'CVE-1020' }], 'summary' => '', 'diff' => '' }
+        it 'finds remediation with same cve' do
+          vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == "CVE-1020" }
+          remediation = { 'fixes' => [{ 'cve' => 'CVE-1020' }], 'summary' => '', 'diff' => '' }
-        expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata).dig('remediations').first).to include remediation
-        expect(vulnerability.remediations.first.checksum).to eq(expected_remediation.checksum)
-      end
+          expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata).dig('remediations').first).to include remediation
+          expect(vulnerability.remediations.first.checksum).to eq(expected_remediation.checksum)
+        end
-      it 'finds remediation with same id' do
-        vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == "CVE-1030" }
-        remediation = { 'fixes' => [{ 'cve' => 'CVE', 'id' => 'bb2fbeb1b71ea360ce3f86f001d4e84823c3ffe1a1f7d41ba7466b14cfa953d3' }], 'summary' => '', 'diff' => '' }
+        it 'finds remediation with same id' do
+          vulnerability = report.findings.find { |x| x.compare_key == "CVE-1030" }
+          remediation = { 'fixes' => [{ 'cve' => 'CVE', 'id' => 'bb2fbeb1b71ea360ce3f86f001d4e84823c3ffe1a1f7d41ba7466b14cfa953d3' }], 'summary' => '', 'diff' => '' }
-        expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata).dig('remediations').first).to include remediation
-        expect(vulnerability.remediations.first.checksum).to eq(expected_remediation.checksum)
-      end
+          expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata).dig('remediations').first).to include remediation
+          expect(vulnerability.remediations.first.checksum).to eq(expected_remediation.checksum)
+        end
-      it 'does not find remediation with different id' do
-        fix_with_id = {
-          "fixes": [
-            {
-             "id": "2134",
-             "cve": "CVE-1"
-            }
-          ],
-          "summary": "",
-          "diff": ""
-        }
+        it 'does not find remediation with different id' do
+          fix_with_id = {
+            "fixes": [
+              {
+               "id": "2134",
+               "cve": "CVE-1"
+              }
+            ],
+            "summary": "",
+            "diff": ""
+          }
-        report.findings.map do |vulnerability|
-          expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata).dig('remediations')).not_to include(fix_with_id)
+          report.findings.map do |vulnerability|
+            expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(vulnerability.raw_metadata).dig('remediations')).not_to include(fix_with_id)
+          end
-    end
-    describe 'parsing scanners' do
-      subject(:scanner) { report.findings.first.scanner }
+      describe 'parsing scanners' do
+        subject(:scanner) { report.findings.first.scanner }
-      context 'when vendor is not missing in scanner' do
-        it 'returns scanner with parsed vendor value' do
-          expect(scanner.vendor).to eq('GitLab')
+        context 'when vendor is not missing in scanner' do
+          it 'returns scanner with parsed vendor value' do
+            expect(scanner.vendor).to eq('GitLab')
+          end
-    end
-    describe 'parsing scan' do
-      it 'returns scan object for each finding' do
-        scans = report.findings.map(&:scan)
+      describe 'parsing scan' do
+        it 'returns scan object for each finding' do
+          scans = report.findings.map(&:scan)
-        expect(scans.map(&:status).all?('success')).to be(true)
-        expect(scans.map(&:type).all?('dependency_scanning')).to be(true)
-        expect(scans.map(&:start_time).all?('placeholder-value')).to be(true)
-        expect(scans.map(&:end_time).all?('placeholder-value')).to be(true)
-        expect(scans.size).to eq(3)
-        expect(scans.first).to be_a(::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Scan)
-      end
+          expect(scans.map(&:status).all?('success')).to be(true)
+          expect(scans.map(&:type).all?('dependency_scanning')).to be(true)
+          expect(scans.map(&:start_time).all?('placeholder-value')).to be(true)
+          expect(scans.map(&:end_time).all?('placeholder-value')).to be(true)
+          expect(scans.size).to eq(3)
+          expect(scans.first).to be_a(::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Scan)
+        end
-      it 'returns nil when scan is not a hash' do
-        empty_report = Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Report.new(artifact.file_type, pipeline, 2.weeks.ago)
-        described_class.parse!({}.to_json, empty_report)
+        it 'returns nil when scan is not a hash' do
+          empty_report = Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Report.new(artifact.file_type, pipeline, 2.weeks.ago)
+          described_class.parse!({}.to_json, empty_report)
-        expect(empty_report.scan).to be(nil)
+          expect(empty_report.scan).to be(nil)
+        end
-    end
-    describe 'parsing links' do
-      it 'returns links object for each finding', :aggregate_failures do
-        links = report.findings.flat_map(&:links)
+      describe 'parsing links' do
+        it 'returns links object for each finding', :aggregate_failures do
+          links = report.findings.flat_map(&:links)
-        expect(links.map(&:url)).to match_array(['https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-1020', 'https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-1030'])
-        expect(links.map(&:name)).to match_array([nil, 'CVE-1030'])
-        expect(links.size).to eq(2)
-        expect(links.first).to be_a(::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Link)
-      end
-    end
-    describe 'setting the uuid' do
-      let(:finding_uuids) { report.findings.map(&:uuid) }
-      let(:uuid_1) do
-        Security::VulnerabilityUUID.generate(
-          report_type: "dependency_scanning",
-          primary_identifier_fingerprint: "4ff8184cd18485b6e85d5b101e341b12eacd1b3b",
-          location_fingerprint: "33dc9f32c77dde16d39c69d3f78f27ca3114a7c5",
-          project_id: pipeline.project_id
-        )
+          expect(links.map(&:url)).to match_array(['https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-1020', 'https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2020-1030'])
+          expect(links.map(&:name)).to match_array([nil, 'CVE-1030'])
+          expect(links.size).to eq(2)
+          expect(links.first).to be_a(::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Link)
+        end
-      let(:uuid_2) do
-        Security::VulnerabilityUUID.generate(
-          report_type: "dependency_scanning",
-          primary_identifier_fingerprint: "d55f9e66e79882ae63af9fd55cc822ab75307e31",
-          location_fingerprint: "33dc9f32c77dde16d39c69d3f78f27ca3114a7c5",
-          project_id: pipeline.project_id
-        )
-      end
+      describe 'setting the uuid' do
+        let(:finding_uuids) { report.findings.map(&:uuid) }
+        let(:uuid_1) do
+          Security::VulnerabilityUUID.generate(
+            report_type: "dependency_scanning",
+            primary_identifier_fingerprint: "4ff8184cd18485b6e85d5b101e341b12eacd1b3b",
+            location_fingerprint: "33dc9f32c77dde16d39c69d3f78f27ca3114a7c5",
+            project_id: pipeline.project_id
+          )
+        end
-      let(:expected_uuids) { [uuid_1, uuid_2, nil] }
+        let(:uuid_2) do
+          Security::VulnerabilityUUID.generate(
+            report_type: "dependency_scanning",
+            primary_identifier_fingerprint: "d55f9e66e79882ae63af9fd55cc822ab75307e31",
+            location_fingerprint: "33dc9f32c77dde16d39c69d3f78f27ca3114a7c5",
+            project_id: pipeline.project_id
+          )
+        end
-      it 'sets the UUIDv5 for findings', :aggregate_failures do
-        expect(finding_uuids).to match_array(expected_uuids)
-      end
-    end
+        let(:expected_uuids) { [uuid_1, uuid_2, nil] }
-    describe 'parsing signature' do
-      context 'with valid signature information' do
-        it 'creates signatures for each algorithm' do
-          finding = report.findings.first
-          expect(finding.signatures.size).to eq(3)
-          expect(finding.signatures.map(&:algorithm_type).to_set).to eq(Set['hash', 'location', 'scope_offset'])
+        it 'sets the UUIDv5 for findings', :aggregate_failures do
+          expect(finding_uuids).to match_array(expected_uuids)
-      context 'with invalid signature information' do
+      describe 'parsing tracking' do
         let(:tracking_data) do
             'type' => 'source',
@@ -217,16 +200,66 @@
               'signatures' => [
                 { 'algorithm' => 'hash', 'value' => 'hash_value' },
                 { 'algorithm' => 'location', 'value' => 'location_value' },
-                { 'algorithm' => 'INVALID', 'value' => 'scope_offset_value' }
+                { 'algorithm' => 'scope_offset', 'value' => 'scope_offset_value' }
-        it 'ignores invalid algorithm types' do
-          finding = report.findings.first
-          expect(finding.signatures.size).to eq(2)
-          expect(finding.signatures.map(&:algorithm_type).to_set).to eq(Set['hash', 'location'])
+        context 'with valid tracking information' do
+          it 'creates signatures for each algorithm' do
+            finding = report.findings.first
+            expect(finding.signatures.size).to eq(3)
+            expect(finding.signatures.map(&:algorithm_type).to_set).to eq(Set['hash', 'location', 'scope_offset'])
+          end
+        end
+        context 'with invalid tracking information' do
+          let(:tracking_data) do
+            {
+              'type' => 'source',
+              'items' => [
+                'signatures' => [
+                  { 'algorithm' => 'hash', 'value' => 'hash_value' },
+                  { 'algorithm' => 'location', 'value' => 'location_value' },
+                  { 'algorithm' => 'INVALID', 'value' => 'scope_offset_value' }
+                ]
+              ]
+            }
+          end
+          it 'ignores invalid algorithm types' do
+            finding = report.findings.first
+            expect(finding.signatures.size).to eq(2)
+            expect(finding.signatures.map(&:algorithm_type).to_set).to eq(Set['hash', 'location'])
+          end
+        end
+        context 'with valid tracking information' do
+          it 'creates signatures for each signature algorithm' do
+            finding = report.findings.first
+            expect(finding.signatures.size).to eq(3)
+            expect(finding.signatures.map(&:algorithm_type)).to eq(%w[hash location scope_offset])
+            signatures = finding.signatures.index_by(&:algorithm_type)
+            expected_values = tracking_data['items'][0]['signatures'].index_by { |x| x['algorithm'] }
+            expect(signatures['hash'].signature_value).to eq(expected_values['hash']['value'])
+            expect(signatures['location'].signature_value).to eq(expected_values['location']['value'])
+            expect(signatures['scope_offset'].signature_value).to eq(expected_values['scope_offset']['value'])
+          end
+          it 'sets the uuid according to the higest priority signature' do
+            finding = report.findings.first
+            highest_signature = finding.signatures.max_by(&:priority)
+            identifiers = if vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled
+                            "#{finding.report_type}-#{finding.primary_identifier.fingerprint}-#{highest_signature.signature_hex}-#{report.project_id}"
+                          else
+                            "#{finding.report_type}-#{finding.primary_identifier.fingerprint}-#{finding.location.fingerprint}-#{report.project_id}"
+                          end
+            expect(finding.uuid).to eq(Gitlab::UUID.v5(identifiers))
+          end
diff --git a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature_spec.rb b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature_spec.rb
index f0153b9b44ce8dfbca59d407915e0f06f39c10c4..23e6b40a039fdcef7494f37ae2ae2944f072f676 100644
--- a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_signature_spec.rb
@@ -18,15 +18,12 @@
         expect(subject.algorithm_type).to eq(params[:algorithm_type])
         expect(subject.signature_value).to eq(params[:signature_value])
-    end
-  end
-  describe '#to_h' do
-    it 'returns a hash representation of the signature' do
-      expect(subject.to_h).to eq(
-        algorithm_type: params[:algorithm_type],
-        signature_sha: Digest::SHA1.digest(params[:signature_value])
-      )
+      describe '#valid?' do
+        it 'returns true' do
+          expect(subject.valid?).to eq(true)
+        end
+      end
@@ -50,4 +47,13 @@
+  describe '#to_hash' do
+    it 'returns a hash representation of the signature' do
+      expect(subject.to_hash).to eq(
+        algorithm_type: params[:algorithm_type],
+        signature_sha: Digest::SHA1.digest(params[:signature_value])
+      )
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_spec.rb b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_spec.rb
index 55262ae24de562b04e6c6646ae9e03314f2f21c4..25134aa9b42af87e371d43cd401fb9091e1fa38e 100644
--- a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/finding_spec.rb
@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@
         scan: occurrence.scan,
         severity: occurrence.severity,
         uuid: occurrence.uuid,
-        details: occurrence.details
+        details: occurrence.details,
+        signatures: []
@@ -197,87 +198,98 @@
   describe '#eql?' do
-    let(:identifier) { build(:ci_reports_security_identifier) }
-    let(:location) { build(:ci_reports_security_locations_sast) }
-    let(:finding) { build(:ci_reports_security_finding, severity: 'low', report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location: location) }
-    let(:report_type) { :secret_detection }
-    let(:identifier_external_id) { 'foo' }
-    let(:location_start_line) { 0 }
-    let(:other_identifier) { build(:ci_reports_security_identifier, external_id: identifier_external_id) }
-    let(:other_location) { build(:ci_reports_security_locations_sast, start_line: location_start_line) }
-    let(:other_finding) do
-      build(:ci_reports_security_finding,
-            severity: 'low',
-            report_type: report_type,
-            identifiers: [other_identifier],
-            location: other_location)
-    end
+    where(vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: [true, false])
+    with_them do
+      let(:identifier) { build(:ci_reports_security_identifier) }
+      let(:location) { build(:ci_reports_security_locations_sast) }
+      let(:finding) { build(:ci_reports_security_finding, severity: 'low', report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location: location, vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled) }
+      let(:report_type) { :secret_detection }
+      let(:identifier_external_id) { 'foo' }
+      let(:location_start_line) { 0 }
+      let(:other_identifier) { build(:ci_reports_security_identifier, external_id: identifier_external_id) }
+      let(:other_location) { build(:ci_reports_security_locations_sast, start_line: location_start_line) }
+      let(:other_finding) do
+        build(:ci_reports_security_finding,
+              severity: 'low',
+              report_type: report_type,
+              identifiers: [other_identifier],
+              location: other_location,
+              vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled)
+      end
-    subject { finding.eql?(other_finding) }
+      let(:signature) { ::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::FindingSignature.new(algorithm_type: 'location', signature_value: 'value1') }
-    context 'when the primary_identifier is nil' do
-      let(:identifier) { nil }
+      subject { finding.eql?(other_finding) }
-      it 'does not raise an exception' do
-        expect { subject }.not_to raise_error
+      context 'when the primary_identifier is nil' do
+        let(:identifier) { nil }
+        it 'does not raise an exception' do
+          expect { subject }.not_to raise_error
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when the other finding has same `report_type`' do
-      let(:report_type) { :sast }
+      context 'when the other finding has same `report_type`' do
+        let(:report_type) { :sast }
-      context 'when the other finding has same primary identifier fingerprint' do
-        let(:identifier_external_id) { identifier.external_id }
+        context 'when the other finding has same primary identifier fingerprint' do
+          let(:identifier_external_id) { identifier.external_id }
-        context 'when the other finding has same location fingerprint' do
-          let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
+          context 'when the other finding has same location signature' do
+            before do
+              finding.signatures << signature
+              other_finding.signatures << signature
+            end
-          it { is_expected.to be(true) }
-        end
+            let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
-        context 'when the other finding does not have same location fingerprint' do
-          it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+            it { is_expected.to be(true) }
+          end
+          context 'when the other finding does not have same location signature' do
+            it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          end
-      end
-      context 'when the other finding does not have same primary identifier fingerprint' do
-        context 'when the other finding has same location fingerprint' do
-          let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
+        context 'when the other finding does not have same primary identifier fingerprint' do
+          context 'when the other finding has same location signature' do
+            let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
-          it { is_expected.to be(false) }
-        end
+            it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          end
-        context 'when the other finding does not have same location fingerprint' do
-          it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          context 'when the other finding does not have same location signature' do
+            it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          end
-    end
-    context 'when the other finding does not have same `report_type`' do
-      context 'when the other finding has same primary identifier fingerprint' do
-        let(:identifier_external_id) { identifier.external_id }
+      context 'when the other finding does not have same `report_type`' do
+        context 'when the other finding has same primary identifier fingerprint' do
+          let(:identifier_external_id) { identifier.external_id }
-        context 'when the other finding has same location fingerprint' do
-          let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
+          context 'when the other finding has same location signature' do
+            let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
-          it { is_expected.to be(false) }
-        end
+            it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          end
-        context 'when the other finding does not have same location fingerprint' do
-          it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          context 'when the other finding does not have same location signature' do
+            it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          end
-      end
-      context 'when the other finding does not have same primary identifier fingerprint' do
-        context 'when the other finding has same location fingerprint' do
-          let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
+        context 'when the other finding does not have same primary identifier fingerprint' do
+          context 'when the other finding has same location signature' do
+            let(:location_start_line) { location.start_line }
-          it { is_expected.to be(false) }
-        end
+            it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          end
-        context 'when the other finding does not have same location fingerprint' do
-          it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          context 'when the other finding does not have same location signature' do
+            it { is_expected.to be(false) }
+          end
@@ -345,4 +357,55 @@
     it { is_expected.to match_array(expected_keys) }
+  describe '#hash' do
+    let(:scanner) { build(:ci_reports_security_scanner) }
+    let(:identifiers) { [build(:ci_reports_security_identifier)] }
+    let(:location) { build(:ci_reports_security_locations_sast) }
+    let(:uuid) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+    context 'with vulnerability_finding_signatures enabled' do
+      let(:finding) do
+        build(:ci_reports_security_finding,
+              scanner: scanner,
+              identifiers: identifiers,
+              location: location,
+              uuid: uuid,
+              compare_key: '',
+              vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: true)
+      end
+      let(:low_priority_signature) { ::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::FindingSignature.new(algorithm_type: 'location', signature_value: 'value1') }
+      let(:high_priority_signature) { ::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::FindingSignature.new(algorithm_type: 'scope_offset', signature_value: 'value2') }
+      it 'returns the expected hash with no signatures' do
+        expect(finding.signatures.length).to eq(0)
+        expect(finding.hash).to eq(finding.report_type.hash ^ finding.location.fingerprint.hash ^ finding.primary_identifier_fingerprint.hash)
+      end
+      it 'returns the expected hash with signatures' do
+        finding.signatures << low_priority_signature
+        finding.signatures << high_priority_signature
+        expect(finding.signatures.length).to eq(2)
+        expect(finding.hash).to eq(finding.report_type.hash ^ high_priority_signature.signature_hex.hash ^ finding.primary_identifier_fingerprint.hash)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'without vulnerability_finding_signatures enabled' do
+      let(:finding) do
+        build(:ci_reports_security_finding,
+              scanner: scanner,
+              identifiers: identifiers,
+              location: location,
+              uuid: uuid,
+              compare_key: '',
+              vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: false)
+      end
+      it 'returns the expected hash' do
+        expect(finding.hash).to eq(finding.report_type.hash ^ finding.location.fingerprint.hash ^ finding.primary_identifier_fingerprint.hash)
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer_spec.rb b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer_spec.rb
index 6f8961b63a6f65c8e6728a3c37dacb4e3073714d..6c69d1a253a13fbeaa680c711eb56b353c37b890 100644
--- a/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/vulnerability_reports_comparer_spec.rb
@@ -8,128 +8,133 @@
   let(:base_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '123', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
   let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [base_vulnerability])}
-  let(:head_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '123', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
+  let(:head_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: base_vulnerability.location_fingerprint, confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical], uuid: base_vulnerability.uuid) }
   let(:head_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [head_vulnerability])}
-  before do
-    allow(base_vulnerability).to receive(:location).and_return({})
-    allow(head_vulnerability).to receive(:location).and_return({})
-  end
   subject { described_class.new(base_report, head_report) }
-  describe '#base_report_out_of_date' do
-    context 'no base report' do
-      let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [], findings: [])}
+  where(vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: [true, false])
-      it 'is not out of date' do
-        expect(subject.base_report_out_of_date).to be false
-      end
+  with_them do
+    before do
+      allow(base_vulnerability).to receive(:location).and_return({})
+      allow(head_vulnerability).to receive(:location).and_return({})
+      stub_feature_flags(vulnerability_finding_signatures: vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled)
-    context 'base report older than one week' do
-      let(:report) { build(:ci_reports_security_report, created_at: 1.week.ago - 60.seconds) }
-      let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [report])}
+    describe '#base_report_out_of_date' do
+      context 'no base report' do
+        let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [], findings: [])}
-      it 'is not out of date' do
-        expect(subject.base_report_out_of_date).to be true
+        it 'is not out of date' do
+          expect(subject.base_report_out_of_date).to be false
+        end
-    end
-    context 'base report less than one week old' do
-      let(:report) { build(:ci_reports_security_report, created_at: 1.week.ago + 60.seconds) }
-      let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [report])}
+      context 'base report older than one week' do
+        let(:report) { build(:ci_reports_security_report, created_at: 1.week.ago - 60.seconds) }
+        let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [report])}
+        it 'is not out of date' do
+          expect(subject.base_report_out_of_date).to be true
+        end
+      end
+      context 'base report less than one week old' do
+        let(:report) { build(:ci_reports_security_report, created_at: 1.week.ago + 60.seconds) }
+        let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [report])}
-      it 'is not out of date' do
-        expect(subject.base_report_out_of_date).to be false
+        it 'is not out of date' do
+          expect(subject.base_report_out_of_date).to be false
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#added' do
-    let(:vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
-    let(:low_vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:low]) }
+    describe '#added' do
+      let(:vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
+      let(:low_vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:low]) }
-    context 'with new vulnerability' do
-      let(:head_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [head_vulnerability, vuln])}
+      context 'with new vulnerability' do
+        let(:head_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [head_vulnerability, vuln])}
-      it 'points to source tree' do
-        expect(subject.added).to eq([vuln])
+        it 'points to source tree' do
+          expect(subject.added).to eq([vuln])
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when comparing reports with different fingerprints' do
-      let(:base_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'A') }
-      let(:head_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'B') }
-      let(:head_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [head_vulnerability, vuln])}
+      context 'when comparing reports with different fingerprints' do
+        let(:base_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'A') }
+        let(:head_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'B') }
+        let(:head_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [head_vulnerability, vuln])}
-      it 'does not find any overlap' do
-        expect(subject.added).to eq([head_vulnerability, vuln])
+        it 'does not find any overlap' do
+          expect(subject.added).to eq([head_vulnerability, vuln])
+        end
-    end
-    context 'order' do
-      let(:head_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [head_vulnerability, vuln, low_vuln])}
+      context 'order' do
+        let(:head_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [head_vulnerability, vuln, low_vuln])}
-      it 'does not change' do
-        expect(subject.added).to eq([vuln, low_vuln])
+        it 'does not change' do
+          expect(subject.added).to eq([vuln, low_vuln])
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#fixed' do
-    let(:vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888') }
-    let(:medium_vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:medium]) }
+    describe '#fixed' do
+      let(:vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888') }
+      let(:medium_vuln) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: '888', confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:medium], uuid: vuln.uuid) }
-    context 'with fixed vulnerability' do
-      let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [base_vulnerability, vuln])}
+      context 'with fixed vulnerability' do
+        let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [base_vulnerability, vuln])}
-      it 'points to base tree' do
-        expect(subject.fixed).to eq([vuln])
+        it 'points to base tree' do
+          expect(subject.fixed).to eq([vuln])
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when comparing reports with different fingerprints' do
-      let(:base_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'A') }
-      let(:head_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'B') }
-      let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [base_vulnerability, vuln])}
+      context 'when comparing reports with different fingerprints' do
+        let(:base_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'A') }
+        let(:head_vulnerability) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast, identifiers: [identifier], location_fingerprint: 'B') }
+        let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [base_vulnerability, vuln])}
-      it 'does not find any overlap' do
-        expect(subject.fixed).to eq([base_vulnerability, vuln])
+        it 'does not find any overlap' do
+          expect(subject.fixed).to eq([base_vulnerability, vuln])
+        end
-    end
-    context 'order' do
-      let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [vuln, medium_vuln, base_vulnerability])}
+      context 'order' do
+        let(:base_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, findings: [vuln, medium_vuln, base_vulnerability])}
-      it 'does not change' do
-        expect(subject.fixed).to eq([vuln, medium_vuln])
+        it 'does not change' do
+          expect(subject.fixed).to eq([vuln, medium_vuln])
+        end
-  end
-  describe 'with empty vulnerabilities' do
-    let(:empty_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [], findings: [])}
+    describe 'with empty vulnerabilities' do
+      let(:empty_report) { build(:ci_reports_security_aggregated_reports, reports: [], findings: [])}
-    it 'returns empty array when reports are not present' do
-      comparer = described_class.new(empty_report, empty_report)
+      it 'returns empty array when reports are not present' do
+        comparer = described_class.new(empty_report, empty_report)
-      expect(comparer.fixed).to eq([])
-      expect(comparer.added).to eq([])
-    end
+        expect(comparer.fixed).to eq([])
+        expect(comparer.added).to eq([])
+      end
-    it 'returns added vulnerability when base is empty and head is not empty' do
-      comparer = described_class.new(empty_report, head_report)
+      it 'returns added vulnerability when base is empty and head is not empty' do
+        comparer = described_class.new(empty_report, head_report)
-      expect(comparer.fixed).to eq([])
-      expect(comparer.added).to eq([head_vulnerability])
-    end
+        expect(comparer.fixed).to eq([])
+        expect(comparer.added).to eq([head_vulnerability])
+      end
-    it 'returns fixed vulnerability when head is empty and base is not empty' do
-      comparer = described_class.new(base_report, empty_report)
+      it 'returns fixed vulnerability when head is empty and base is not empty' do
+        comparer = described_class.new(base_report, empty_report)
-      expect(comparer.fixed).to eq([base_vulnerability])
-      expect(comparer.added).to eq([])
+        expect(comparer.fixed).to eq([base_vulnerability])
+        expect(comparer.added).to eq([])
+      end
diff --git a/ee/spec/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers_spec.rb b/ee/spec/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a71699971e7971d35111b51586f70efe46f4256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ee/spec/models/concerns/vulnerability_finding_signature_helpers_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+RSpec.describe VulnerabilityFindingSignatureHelpers do
+  let(:cls) do
+    Class.new do
+      include VulnerabilityFindingSignatureHelpers
+      attr_accessor :algorithm_type
+      def initialize(algorithm_type)
+        @algorithm_type = algorithm_type
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#priority' do
+    it 'returns numeric values of the priority string' do
+      expect(cls.new('scope_offset').priority).to eq(3)
+      expect(cls.new('location').priority).to eq(2)
+      expect(cls.new('hash').priority).to eq(1)
+    end
+  end
+  describe '#self.priority' do
+    it 'returns the numeric value of the provided string' do
+      expect(cls.priority('scope_offset')).to eq(3)
+      expect(cls.priority('location')).to eq(2)
+      expect(cls.priority('hash')).to eq(1)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/ee/spec/models/vulnerabilities/finding_spec.rb b/ee/spec/models/vulnerabilities/finding_spec.rb
index 9c09f1e24cdbf5dd3f394e22716dcf2256c3fcc8..5e893c354181b8399b7a860dd9d387d1f8fbc42a 100644
--- a/ee/spec/models/vulnerabilities/finding_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/models/vulnerabilities/finding_spec.rb
@@ -7,638 +7,619 @@
   it { is_expected.to define_enum_for(:report_type) }
   it { is_expected.to define_enum_for(:severity) }
-  describe 'associations' do
-    it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project) }
-    it { is_expected.to belong_to(:primary_identifier).class_name('Vulnerabilities::Identifier') }
-    it { is_expected.to belong_to(:scanner).class_name('Vulnerabilities::Scanner') }
-    it { is_expected.to belong_to(:vulnerability).inverse_of(:findings) }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:pipelines).class_name('Ci::Pipeline') }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_pipelines).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline').with_foreign_key('occurrence_id') }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:identifiers).class_name('Vulnerabilities::Identifier') }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_identifiers).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingIdentifier').with_foreign_key('occurrence_id') }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_links).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingLink').with_foreign_key('vulnerability_occurrence_id') }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_remediations).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation').with_foreign_key('vulnerability_occurrence_id') }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:remediations).through(:finding_remediations) }
-    it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_evidences).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingEvidence').with_foreign_key('vulnerability_occurrence_id') }
-  end
-  describe 'validations' do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:scanner) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:project) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:uuid) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:project_fingerprint) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:primary_identifier) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:location_fingerprint) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:name) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:report_type) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:metadata_version) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:raw_metadata) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:severity) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:confidence) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:description).is_at_most(15000) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:message).is_at_most(3000) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:solution).is_at_most(7000) }
-    it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:cve).is_at_most(48400) }
-    context 'when value for details field is valid' do
-      it 'is valid' do
-        finding.details = {}
-        expect(finding).to be_valid
+  where(vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: [true, false])
+  with_them do
+    before do
+      stub_feature_flags(vulnerability_finding_signatures: vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled)
+    end
+    describe 'associations' do
+      it { is_expected.to belong_to(:project) }
+      it { is_expected.to belong_to(:primary_identifier).class_name('Vulnerabilities::Identifier') }
+      it { is_expected.to belong_to(:scanner).class_name('Vulnerabilities::Scanner') }
+      it { is_expected.to belong_to(:vulnerability).inverse_of(:findings) }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:pipelines).class_name('Ci::Pipeline') }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_pipelines).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline').with_foreign_key('occurrence_id') }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:identifiers).class_name('Vulnerabilities::Identifier') }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_identifiers).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingIdentifier').with_foreign_key('occurrence_id') }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_links).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingLink').with_foreign_key('vulnerability_occurrence_id') }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_remediations).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingRemediation').with_foreign_key('vulnerability_occurrence_id') }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:remediations).through(:finding_remediations) }
+      it { is_expected.to have_many(:finding_evidences).class_name('Vulnerabilities::FindingEvidence').with_foreign_key('vulnerability_occurrence_id') }
+    end
+    describe 'validations' do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:scanner) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:project) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:uuid) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:project_fingerprint) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:primary_identifier) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:location_fingerprint) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:name) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:report_type) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:metadata_version) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:raw_metadata) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:severity) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_presence_of(:confidence) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:description).is_at_most(15000) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:message).is_at_most(3000) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:solution).is_at_most(7000) }
+      it { is_expected.to validate_length_of(:cve).is_at_most(48400) }
+      context 'when value for details field is valid' do
+        it 'is valid' do
+          finding.details = {}
+          expect(finding).to be_valid
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when value for details field is invalid' do
-      it 'returns errors' do
-        finding.details = { invalid: 'data' }
+      context 'when value for details field is invalid' do
+        it 'returns errors' do
+          finding.details = { invalid: 'data' }
-        expect(finding).to be_invalid
-        expect(finding.errors.full_messages).to eq(["Details must be a valid json schema"])
+          expect(finding).to be_invalid
+          expect(finding.errors.full_messages).to eq(["Details must be a valid json schema"])
+        end
-  end
-  context 'database uniqueness' do
-    let(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:new_finding) { finding.dup.tap { |o| o.uuid = SecureRandom.uuid } }
+    context 'database uniqueness' do
+      let(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:new_finding) { finding.dup.tap { |o| o.cve = SecureRandom.uuid } }
-    it "when all index attributes are identical" do
-      expect { new_finding.save! }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique)
-    end
+      it "when all index attributes are identical" do
+        expect { new_finding.save! }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique)
+      end
-    describe 'when some parameters are changed' do
-      using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
+      describe 'when some parameters are changed' do
+        using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
-      # we use block to delay object creations
-      where(:key, :factory_name) do
-        :primary_identifier | :vulnerabilities_identifier
-        :scanner | :vulnerabilities_scanner
-        :project | :project
-      end
+        # we use block to delay object creations
+        where(:key, :factory_name) do
+          :primary_identifier | :vulnerabilities_identifier
+          :scanner | :vulnerabilities_scanner
+          :project | :project
+        end
-      with_them do
-        it "is valid" do
-          expect { new_finding.update!({ key => create(factory_name) }) }.not_to raise_error
+        with_them do
+          it "is valid" do
+            expect { new_finding.update!({ key => create(factory_name), 'uuid' => SecureRandom.uuid }) }.not_to raise_error
+          end
-  end
-  context 'order' do
-    let!(:finding1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:high]) }
-    let!(:finding2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:medium], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
-    let!(:finding3) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
+    context 'order' do
+      let!(:finding1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:high]) }
+      let!(:finding2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:medium], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
+      let!(:finding3) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: ::Enums::Vulnerability.confidence_levels[:high], severity: ::Enums::Vulnerability.severity_levels[:critical]) }
-    it 'orders by severity and confidence' do
-      expect(described_class.all.ordered).to eq([finding3, finding2, finding1])
+      it 'orders by severity and confidence' do
+        expect(described_class.all.ordered).to eq([finding3, finding2, finding1])
+      end
-  end
-  describe '.report_type' do
-    let(:report_type) { :sast }
+    describe '.report_type' do
+      let(:report_type) { :sast }
-    subject { described_class.report_type(report_type) }
+      subject { described_class.report_type(report_type) }
-    context 'when finding has the corresponding report type' do
-      let!(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: report_type) }
+      context 'when finding has the corresponding report type' do
+        let!(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: report_type) }
-      it 'selects the finding' do
-        is_expected.to eq([finding])
+        it 'selects the finding' do
+          is_expected.to eq([finding])
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when finding does not have security reports' do
-      let!(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :dependency_scanning) }
+      context 'when finding does not have security reports' do
+        let!(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :dependency_scanning) }
-      it 'does not select the finding' do
-        is_expected.to be_empty
+        it 'does not select the finding' do
+          is_expected.to be_empty
+        end
-  end
-  describe '.for_pipelines_with_sha' do
-    let(:project) { create(:project) }
-    let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project) }
+    describe '.for_pipelines_with_sha' do
+      let(:project) { create(:project) }
+      let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project) }
-    before do
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project)
-    end
+      before do
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project)
+      end
-    subject(:findings) { described_class.for_pipelines_with_sha([pipeline]) }
+      subject(:findings) { described_class.for_pipelines_with_sha([pipeline]) }
-    it 'sets the sha' do
-      expect(findings.first.sha).to eq(pipeline.sha)
+      it 'sets the sha' do
+        expect(findings.first.sha).to eq(pipeline.sha)
+      end
-  end
-  describe '.by_report_types' do
-    let!(:vulnerability_sast) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast) }
-    let!(:vulnerability_secret_detection) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :secret_detection) }
-    let!(:vulnerability_dast) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :dast) }
-    let!(:vulnerability_depscan) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :dependency_scanning) }
-    let!(:vulnerability_covfuzz) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :coverage_fuzzing) }
-    let!(:vulnerability_apifuzz) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :api_fuzzing) }
+    describe '.by_report_types' do
+      let!(:vulnerability_sast) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :sast) }
+      let!(:vulnerability_secret_detection) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :secret_detection) }
+      let!(:vulnerability_dast) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :dast) }
+      let!(:vulnerability_depscan) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :dependency_scanning) }
+      let!(:vulnerability_covfuzz) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :coverage_fuzzing) }
+      let!(:vulnerability_apifuzz) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type: :api_fuzzing) }
-    subject { described_class.by_report_types(param) }
+      subject { described_class.by_report_types(param) }
-    context 'with one param' do
-      let(:param) { Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['sast'] }
+      context 'with one param' do
+        let(:param) { Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['sast'] }
-      it 'returns found record' do
-        is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability_sast)
+        it 'returns found record' do
+          is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability_sast)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'with array of params' do
-      let(:param) do
-        [
-          Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['dependency_scanning'],
-          Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['dast'],
-          Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['secret_detection'],
-          Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['coverage_fuzzing'],
-          Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['api_fuzzing']
-        ]
-      end
+      context 'with array of params' do
+        let(:param) do
+          [
+            Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['dependency_scanning'],
+            Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['dast'],
+            Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['secret_detection'],
+            Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['coverage_fuzzing'],
+            Vulnerabilities::Finding.report_types['api_fuzzing']
+          ]
+        end
-      it 'returns found records' do
-        is_expected.to contain_exactly(
-          vulnerability_dast,
-          vulnerability_depscan,
-          vulnerability_secret_detection,
-          vulnerability_covfuzz,
-          vulnerability_apifuzz)
+        it 'returns found records' do
+          is_expected.to contain_exactly(
+            vulnerability_dast,
+            vulnerability_depscan,
+            vulnerability_secret_detection,
+            vulnerability_covfuzz,
+            vulnerability_apifuzz)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'without found record' do
-      let(:param) { ::Enums::Vulnerability.report_types['container_scanning']}
+      context 'without found record' do
+        let(:param) { ::Enums::Vulnerability.report_types['container_scanning']}
-      it 'returns empty collection' do
-        is_expected.to be_empty
+        it 'returns empty collection' do
+          is_expected.to be_empty
+        end
-  end
-  describe '.by_projects' do
-    let!(:vulnerability1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let!(:vulnerability2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+    describe '.by_projects' do
+      let!(:vulnerability1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let!(:vulnerability2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    subject { described_class.by_projects(param) }
+      subject { described_class.by_projects(param) }
-    context 'with found record' do
-      let(:param) { vulnerability1.project_id }
+      context 'with found record' do
+        let(:param) { vulnerability1.project_id }
-      it 'returns found record' do
-        is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability1)
+        it 'returns found record' do
+          is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability1)
+        end
-  end
-  describe '.by_scanners' do
-    context 'with found record' do
-      it 'returns found record' do
-        vulnerability1 = create(:vulnerabilities_finding)
-        create(:vulnerabilities_finding)
-        param = vulnerability1.scanner_id
+    describe '.by_scanners' do
+      context 'with found record' do
+        it 'returns found record' do
+          vulnerability1 = create(:vulnerabilities_finding)
+          create(:vulnerabilities_finding)
+          param = vulnerability1.scanner_id
-        result = described_class.by_scanners(param)
+          result = described_class.by_scanners(param)
-        expect(result).to contain_exactly(vulnerability1)
+          expect(result).to contain_exactly(vulnerability1)
+        end
-  end
-  describe '.by_severities' do
-    let!(:vulnerability_high) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, severity: :high) }
-    let!(:vulnerability_low) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, severity: :low) }
+    describe '.by_severities' do
+      let!(:vulnerability_high) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, severity: :high) }
+      let!(:vulnerability_low) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, severity: :low) }
-    subject { described_class.by_severities(param) }
+      subject { described_class.by_severities(param) }
-    context 'with one param' do
-      let(:param) { described_class.severities[:low] }
+      context 'with one param' do
+        let(:param) { described_class.severities[:low] }
-      it 'returns found record' do
-        is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability_low)
+        it 'returns found record' do
+          is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability_low)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'without found record' do
-      let(:param) { described_class.severities[:unknown] }
+      context 'without found record' do
+        let(:param) { described_class.severities[:unknown] }
-      it 'returns empty collection' do
-        is_expected.to be_empty
+        it 'returns empty collection' do
+          is_expected.to be_empty
+        end
-  end
-  describe '.by_confidences' do
-    let!(:vulnerability_high) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: :high) }
-    let!(:vulnerability_low) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: :low) }
+    describe '.by_confidences' do
+      let!(:vulnerability_high) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: :high) }
+      let!(:vulnerability_low) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, confidence: :low) }
-    subject { described_class.by_confidences(param) }
+      subject { described_class.by_confidences(param) }
-    context 'with matching param' do
-      let(:param) { described_class.confidences[:low] }
+      context 'with matching param' do
+        let(:param) { described_class.confidences[:low] }
-      it 'returns found record' do
-        is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability_low)
+        it 'returns found record' do
+          is_expected.to contain_exactly(vulnerability_low)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'with non-matching param' do
-      let(:param) { described_class.confidences[:unknown] }
+      context 'with non-matching param' do
+        let(:param) { described_class.confidences[:unknown] }
-      it 'returns empty collection' do
-        is_expected.to be_empty
+        it 'returns empty collection' do
+          is_expected.to be_empty
+        end
-  end
-  describe '.counted_by_severity' do
-    let!(:high_vulnerabilities) { create_list(:vulnerabilities_finding, 3, severity: :high) }
-    let!(:medium_vulnerabilities) { create_list(:vulnerabilities_finding, 2, severity: :medium) }
-    let!(:low_vulnerabilities) { create_list(:vulnerabilities_finding, 1, severity: :low) }
+    describe '.counted_by_severity' do
+      let!(:high_vulnerabilities) { create_list(:vulnerabilities_finding, 3, severity: :high) }
+      let!(:medium_vulnerabilities) { create_list(:vulnerabilities_finding, 2, severity: :medium) }
+      let!(:low_vulnerabilities) { create_list(:vulnerabilities_finding, 1, severity: :low) }
-    subject { described_class.counted_by_severity }
+      subject { described_class.counted_by_severity }
-    it 'returns counts' do
-      is_expected.to eq({ 4 => 1, 5 => 2, 6 => 3 })
+      it 'returns counts' do
+        is_expected.to eq({ 4 => 1, 5 => 2, 6 => 3 })
+      end
-  end
-  describe '.undismissed' do
-    let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
-    let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project) }
+    describe '.undismissed' do
+      let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
+      let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project) }
-    let!(:finding1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project) }
-    let!(:finding2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project, report_type: :dast) }
-    let!(:finding3) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project2) }
+      let!(:finding1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project) }
+      let!(:finding2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project, report_type: :dast) }
+      let!(:finding3) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project2) }
-    before do
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        :dismissal,
-        project: finding1.project,
-        project_fingerprint: finding1.project_fingerprint
-      )
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        :dismissal,
-        project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
-        project: project2
-      )
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        :dismissal,
-        category: :sast,
-        project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
-        project: finding2.project
-      )
-    end
-    it 'returns all non-dismissed findings' do
-      expect(described_class.undismissed).to contain_exactly(finding2, finding3)
-    end
-    it 'returns non-dismissed findings for project' do
-      expect(project2.vulnerability_findings.undismissed).to contain_exactly(finding3)
-    end
-  end
-  describe '.dismissed' do
-    let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
-    let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project) }
+      before do
+        create(
+          :vulnerability_feedback,
+          :dismissal,
+          project: finding1.project,
+          project_fingerprint: finding1.project_fingerprint
+        )
+        create(
+          :vulnerability_feedback,
+          :dismissal,
+          project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
+          project: project2
+        )
+        create(
+          :vulnerability_feedback,
+          :dismissal,
+          category: :sast,
+          project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
+          project: finding2.project
+        )
+      end
-    let!(:finding1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project) }
-    let!(:finding2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project, report_type: :dast) }
-    let!(:finding3) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project2) }
+      it 'returns all non-dismissed findings' do
+        expect(described_class.undismissed).to contain_exactly(finding2, finding3)
+      end
-    before do
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        :dismissal,
-        project: finding1.project,
-        project_fingerprint: finding1.project_fingerprint
-      )
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        :dismissal,
-        project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
-        project: project2
-      )
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        :dismissal,
-        category: :sast,
-        project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
-        project: finding2.project
-      )
-    end
-    it 'returns all dismissed findings' do
-      expect(described_class.dismissed).to contain_exactly(finding1)
-    end
-    it 'returns dismissed findings for project' do
-      expect(project.vulnerability_findings.dismissed).to contain_exactly(finding1)
+      it 'returns non-dismissed findings for project' do
+        expect(project2.vulnerability_findings.undismissed).to contain_exactly(finding3)
+      end
-  end
-  describe '.batch_count_by_project_and_severity' do
-    let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project) }
-    let(:project) { create(:project) }
+    describe '.dismissed' do
+      let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
+      let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project) }
-    it 'fetches a vulnerability count for the given project and severity' do
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
+      let!(:finding1) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project) }
+      let!(:finding2) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project, report_type: :dast) }
+      let!(:finding3) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project2) }
-      count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'high')
+      before do
+        create(
+          :vulnerability_feedback,
+          :dismissal,
+          project: finding1.project,
+          project_fingerprint: finding1.project_fingerprint
+        )
+        create(
+          :vulnerability_feedback,
+          :dismissal,
+          project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
+          project: project2
+        )
+        create(
+          :vulnerability_feedback,
+          :dismissal,
+          category: :sast,
+          project_fingerprint: finding2.project_fingerprint,
+          project: finding2.project
+        )
+      end
-      expect(count).to be(1)
-    end
+      it 'returns all dismissed findings' do
+        expect(described_class.dismissed).to contain_exactly(finding1)
+      end
-    it 'only returns vulnerabilities from the latest successful pipeline' do
-      old_pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project)
-      latest_pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project)
-      latest_failed_pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project)
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [old_pipeline], project: project, severity: :critical)
-      create(
-        :vulnerabilities_finding,
-        pipelines: [latest_failed_pipeline],
-        project: project,
-        severity: :critical
-      )
-      create_list(
-        :vulnerabilities_finding, 2,
-        pipelines: [latest_pipeline],
-        project: project,
-        severity: :critical
-      )
+      it 'returns dismissed findings for project' do
+        expect(project.vulnerability_findings.dismissed).to contain_exactly(finding1)
+      end
+    end
-      count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'critical')
+    describe '.batch_count_by_project_and_severity' do
+      let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project) }
+      let(:project) { create(:project) }
-      expect(count).to be(2)
-    end
+      it 'fetches a vulnerability count for the given project and severity' do
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
-    it 'returns 0 when there are no vulnerabilities for that severity level' do
-      count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'high')
+        count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'high')
-      expect(count).to be(0)
-    end
+        expect(count).to be(1)
+      end
-    it 'batch loads the counts' do
-      projects = create_list(:project, 2)
+      it 'only returns vulnerabilities from the latest successful pipeline' do
+        old_pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project)
+        latest_pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project)
+        latest_failed_pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :failed, project: project)
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [old_pipeline], project: project, severity: :critical)
+        create(
+          :vulnerabilities_finding,
+          pipelines: [latest_failed_pipeline],
+          project: project,
+          severity: :critical
+        )
+        create_list(
+          :vulnerabilities_finding, 2,
+          pipelines: [latest_pipeline],
+          project: project,
+          severity: :critical
+        )
-      projects.each do |project|
-        pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project)
+        count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'critical')
-        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
-        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :low)
+        expect(count).to be(2)
-      projects_and_severities = [
-        [projects.first, 'high'],
-        [projects.first, 'low'],
-        [projects.second, 'high'],
-        [projects.second, 'low']
-      ]
+      it 'returns 0 when there are no vulnerabilities for that severity level' do
+        count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'high')
-      counts = projects_and_severities.map do |(project, severity)|
-        described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, severity)
+        expect(count).to be(0)
-      expect { expect(counts).to all(be 1) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(1)
-    end
+      it 'batch loads the counts' do
+        projects = create_list(:project, 2)
-    it 'does not include dismissed vulnerabilities in the counts' do
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
-      dismissed_vulnerability = create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        project: project,
-        project_fingerprint: dismissed_vulnerability.project_fingerprint,
-        feedback_type: :dismissal
-      )
+        projects.each do |project|
+          pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project)
-      count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'high')
+          create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
+          create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :low)
+        end
-      expect(count).to be(1)
-    end
+        projects_and_severities = [
+          [projects.first, 'high'],
+          [projects.first, 'low'],
+          [projects.second, 'high'],
+          [projects.second, 'low']
+        ]
-    it "does not overwrite one project's counts with another's" do
-      project1 = create(:project)
-      project2 = create(:project)
-      pipeline1 = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project1)
-      pipeline2 = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project2)
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline1], project: project1, severity: :critical)
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline2], project: project2, severity: :high)
+        counts = projects_and_severities.map do |(project, severity)|
+          described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, severity)
+        end
-      project1_critical_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project1.id, 'critical')
-      project1_high_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project1.id, 'high')
-      project2_critical_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project2.id, 'critical')
-      project2_high_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project2.id, 'high')
+        expect { expect(counts).to all(be 1) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(1)
+      end
-      expect(project1_critical_count).to be(1)
-      expect(project1_high_count).to be(0)
-      expect(project2_critical_count).to be(0)
-      expect(project2_high_count).to be(1)
-    end
-  end
+      it 'does not include dismissed vulnerabilities in the counts' do
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
+        dismissed_vulnerability = create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline], project: project, severity: :high)
+        create(
+          :vulnerability_feedback,
+          project: project,
+          project_fingerprint: dismissed_vulnerability.project_fingerprint,
+          feedback_type: :dismissal
+        )
-  describe '#links' do
-    let_it_be(:finding, reload: true) do
-      create(
-        :vulnerabilities_finding,
-        raw_metadata: {
-          links: [{ url: 'https://raw.gitlab.com', name: 'raw_metadata_link' }]
-        }.to_json
-      )
-    end
+        count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project.id, 'high')
-    subject(:links) { finding.links }
+        expect(count).to be(1)
+      end
-    context 'when there are no finding links' do
-      it 'returns links from raw_metadata' do
-        expect(links).to eq([{ 'url' => 'https://raw.gitlab.com', 'name' => 'raw_metadata_link' }])
+      it "does not overwrite one project's counts with another's" do
+        project1 = create(:project)
+        project2 = create(:project)
+        pipeline1 = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project1)
+        pipeline2 = create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project2)
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline1], project: project1, severity: :critical)
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding, pipelines: [pipeline2], project: project2, severity: :high)
+        project1_critical_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project1.id, 'critical')
+        project1_high_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project1.id, 'high')
+        project2_critical_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project2.id, 'critical')
+        project2_high_count = described_class.batch_count_by_project_and_severity(project2.id, 'high')
+        expect(project1_critical_count).to be(1)
+        expect(project1_high_count).to be(0)
+        expect(project2_critical_count).to be(0)
+        expect(project2_high_count).to be(1)
-    context 'when there are finding links assigned to given finding' do
-      let_it_be(:finding_link) { create(:finding_link, name: 'finding_link', url: 'https://link.gitlab.com', finding: finding) }
-      it 'returns links from finding link' do
-        expect(links).to eq([{ 'url' => 'https://link.gitlab.com', 'name' => 'finding_link' }])
+    describe '#links' do
+      let_it_be(:finding, reload: true) do
+        create(
+          :vulnerabilities_finding,
+          raw_metadata: {
+            links: [{ url: 'https://raw.gitlab.com', name: 'raw_metadata_link' }]
+          }.to_json
+        )
-    end
-  end
-  describe '#remediations' do
-    let_it_be(:project) { create_default(:project) }
-    let_it_be(:finding, refind: true) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      subject(:links) { finding.links }
-    subject { finding.remediations }
+      context 'when there are no finding links' do
+        it 'returns links from raw_metadata' do
+          expect(links).to eq([{ 'url' => 'https://raw.gitlab.com', 'name' => 'raw_metadata_link' }])
+        end
+      end
-    context 'when the finding has associated remediation records' do
-      let_it_be(:persisted_remediation) { create(:vulnerabilities_remediation, findings: [finding]) }
-      let_it_be(:remediation_hash) { { 'summary' => persisted_remediation.summary, 'diff' => persisted_remediation.diff } }
+      context 'when there are finding links assigned to given finding' do
+        let_it_be(:finding_link) { create(:finding_link, name: 'finding_link', url: 'https://link.gitlab.com', finding: finding) }
-      it { is_expected.to eq([remediation_hash]) }
+        it 'returns links from finding link' do
+          expect(links).to eq([{ 'url' => 'https://link.gitlab.com', 'name' => 'finding_link' }])
+        end
+      end
-    context 'when the finding does not have associated remediation records' do
-      context 'when the finding has remediations in `raw_metadata`' do
-        let(:raw_remediation) { { summary: 'foo', diff: 'bar' }.stringify_keys }
+    describe '#remediations' do
+      let_it_be(:project) { create_default(:project) }
+      let_it_be(:finding, refind: true) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-        before do
-          raw_metadata = { remediations: [raw_remediation] }.to_json
-          finding.update!(raw_metadata: raw_metadata)
-        end
+      subject { finding.remediations }
+      context 'when the finding has associated remediation records' do
+        let_it_be(:persisted_remediation) { create(:vulnerabilities_remediation, findings: [finding]) }
+        let_it_be(:remediation_hash) { { 'summary' => persisted_remediation.summary, 'diff' => persisted_remediation.diff } }
-        it { is_expected.to eq([raw_remediation]) }
+        it { is_expected.to eq([remediation_hash]) }
-      context 'when the finding does not have remediations in `raw_metadata`' do
-        before do
-          finding.update!(raw_metadata: {}.to_json)
+      context 'when the finding does not have associated remediation records' do
+        context 'when the finding has remediations in `raw_metadata`' do
+          let(:raw_remediation) { { summary: 'foo', diff: 'bar' }.stringify_keys }
+          before do
+            raw_metadata = { remediations: [raw_remediation] }.to_json
+            finding.update!(raw_metadata: raw_metadata)
+          end
+          it { is_expected.to eq([raw_remediation]) }
-        it { is_expected.to be_nil }
+        context 'when the finding does not have remediations in `raw_metadata`' do
+          before do
+            finding.update!(raw_metadata: {}.to_json)
+          end
+          it { is_expected.to be_nil }
+        end
-  end
-  describe 'feedback' do
-    let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
-    let(:finding) do
-      create(
-        :vulnerabilities_finding,
-        report_type: :dependency_scanning,
-        project: project
-      )
-    end
+    describe 'feedback' do
+      let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
-    describe '#issue_feedback' do
-      let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) }
-      let!(:issue_feedback) do
+      let(:finding) do
-          :vulnerability_feedback,
-          :dependency_scanning,
-          :issue,
-          issue: issue,
-          project: project,
-          project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
+          :vulnerabilities_finding,
+          report_type: :dependency_scanning,
+          project: project
-      let(:vulnerability) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding]) }
-      let!(:issue_link) { create(:vulnerabilities_issue_link, vulnerability: vulnerability, issue: issue)}
+      describe '#issue_feedback' do
+        let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) }
+        let!(:issue_feedback) do
+          create(
+            :vulnerability_feedback,
+            :dependency_scanning,
+            :issue,
+            issue: issue,
+            project: project,
+            project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
+          )
+        end
-      it 'returns associated feedback' do
-        feedback = finding.issue_feedback
+        let(:vulnerability) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding]) }
+        let!(:issue_link) { create(:vulnerabilities_issue_link, vulnerability: vulnerability, issue: issue)}
-        expect(feedback).to be_present
-        expect(feedback[:project_id]).to eq project.id
-        expect(feedback[:feedback_type]).to eq 'issue'
-        expect(feedback[:issue_id]).to eq issue.id
-      end
+        it 'returns associated feedback' do
+          feedback = finding.issue_feedback
+          expect(feedback).to be_present
+          expect(feedback[:project_id]).to eq project.id
+          expect(feedback[:feedback_type]).to eq 'issue'
+          expect(feedback[:issue_id]).to eq issue.id
+        end
-      context 'when there is no feedback for the vulnerability' do
-        let(:vulnerability_no_feedback) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding_no_feedback]) }
-        let!(:finding_no_feedback) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :dependency_scanning, project: project) }
+        context 'when there is no feedback for the vulnerability' do
+          let(:vulnerability_no_feedback) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding_no_feedback]) }
+          let!(:finding_no_feedback) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :dependency_scanning, project: project) }
-        it 'does not return unassociated feedback' do
-          feedback = finding_no_feedback.issue_feedback
+          it 'does not return unassociated feedback' do
+            feedback = finding_no_feedback.issue_feedback
-          expect(feedback).not_to be_present
+            expect(feedback).not_to be_present
+          end
-      end
-      context 'when there is no vulnerability associated with the finding' do
-        let!(:finding_no_vulnerability) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :dependency_scanning, project: project) }
+        context 'when there is no vulnerability associated with the finding' do
+          let!(:finding_no_vulnerability) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :dependency_scanning, project: project) }
-        it 'does not return feedback' do
-          feedback = finding_no_vulnerability.issue_feedback
+          it 'does not return feedback' do
+            feedback = finding_no_vulnerability.issue_feedback
-          expect(feedback).not_to be_present
+            expect(feedback).not_to be_present
+          end
-    end
-    describe '#dismissal_feedback' do
-      let!(:dismissal_feedback) do
-        create(
-          :vulnerability_feedback,
-          :dependency_scanning,
-          :dismissal,
-          project: project,
-          project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
-        )
-      end
+      describe '#dismissal_feedback' do
+        let!(:dismissal_feedback) do
+          create(
+            :vulnerability_feedback,
+            :dependency_scanning,
+            :dismissal,
+            project: project,
+            project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
+          )
+        end
-      it 'returns associated feedback' do
-        feedback = finding.dismissal_feedback
+        it 'returns associated feedback' do
+          feedback = finding.dismissal_feedback
-        expect(feedback).to be_present
-        expect(feedback[:project_id]).to eq project.id
-        expect(feedback[:feedback_type]).to eq 'dismissal'
+          expect(feedback).to be_present
+          expect(feedback[:project_id]).to eq project.id
+          expect(feedback[:feedback_type]).to eq 'dismissal'
+        end
-    end
-    describe '#merge_request_feedback' do
-      let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) }
-      let!(:merge_request_feedback) do
-        create(
-          :vulnerability_feedback,
-          :dependency_scanning,
-          :merge_request,
-          merge_request: merge_request,
-          project: project,
-          project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
-        )
-      end
+      describe '#merge_request_feedback' do
+        let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project) }
+        let!(:merge_request_feedback) do
+          create(
+            :vulnerability_feedback,
+            :dependency_scanning,
+            :merge_request,
+            merge_request: merge_request,
+            project: project,
+            project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
+          )
+        end
-      it 'returns associated feedback' do
-        feedback = finding.merge_request_feedback
+        it 'returns associated feedback' do
+          feedback = finding.merge_request_feedback
-        expect(feedback).to be_present
-        expect(feedback[:project_id]).to eq project.id
-        expect(feedback[:feedback_type]).to eq 'merge_request'
-        expect(feedback[:merge_request_id]).to eq merge_request.id
+          expect(feedback).to be_present
+          expect(feedback[:project_id]).to eq project.id
+          expect(feedback[:feedback_type]).to eq 'merge_request'
+          expect(feedback[:merge_request_id]).to eq merge_request.id
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#load_feedback' do
-    let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
-    let_it_be(:finding) do
-      create(
-        :vulnerabilities_finding,
-        report_type: :dependency_scanning,
-        project: project
-      )
-    end
-    let_it_be(:feedback) do
-      create(
-        :vulnerability_feedback,
-        :dependency_scanning,
-        :dismissal,
-        project: project,
-        project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
-      )
-    end
-    let(:expected_feedback) { [feedback] }
-    subject(:load_feedback) { finding.load_feedback.to_a }
-    it { is_expected.to eq(expected_feedback) }
-    context 'when you have multiple findings' do
-      let_it_be(:finding_2) do
+    describe '#load_feedback' do
+      let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
+      let_it_be(:finding) do
           report_type: :dependency_scanning,
@@ -646,367 +627,500 @@
-      let_it_be(:feedback_2) do
+      let_it_be(:feedback) do
           project: project,
-          project_fingerprint: finding_2.project_fingerprint
+          project_fingerprint: finding.project_fingerprint
-      let(:expected_feedback) { [[feedback], [feedback_2]] }
+      let(:expected_feedback) { [feedback] }
-      subject(:load_feedback) { [finding, finding_2].map(&:load_feedback) }
+      subject(:load_feedback) { finding.load_feedback.to_a }
       it { is_expected.to eq(expected_feedback) }
-    end
-  end
-  describe '#state' do
-    before do
-      create(:vulnerability, :dismissed, project: finding_with_issue.project, findings: [finding_with_issue])
-    end
-    let(:unresolved_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:confirmed_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :confirmed) }
-    let(:resolved_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :resolved) }
-    let(:dismissed_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :dismissed) }
-    let(:detected_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :detected) }
-    let(:finding_with_issue) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :with_issue_feedback) }
-    it 'returns the expected state for a unresolved finding' do
-      expect(unresolved_finding.state).to eq 'detected'
-    end
+      context 'when you have multiple findings' do
+        let_it_be(:finding_2) do
+          create(
+            :vulnerabilities_finding,
+            report_type: :dependency_scanning,
+            project: project
+          )
+        end
-    it 'returns the expected state for a confirmed finding' do
-      expect(confirmed_finding.state).to eq 'confirmed'
-    end
+        let_it_be(:feedback_2) do
+          create(
+            :vulnerability_feedback,
+            :dependency_scanning,
+            :dismissal,
+            project: project,
+            project_fingerprint: finding_2.project_fingerprint
+          )
+        end
-    it 'returns the expected state for a resolved finding' do
-      expect(resolved_finding.state).to eq 'resolved'
-    end
+        let(:expected_feedback) { [[feedback], [feedback_2]] }
-    it 'returns the expected state for a dismissed finding' do
-      expect(dismissed_finding.state).to eq 'dismissed'
-    end
+        subject(:load_feedback) { [finding, finding_2].map(&:load_feedback) }
-    it 'returns the expected state for a detected finding' do
-      expect(detected_finding.state).to eq 'detected'
+        it { is_expected.to eq(expected_feedback) }
+      end
-    context 'when a vulnerability present for a dismissed finding' do
+    describe '#state' do
       before do
-        create(:vulnerability, project: dismissed_finding.project, findings: [dismissed_finding])
+        create(:vulnerability, :dismissed, project: finding_with_issue.project, findings: [finding_with_issue])
-      it 'still reports a dismissed state' do
-        expect(dismissed_finding.state).to eq 'dismissed'
+      let(:unresolved_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:confirmed_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :confirmed) }
+      let(:resolved_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :resolved) }
+      let(:dismissed_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :dismissed) }
+      let(:finding_with_issue) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, :with_issue_feedback) }
+      it 'returns the expected state for a unresolved finding' do
+        expect(unresolved_finding.state).to eq 'detected'
-    end
-    context 'when a non-dismissal feedback present for a finding belonging to a closed vulnerability' do
-      before do
-        create(:vulnerability_feedback, :issue, project: resolved_finding.project)
+      it 'returns the expected state for a confirmed finding' do
+        expect(confirmed_finding.state).to eq 'confirmed'
-      it 'reports as resolved' do
+      it 'returns the expected state for a resolved finding' do
         expect(resolved_finding.state).to eq 'resolved'
-    end
-  end
-  describe '#scanner_name' do
-    let(:vulnerabilities_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    subject(:scanner_name) { vulnerabilities_finding.scanner_name }
+      it 'returns the expected state for a dismissed finding' do
+        expect(dismissed_finding.state).to eq 'dismissed'
+      end
-    it { is_expected.to eq(vulnerabilities_finding.scanner.name) }
-  end
+      context 'when a vulnerability present for a dismissed finding' do
+        before do
+          create(:vulnerability, project: dismissed_finding.project, findings: [dismissed_finding])
+        end
-  describe '#description' do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:expected_description) { finding.metadata['description'] }
+        it 'still reports a dismissed state' do
+          expect(dismissed_finding.state).to eq 'dismissed'
+        end
+      end
-    subject { finding.description }
+      context 'when a non-dismissal feedback present for a finding belonging to a closed vulnerability' do
+        before do
+          create(:vulnerability_feedback, :issue, project: resolved_finding.project)
+        end
-    context 'when description metadata key is present' do
-      it { is_expected.to eql(expected_description) }
+        it 'reports as resolved' do
+          expect(resolved_finding.state).to eq 'resolved'
+        end
+      end
-    context 'when description data is present' do
-      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, description: 'Vulnerability description') }
+    describe '#scanner_name' do
+      let(:vulnerabilities_finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-      it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability description') }
-    end
-  end
+      subject(:scanner_name) { vulnerabilities_finding.scanner_name }
-  describe '#solution' do
-    subject { vulnerabilities_finding.solution }
+      it { is_expected.to eq(vulnerabilities_finding.scanner.name) }
+    end
-    context 'when solution metadata key is present' do
-      let(:vulnerabilities_finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+    describe '#description' do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:expected_description) { finding.metadata['description'] }
-      it { is_expected.to eq(vulnerabilities_finding.metadata['solution']) }
-    end
+      subject { finding.description }
-    context 'when remediations key is present in finding' do
-      let(:vulnerabilities_finding) do
-        build(:vulnerabilities_finding_with_remediation, summary: "Test remediation")
+      context 'when description metadata key is present' do
+        it { is_expected.to eql(expected_description) }
-      it { is_expected.to eq(vulnerabilities_finding.remediations.dig(0, 'summary')) }
+      context 'when description data is present' do
+        let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, description: 'Vulnerability description') }
+        it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability description') }
+      end
-    context 'when solution data is present' do
-      let(:vulnerabilities_finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, solution: 'Vulnerability solution') }
+    describe '#solution' do
+      subject { vulnerabilities_finding.solution }
-      it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability solution') }
-    end
-  end
+      context 'when solution metadata key is present' do
+        let(:vulnerabilities_finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-  describe '#location' do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:expected_location) { finding.metadata['location'] }
+        it { is_expected.to eq(vulnerabilities_finding.metadata['solution']) }
+      end
-    subject { finding.location }
+      context 'when remediations key is present in finding' do
+        let(:vulnerabilities_finding) do
+          build(:vulnerabilities_finding_with_remediation, summary: "Test remediation")
+        end
-    context 'when location metadata key is present' do
-      it { is_expected.to eql(expected_location) }
-    end
+        it { is_expected.to eq(vulnerabilities_finding.remediations.dig(0, 'summary')) }
+      end
-    context 'when location data is present' do
-      let(:location) { { 'class' => 'class', 'end_line' => 3, 'file' => 'test_file.rb', 'start_line' => 1 } }
-      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, location: location) }
+      context 'when solution data is present' do
+        let(:vulnerabilities_finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, solution: 'Vulnerability solution') }
-      it { is_expected.to eq(location) }
+        it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability solution') }
+      end
-  end
-  describe '#evidence' do
-    subject { finding.evidence }
+    describe '#location' do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:expected_location) { finding.metadata['location'] }
-    context 'has an evidence fields' do
-      let(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-      let(:evidence) { finding.metadata['evidence'] }
+      subject { finding.location }
-      it do
-        is_expected.to match a_hash_including(
-          summary: evidence['summary'],
-          request: {
-            headers: [
-              {
-                name: evidence['request']['headers'][0]['name'],
-                value: evidence['request']['headers'][0]['value']
-              }
-            ],
-            url: evidence['request']['url'],
-            method: evidence['request']['method'],
-            body: evidence['request']['body']
-          },
-          response: {
-            headers: [
-              {
-                name: evidence['response']['headers'][0]['name'],
-                value: evidence['response']['headers'][0]['value']
-              }
-            ],
-            reason_phrase: evidence['response']['reason_phrase'],
-            status_code: evidence['response']['status_code'],
-            body: evidence['request']['body']
-          },
-          source: {
-            id: evidence.dig('source', 'id'),
-            name: evidence.dig('source', 'name'),
-            url: evidence.dig('source', 'url')
-          },
-          supporting_messages: [
-            {
-              name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('name'),
-              request: {
-                headers: [
-                  {
-                    name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('name'),
-                    value: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('value')
-                  }
-                ],
-                url: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'url'),
-                method: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'method'),
-                body: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'body')
-              },
-              response: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('response')
+      context 'when location metadata key is present' do
+        it { is_expected.to eql(expected_location) }
+      end
+      context 'when location data is present' do
+        let(:location) { { 'class' => 'class', 'end_line' => 3, 'file' => 'test_file.rb', 'start_line' => 1 } }
+        let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, location: location) }
+        it { is_expected.to eq(location) }
+      end
+    end
+    describe '#evidence' do
+      subject { finding.evidence }
+      context 'has an evidence fields' do
+        let(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+        let(:evidence) { finding.metadata['evidence'] }
+        it do
+          is_expected.to match a_hash_including(
+            summary: evidence['summary'],
+            request: {
+              headers: [
+                {
+                  name: evidence['request']['headers'][0]['name'],
+                  value: evidence['request']['headers'][0]['value']
+                }
+              ],
+              url: evidence['request']['url'],
+              method: evidence['request']['method'],
+              body: evidence['request']['body']
+            },
+            response: {
+              headers: [
+                {
+                  name: evidence['response']['headers'][0]['name'],
+                  value: evidence['response']['headers'][0]['value']
+                }
+              ],
+              reason_phrase: evidence['response']['reason_phrase'],
+              status_code: evidence['response']['status_code'],
+              body: evidence['request']['body']
+            },
+            source: {
+              id: evidence.dig('source', 'id'),
+              name: evidence.dig('source', 'name'),
+              url: evidence.dig('source', 'url')
-            {
-              name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('name'),
-              request: {
-                headers: [
-                  {
-                    name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('name'),
-                    value: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('value')
-                  }
-                ],
-                url: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'url'),
-                method: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'method'),
-                body: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'body')
+            supporting_messages: [
+              {
+                name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('name'),
+                request: {
+                  headers: [
+                    {
+                      name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('name'),
+                      value: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('value')
+                    }
+                  ],
+                  url: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'url'),
+                  method: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'method'),
+                  body: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('request', 'body')
+                },
+                response: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[0].dig('response')
-              response: {
-                headers: [
-                  {
-                    name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'headers')[0].dig('name'),
-                    value: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'headers')[0].dig('value')
-                  }
-                ],
-                reason_phrase: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'reason_phrase'),
-                status_code: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'status_code'),
-                body: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'body')
+              {
+                name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('name'),
+                request: {
+                  headers: [
+                    {
+                      name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('name'),
+                      value: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'headers')[0].dig('value')
+                    }
+                  ],
+                  url: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'url'),
+                  method: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'method'),
+                  body: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('request', 'body')
+                },
+                response: {
+                  headers: [
+                    {
+                      name: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'headers')[0].dig('name'),
+                      value: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'headers')[0].dig('value')
+                    }
+                  ],
+                  reason_phrase: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'reason_phrase'),
+                  status_code: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'status_code'),
+                  body: evidence.dig('supporting_messages')[1].dig('response', 'body')
+                }
-            }
-          ]
-        )
+            ]
+          )
+        end
-    end
-    context 'has no evidence summary when evidence is present, summary is not' do
-      let(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, raw_metadata: { evidence: {} }) }
+      context 'has no evidence summary when evidence is present, summary is not' do
+        let(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, raw_metadata: { evidence: {} }) }
-      it do
-        is_expected.to match a_hash_including(
-          summary: nil,
-          source: nil,
-          supporting_messages: [],
-          request: nil,
-          response: nil)
+        it do
+          is_expected.to match a_hash_including(
+            summary: nil,
+            source: nil,
+            supporting_messages: [],
+            request: nil,
+            response: nil)
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#message' do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:expected_message) { finding.metadata['message'] }
+    describe '#message' do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:expected_message) { finding.metadata['message'] }
-    subject { finding.message }
+      subject { finding.message }
-    context 'when message metadata key is present' do
-      it { is_expected.to eql(expected_message) }
-    end
+      context 'when message metadata key is present' do
+        it { is_expected.to eql(expected_message) }
+      end
-    context 'when message data is present' do
-      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, message: 'Vulnerability message') }
+      context 'when message data is present' do
+        let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, message: 'Vulnerability message') }
-      it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability message') }
+        it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability message') }
+      end
-  end
-  describe '#cve_value' do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:expected_cve) { 'CVE-2020-0000' }
+    describe '#cve_value' do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:expected_cve) { 'CVE-2020-0000' }
-    subject { finding.cve_value }
+      subject { finding.cve_value }
-    before do
-      finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'cve', name: expected_cve)
-    end
+      before do
+        finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'cve', name: expected_cve)
+      end
-    context 'when cve metadata key is present' do
-      it { is_expected.to eql(expected_cve) }
-    end
+      context 'when cve metadata key is present' do
+        it { is_expected.to eql(expected_cve) }
+      end
-    context 'when cve data is present' do
-      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, cve: 'Vulnerability cve') }
+      context 'when cve data is present' do
+        let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding, cve: 'Vulnerability cve') }
-      it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability cve') }
+        it { is_expected.to eq('Vulnerability cve') }
+      end
-  end
-  describe '#cwe_value' do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:expected_cwe) { 'CWE-0000' }
+    describe '#cwe_value' do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:expected_cwe) { 'CWE-0000' }
-    subject { finding.cwe_value }
+      subject { finding.cwe_value }
-    before do
-      finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'cwe', name: expected_cwe)
+      before do
+        finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'cwe', name: expected_cwe)
+      end
+      it { is_expected.to eql(expected_cwe) }
-    it { is_expected.to eql(expected_cwe) }
-  end
+    describe '#other_identifier_values' do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      let(:expected_values) { ['ID 1', 'ID 2'] }
-  describe '#other_identifier_values' do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-    let(:expected_values) { ['ID 1', 'ID 2'] }
+      subject { finding.other_identifier_values }
-    subject { finding.other_identifier_values }
+      before do
+        finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'foo', name: expected_values.first)
+        finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'bar', name: expected_values.second)
+      end
-    before do
-      finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'foo', name: expected_values.first)
-      finding.identifiers << build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, external_type: 'bar', name: expected_values.second)
+      it { is_expected.to match_array(expected_values) }
-    it { is_expected.to match_array(expected_values) }
-  end
+    describe "#metadata" do
+      let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
-  describe "#metadata" do
-    let(:finding) { build(:vulnerabilities_finding) }
+      subject { finding.metadata }
-    subject { finding.metadata }
+      it "handles bool JSON data" do
+        allow(finding).to receive(:raw_metadata) { "true" }
-    it "handles bool JSON data" do
-      allow(finding).to receive(:raw_metadata) { "true" }
+        expect(subject).to eq({})
+      end
-      expect(subject).to eq({})
-    end
+      it "handles string JSON data" do
+        allow(finding).to receive(:raw_metadata) { '"test"' }
+        expect(subject).to eq({})
+      end
-    it "handles string JSON data" do
-      allow(finding).to receive(:raw_metadata) { '"test"' }
+      it "parses JSON data" do
+        allow(finding).to receive(:raw_metadata) { '{ "test": true }' }
-      expect(subject).to eq({})
+        expect(subject).to eq({ "test" => true })
+      end
-    it "parses JSON data" do
-      allow(finding).to receive(:raw_metadata) { '{ "test": true }' }
+    describe '#uuid_v5' do
+      let(:project) { create(:project) }
+      let(:report_type) { :sast }
+      let(:identifier_fingerprint) { 'fooo' }
+      let(:location_fingerprint) { 'zooo' }
+      let(:identifier) { build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, fingerprint: identifier_fingerprint) }
+      let(:expected_uuid) { 'this-is-supposed-to-a-uuid' }
+      let(:finding) do
+        build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type,
+              uuid: uuid,
+              project: project,
+              primary_identifier: identifier,
+              location_fingerprint: location_fingerprint)
+      end
-      expect(subject).to eq({ "test" => true })
-    end
-  end
+      subject(:uuid_v5) { finding.uuid_v5 }
-  describe '#uuid_v5' do
-    let(:project) { create(:project) }
-    let(:report_type) { :sast }
-    let(:identifier_fingerprint) { 'fooo' }
-    let(:location_fingerprint) { 'zooo' }
-    let(:identifier) { build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, fingerprint: identifier_fingerprint) }
-    let(:expected_uuid) { 'this-is-supposed-to-a-uuid' }
-    let(:finding) do
-      build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type,
-            uuid: uuid,
-            project: project,
-            primary_identifier: identifier,
-            location_fingerprint: location_fingerprint)
-    end
+      before do
+        allow(::Gitlab::UUID).to receive(:v5).and_return(expected_uuid)
+      end
-    subject(:uuid_v5) { finding.uuid_v5 }
+      context 'when the finding has a version 4 uuid' do
+        let(:uuid) { SecureRandom.uuid }
+        let(:uuid_name_value) { "#{report_type}-#{identifier_fingerprint}-#{location_fingerprint}-#{project.id}" }
-    before do
-      allow(::Gitlab::UUID).to receive(:v5).and_return(expected_uuid)
-    end
+        it 'returns the calculated uuid for the finding' do
+          expect(uuid_v5).to eq(expected_uuid)
+          expect(::Gitlab::UUID).to have_received(:v5).with(uuid_name_value)
+        end
+      end
-    context 'when the finding has a version 4 uuid' do
-      let(:uuid) { SecureRandom.uuid }
-      let(:uuid_name_value) { "#{report_type}-#{identifier_fingerprint}-#{location_fingerprint}-#{project.id}" }
+      context 'when the finding has a version 5 uuid' do
+        let(:uuid) { '6756ebb6-8465-5c33-9af9-c5c8b117aefb' }
-      it 'returns the calculated uuid for the finding' do
-        expect(uuid_v5).to eq(expected_uuid)
-        expect(::Gitlab::UUID).to have_received(:v5).with(uuid_name_value)
+        it 'returns the uuid of the finding' do
+          expect(uuid_v5).to eq(uuid)
+          expect(::Gitlab::UUID).not_to have_received(:v5)
+        end
-    context 'when the finding has a version 5 uuid' do
-      let(:uuid) { '6756ebb6-8465-5c33-9af9-c5c8b117aefb' }
+    describe '#eql?' do
+      let(:project) { create(:project) }
+      let(:report_type) { :sast }
+      let(:identifier_fingerprint) { 'fooo' }
+      let(:identifier) { build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, fingerprint: identifier_fingerprint) }
+      let(:location_fingerprint1) { 'fingerprint1' }
+      let(:location_fingerprint2) { 'fingerprint2' }
+      let(:finding1) do
+        build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type,
+              project: project,
+              primary_identifier: identifier,
+              location_fingerprint: location_fingerprint1)
+      end
+      let(:finding2) do
+        build(:vulnerabilities_finding, report_type,
+              project: project,
+              primary_identifier: identifier,
+              location_fingerprint: location_fingerprint2)
+      end
-      it 'returns the uuid of the finding' do
-        expect(uuid_v5).to eq(uuid)
-        expect(::Gitlab::UUID).not_to have_received(:v5)
+      it 'matches the finding based on enabled tracking methods (if feature flag enabled)' do
+        signature1 = create(
+          :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+          finding: finding1
+        )
+        signature2 = create(
+          :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+          finding: finding2,
+          signature_sha: signature1.signature_sha
+        )
+        # verify that the signatures do exist and that they match
+        expect(finding1.signatures.size).to eq(1)
+        expect(finding2.signatures.size).to eq(1)
+        expect(signature1.eql?(signature2)).to be(true)
+        # now verify that the correct matching method was used for eql?
+        expect(finding1.eql?(finding2)).to be(vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled)
+      end
+      context 'short circuits on the highest priority signature match' do
+        using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
+        let(:same_hash) { false }
+        let(:same_location) { false }
+        let(:create_scope_offset) { false }
+        let(:same_scope_offset) { false}
+        let(:create_signatures) do
+          signature1_hash = create(
+            :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+            algorithm_type: 'hash',
+            finding: finding1
+          )
+          sha = same_hash ? signature1_hash.signature_sha : ::Digest::SHA1.digest(SecureRandom.hex(50))
+          create(
+            :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+            algorithm_type: 'hash',
+            finding: finding2,
+            signature_sha: sha
+          )
+          signature1_location = create(
+            :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+            algorithm_type: 'location',
+            finding: finding1
+          )
+          sha = same_location ? signature1_location.signature_sha : ::Digest::SHA1.digest(SecureRandom.hex(50))
+          create(
+            :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+            algorithm_type: 'location',
+            finding: finding2,
+            signature_sha: sha
+          )
+          signature1_scope_offset = create(
+            :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+            algorithm_type: 'scope_offset',
+            finding: finding1
+          )
+          if create_scope_offset
+            sha = same_scope_offset ? signature1_scope_offset.signature_sha : ::Digest::SHA1.digest(SecureRandom.hex(50))
+            create(
+              :vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+              algorithm_type: 'scope_offset',
+              finding: finding2,
+              signature_sha: sha
+            )
+          end
+        end
+        where(:same_hash, :same_location, :create_scope_offset, :same_scope_offset, :should_match) do
+          true  | true  | true  | true  | true  # everything matches
+          false | false | true  | false | false # nothing matches
+          true  | true  | true  | false | false # highest priority matches alg/priority but not on value
+          false | false | true  | true  | true  # highest priority matches alg/priority and value
+          false | true  | false | false | true  # highest priority is location, matches alg/priority and value
+        end
+        with_them do
+          it 'matches correctly' do
+            next unless vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled
+            create_signatures
+            expect(finding1.eql?(finding2)).to be(should_match)
+          end
+        end
diff --git a/ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb b/ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb
index 2e352beec72e82758c00aaff911f3a4e15c6b6ba..4dc672f6f0a55c1193304c4b28c33964f28f4d8a 100644
--- a/ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/requests/api/vulnerability_findings_spec.rb
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
              project: project,
              pipeline: pipeline,
              project_fingerprint: sast_report.findings.first.project_fingerprint,
-             vulnerability_data: sast_report.findings.first.raw_metadata
+             vulnerability_data: sast_report.findings.first.raw_metadata,
+             finding_uuid: sast_report.findings.first.uuid
diff --git a/ee/spec/serializers/vulnerabilities/feedback_entity_spec.rb b/ee/spec/serializers/vulnerabilities/feedback_entity_spec.rb
index ee9061c95362d15c88ad15e49aeb02474ac5ac88..997db9ab21256bc890823207c1854e50b6576fa8 100644
--- a/ee/spec/serializers/vulnerabilities/feedback_entity_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/serializers/vulnerabilities/feedback_entity_spec.rb
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
   context 'when finding_uuid is not present' do
-    let(:feedback) { build_stubbed(:vulnerability_feedback, :issue, project: project) }
+    let(:feedback) { build_stubbed(:vulnerability_feedback, :issue, project: project, finding_uuid: nil) }
     it 'has a nil finding_uuid' do
       expect(subject[:finding_uuid]).to be_nil
diff --git a/ee/spec/services/ci/compare_security_reports_service_spec.rb b/ee/spec/services/ci/compare_security_reports_service_spec.rb
index c861b5e3f0f2724bf877cd98d5a61b77c0763954..654c7d76a90aa75f5290dedbd8be4fdf7becd7e7 100644
--- a/ee/spec/services/ci/compare_security_reports_service_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/services/ci/compare_security_reports_service_spec.rb
@@ -11,265 +11,272 @@ def collect_ids(collection)
     collection.map { |t| t['identifiers'].first['external_id'] }
-  describe '#execute DS' do
+  where(vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: [true, false])
+  with_them do
     before do
-      stub_licensed_features(dependency_scanning: true)
+      stub_feature_flags(vulnerability_finding_signatures: vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled)
-    let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'dependency_scanning') }
-    subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-    context 'when head pipeline has dependency scanning reports' do
-      let!(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
-      let!(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports new vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(4)
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+    describe '#execute DS' do
+      before do
+        stub_licensed_features(dependency_scanning: true)
-    end
-    context 'when base and head pipelines have dependency scanning reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dependency_scanning_feature_branch, project: project) }
-      it 'reports status as parsed' do
-        expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
-      end
+      let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'dependency_scanning') }
-      it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
-        payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
+      subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
-      end
+      context 'when head pipeline has dependency scanning reports' do
+        let!(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
+        let!(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports fixed vulnerability' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].first['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('external_id' => 'CVE-2017-5946'))
+        it 'reports new vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(4)
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+        end
-      it 'reports fixed dependency scanning vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(1)
-        compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
-        expected_keys = %w(06565b64-486d-4326-b906-890d9915804d)
-        expect(compare_keys).to match_array(expected_keys)
+      context 'when base and head pipelines have dependency scanning reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dependency_scanning_feature_branch, project: project) }
+        it 'reports status as parsed' do
+          expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
+        end
+        it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
+          payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
+        end
+        it 'reports fixed vulnerability' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].first['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('external_id' => 'CVE-2017-5946'))
+        end
+        it 'reports fixed dependency scanning vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(1)
+          compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
+          expected_keys = %w(06565b64-486d-4326-b906-890d9915804d)
+          expect(compare_keys).to match_array(expected_keys)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when head pipeline has corrupted dependency scanning vulnerability reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { build(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_corrupted_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { build(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_corrupted_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
+      context 'when head pipeline has corrupted dependency scanning vulnerability reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { build(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_corrupted_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { build(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_corrupted_dependency_scanning_report, project: project) }
-      it 'returns status and error message' do
-        expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:error)
-        expect(subject[:status_reason]).to include('JSON parsing failed')
-      end
+        it 'returns status and error message' do
+          expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:error)
+          expect(subject[:status_reason]).to include('JSON parsing failed')
+        end
-      it 'returns status and error message when pipeline is nil' do
-        result = service.execute(nil, head_pipeline)
+        it 'returns status and error message when pipeline is nil' do
+          result = service.execute(nil, head_pipeline)
-        expect(result[:status]).to eq(:error)
-        expect(result[:status_reason]).to include('JSON parsing failed')
+          expect(result[:status]).to eq(:error)
+          expect(result[:status_reason]).to include('JSON parsing failed')
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#execute CS' do
-    before do
-      stub_licensed_features(container_scanning: true)
-    end
-    let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'container_scanning') }
-    subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
+    describe '#execute CS' do
+      before do
+        stub_licensed_features(container_scanning: true)
+      end
-    context 'when head pipeline has container scanning reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_container_scanning_report, project: project) }
+      let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'container_scanning') }
-      it 'reports new and fixed vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(8)
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
-      end
-    end
+      subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-    context 'when base and head pipelines have container scanning reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_container_scanning_report, project: project) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_container_scanning_feature_branch, project: project) }
-      it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
-        payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
-      end
+      context 'when head pipeline has container scanning reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_container_scanning_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports new vulnerability' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].first['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('external_id' => 'CVE-2017-15650'))
+        it 'reports new and fixed vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(8)
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+        end
-      it 'reports fixed container scanning vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(8)
-        compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
-        expected_keys = %w(CVE-2017-16997 CVE-2017-18269 CVE-2018-1000001 CVE-2016-10228 CVE-2010-4052 CVE-2018-18520 CVE-2018-16869 CVE-2018-18311)
-        expect(compare_keys).to match_array(expected_keys)
+      context 'when base and head pipelines have container scanning reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_container_scanning_report, project: project) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_container_scanning_feature_branch, project: project) }
+        it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
+          payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
+        end
+        it 'reports new vulnerability' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].first['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('external_id' => 'CVE-2017-15650'))
+        end
+        it 'reports fixed container scanning vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(8)
+          compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
+          expected_keys = %w(CVE-2017-16997 CVE-2017-18269 CVE-2018-1000001 CVE-2016-10228 CVE-2010-4052 CVE-2018-18520 CVE-2018-16869 CVE-2018-18311)
+          expect(compare_keys).to match_array(expected_keys)
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#execute DAST' do
-    before do
-      stub_licensed_features(dast: true)
-    end
-    let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'dast') }
-    subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-    context 'when head pipeline has DAST reports containing some vulnerabilities' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dast_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports the new vulnerabilities, while not changing the counts of fixed vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(20)
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+    describe '#execute DAST' do
+      before do
+        stub_licensed_features(dast: true)
-    end
-    context 'when base and head pipelines have DAST reports containing vulnerabilities' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dast_report, project: project) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dast_feature_branch, project: project) }
+      let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'dast') }
-      it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
-        payload = subject[:data]['fixed'].first
+      subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-        expect(payload).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
-      end
+      context 'when head pipeline has DAST reports containing some vulnerabilities' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dast_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports new vulnerability' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].last['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('name' => 'CWE-201'))
+        it 'reports the new vulnerabilities, while not changing the counts of fixed vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(20)
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+        end
-      it 'reports fixed DAST vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(19)
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed']).to include(
-          a_hash_including(
-            {
-              'identifiers' => a_collection_including(
-                a_hash_including(
-                  "name" => "CWE-352"
+      context 'when base and head pipelines have DAST reports containing vulnerabilities' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dast_report, project: project) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_dast_feature_branch, project: project) }
+        it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
+          payload = subject[:data]['fixed'].first
+          expect(payload).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
+        end
+        it 'reports new vulnerability' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].last['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('name' => 'CWE-201'))
+        end
+        it 'reports fixed DAST vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(19)
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed']).to include(
+            a_hash_including(
+              {
+                'identifiers' => a_collection_including(
+                  a_hash_including(
+                    "name" => "CWE-352"
+                  )
-              )
-            })
-        )
+              })
+          )
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#execute SAST' do
-    before do
-      stub_licensed_features(sast: true)
-    end
-    let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'sast') }
-    subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-    context 'when head pipeline has sast reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_sast_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports new vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(5)
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+    describe '#execute SAST' do
+      before do
+        stub_licensed_features(sast: true)
-    end
-    context 'when base and head pipelines have sast reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_sast_report, project: project) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_sast_feature_branch, project: project) }
+      let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'sast') }
-      it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
-        payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
+      subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
-        expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
-        expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
-      end
+      context 'when head pipeline has sast reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_sast_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports new vulnerability' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].first['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('name' => 'CWE-327'))
+        it 'reports new vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(5)
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+        end
-      it 'reports fixed sast vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(1)
-        compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
-        expected_keys = %w(CIPHER_INTEGRITY)
-        expect(compare_keys - expected_keys).to eq([])
+      context 'when base and head pipelines have sast reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_sast_report, project: project) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_sast_feature_branch, project: project) }
+        it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
+          payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_merge_request_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path']).to be_present
+          expect(payload['create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path']).to be_present
+          expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
+        end
+        it 'reports new vulnerability' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].first['identifiers']).to include(a_hash_including('name' => 'CWE-327'))
+        end
+        it 'reports fixed sast vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(1)
+          compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
+          expected_keys = %w(CIPHER_INTEGRITY)
+          expect(compare_keys - expected_keys).to eq([])
+        end
-  end
-  describe '#execute SECRET DETECTION' do
-    before do
-      stub_licensed_features(secret_detection: true)
-    end
-    let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'secret_detection') }
-    subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
-    context 'when head pipeline has secret_detection reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_secret_detection_report, project: project) }
-      it 'reports new vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+    describe '#execute SECRET DETECTION' do
+      before do
+        stub_licensed_features(secret_detection: true)
-    end
-    context 'when base and head pipelines have secret_detection reports' do
-      let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_secret_detection_report, project: project) }
-      let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_secret_detection_feature_branch, project: project) }
+      let(:service) { described_class.new(project, current_user, report_type: 'secret_detection') }
-      it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
-        payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
-        expect(payload).to be_nil
-        expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
-      end
+      subject { service.execute(base_pipeline, head_pipeline) }
+      context 'when head pipeline has secret_detection reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_secret_detection_report, project: project) }
-      it 'does not report any new vulnerability' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(0)
+        it 'reports new vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:parsed)
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(1)
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(0)
+        end
-      it 'reports fixed secret_detection vulnerabilities' do
-        expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(1)
-        compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
-        expected_keys = %w(AWS)
-        expect(compare_keys).to match_array(expected_keys)
+      context 'when base and head pipelines have secret_detection reports' do
+        let_it_be(:base_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_secret_detection_report, project: project) }
+        let_it_be(:head_pipeline) { create(:ee_ci_pipeline, :with_secret_detection_feature_branch, project: project) }
+        it 'populates fields based on current_user' do
+          payload = subject[:data]['added'].first
+          expect(payload).to be_nil
+          expect(service.current_user).to eq(current_user)
+        end
+        it 'does not report any new vulnerability' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['added'].count).to eq(0)
+        end
+        it 'reports fixed secret_detection vulnerabilities' do
+          expect(subject[:data]['fixed'].count).to eq(1)
+          compare_keys = collect_ids(subject[:data]['fixed'])
+          expected_keys = %w(AWS)
+          expect(compare_keys).to match_array(expected_keys)
+        end
diff --git a/ee/spec/services/security/store_report_service_spec.rb b/ee/spec/services/security/store_report_service_spec.rb
index 11285ab542f892f5bafa804928f9c9d79a8ae1e1..95264b40a8ab1dd0e17ab29c1171a2283fe8da60 100644
--- a/ee/spec/services/security/store_report_service_spec.rb
+++ b/ee/spec/services/security/store_report_service_spec.rb
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 require 'spec_helper'
 RSpec.describe Security::StoreReportService, '#execute' do
+  using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
   let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
   let(:artifact) { create(:ee_ci_job_artifact, trait) }
   let(:report_type) { artifact.file_type }
@@ -10,456 +12,464 @@
   let(:pipeline) { artifact.job.pipeline }
   let(:report) { pipeline.security_reports.get_report(report_type.to_s, artifact) }
-  before do
-    stub_licensed_features(sast: true, dependency_scanning: true, container_scanning: true, security_dashboard: true)
-    allow(Security::AutoFixWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
-  end
   subject { described_class.new(pipeline, report).execute }
-  context 'without existing data' do
-    before(:all) do
-      checksum = 'f00bc6261fa512f0960b7fc3bfcce7fb31997cf32b96fa647bed5668b2c77fee'
-      create(:vulnerabilities_remediation, checksum: checksum)
-    end
+  where(vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled: [true, false])
+  with_them do
     before do
-      project.add_developer(user)
-      allow(pipeline).to receive(:user).and_return(user)
+      stub_feature_flags(vulnerability_finding_signatures: vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled)
+      stub_licensed_features(sast: true, dependency_scanning: true, container_scanning: true, security_dashboard: true)
+      allow(Security::AutoFixWorker).to receive(:perform_async)
-    context 'for different security reports' do
-      using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
-      where(:case_name, :trait, :scanners, :identifiers, :findings, :finding_identifiers, :finding_pipelines, :remediations, :signatures, :optimize_sql_query_for_security_report_ff) do
-        'with SAST report'                | :sast                            | 1 | 6  | 5  | 7  | 5  | 0 | 2 | false
-        'with exceeding identifiers'      | :with_exceeding_identifiers      | 1 | 20 | 1  | 20 | 1  | 0 | 0 | false
-        'with Dependency Scanning report' | :dependency_scanning_remediation | 1 | 3  | 2  | 3  | 2  | 1 | 0 | false
-        'with Container Scanning report'  | :container_scanning              | 1 | 8  | 8  | 8  | 8  | 0 | 0 | false
-        'with SAST report'                | :sast                            | 1 | 6  | 5  | 7  | 5  | 0 | 2 | true
-        'with exceeding identifiers'      | :with_exceeding_identifiers      | 1 | 20 | 1  | 20 | 1  | 0 | 0 | true
-        'with Dependency Scanning report' | :dependency_scanning_remediation | 1 | 3  | 2  | 3  | 2  | 1 | 0 | true
-        'with Container Scanning report'  | :container_scanning              | 1 | 8  | 8  | 8  | 8  | 0 | 0 | true
+    context 'without existing data' do
+      before(:all) do
+        checksum = 'f00bc6261fa512f0960b7fc3bfcce7fb31997cf32b96fa647bed5668b2c77fee'
+        create(:vulnerabilities_remediation, checksum: checksum)
-      with_them do
-        before do
-          stub_feature_flags(optimize_sql_query_for_security_report: optimize_sql_query_for_security_report_ff)
-        end
+      before do
+        project.add_developer(user)
+        allow(pipeline).to receive(:user).and_return(user)
+      end
-        it 'inserts all scanners' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Scanner.count }.by(scanners)
-        end
+      context 'for different security reports' do
+        using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
-        it 'inserts all identifiers' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Identifier.count }.by(identifiers)
-        end
+        with_them do
+          before do
+            stub_feature_flags(optimize_sql_query_for_security_report: optimize_sql_query_for_security_report_ff)
+          end
-        it 'inserts all findings' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Finding.count }.by(findings)
-        end
+          where(:case_name, :trait, :scanners, :identifiers, :findings, :finding_identifiers, :finding_pipelines, :remediations, :signatures) do
+            'with SAST report'                | :sast                            | 1 | 6  | 5  | 7  | 5  | 0 | 2
+            'with exceeding identifiers'      | :with_exceeding_identifiers      | 1 | 20 | 1  | 20 | 1  | 0 | 1
+            'with Dependency Scanning report' | :dependency_scanning_remediation | 1 | 3  | 2  | 3  | 2  | 1 | 2
+            'with Container Scanning report'  | :container_scanning              | 1 | 8  | 8  | 8  | 8  | 0 | 8
+          end
-        it 'inserts all finding identifiers (join model)' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingIdentifier.count }.by(finding_identifiers)
-        end
+          it 'inserts all scanners' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Scanner.count }.by(scanners)
+          end
-        it 'inserts all finding pipelines (join model)' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline.count }.by(finding_pipelines)
-        end
+          it 'inserts all identifiers' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Identifier.count }.by(identifiers)
+          end
-        it 'inserts all remediations' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { project.vulnerability_remediations.count }.by(remediations)
-        end
+          it 'inserts all findings' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Finding.count }.by(findings)
+          end
-        it 'inserts all vulnerabilities' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerability.count }.by(findings)
-        end
+          it 'inserts all finding identifiers (join model)' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingIdentifier.count }.by(finding_identifiers)
+          end
+          it 'inserts all finding pipelines (join model)' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline.count }.by(finding_pipelines)
+          end
+          it 'inserts all remediations' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { project.vulnerability_remediations.count }.by(remediations)
+          end
+          it 'inserts all vulnerabilities' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerability.count }.by(findings)
+          end
-        it 'inserts all signatures' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.count }.by(signatures)
+          it 'inserts all signatures' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.count }.by(signatures)
+          end
-    end
-    context 'when there is an exception' do
-      let(:trait) { :sast }
+      context 'when there is an exception' do
+        let(:trait) { :sast }
-      subject { described_class.new(pipeline, report) }
+        subject { described_class.new(pipeline, report) }
-      it 'does not insert any scanner' do
-        allow(Vulnerabilities::Scanner).to receive(:insert_all).with(anything).and_raise(StandardError)
-        expect { subject.send(:update_vulnerability_scanners!, report.findings) }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Scanner.count }.by(0)
+        it 'does not insert any scanner' do
+          allow(Vulnerabilities::Scanner).to receive(:insert_all).with(anything).and_raise(StandardError)
+          expect { subject.send(:update_vulnerability_scanners!, report.findings) }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Scanner.count }.by(0)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when N+1 database queries have been removed' do
-      let(:trait) { :sast }
-      let(:bandit_scanner) { build(:ci_reports_security_scanner, external_id: 'bandit', name: 'Bandit') }
+      context 'when N+1 database queries have been removed' do
+        let(:trait) { :sast }
+        let(:bandit_scanner) { build(:ci_reports_security_scanner, external_id: 'bandit', name: 'Bandit') }
-      subject { described_class.new(pipeline, report) }
+        subject { described_class.new(pipeline, report) }
-      it "avoids N+1 database queries for updating vulnerability scanners", :use_sql_query_cache do
-        report.add_scanner(bandit_scanner)
+        it "avoids N+1 database queries for updating vulnerability scanners", :use_sql_query_cache do
+          report.add_scanner(bandit_scanner)
-        control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new(skip_cached: false) { subject.send(:update_vulnerability_scanners!, report.findings) }.count
+          control_count = ActiveRecord::QueryRecorder.new(skip_cached: false) { subject.send(:update_vulnerability_scanners!, report.findings) }.count
-        5.times { report.add_finding(build(:ci_reports_security_finding, scanner: bandit_scanner)) }
+          5.times { report.add_finding(build(:ci_reports_security_finding, scanner: bandit_scanner)) }
-        expect {  described_class.new(pipeline, report).send(:update_vulnerability_scanners!, report.findings) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count)
+          expect {  described_class.new(pipeline, report).send(:update_vulnerability_scanners!, report.findings) }.not_to exceed_query_limit(control_count)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'when report data includes all raw_metadata' do
-      let(:trait) { :dependency_scanning_remediation }
+      context 'when report data includes all raw_metadata' do
+        let(:trait) { :dependency_scanning_remediation }
-      it 'inserts top level finding data', :aggregate_failures do
-        subject
+        it 'inserts top level finding data', :aggregate_failures do
+          subject
-        finding = Vulnerabilities::Finding.last
-        finding.raw_metadata = nil
+          finding = Vulnerabilities::Finding.last
+          finding.raw_metadata = nil
-        expect(finding.metadata).to be_blank
-        expect(finding.cve).not_to be_nil
-        expect(finding.description).not_to be_nil
-        expect(finding.location).not_to be_nil
-        expect(finding.message).not_to be_nil
-        expect(finding.solution).not_to be_nil
+          expect(finding.metadata).to be_blank
+          expect(finding.cve).not_to be_nil
+          expect(finding.description).not_to be_nil
+          expect(finding.location).not_to be_nil
+          expect(finding.message).not_to be_nil
+          expect(finding.solution).not_to be_nil
+        end
-    end
-    context 'invalid data' do
-      let(:artifact) { create(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :sast) }
-      let(:finding_without_name) { build(:ci_reports_security_finding, name: nil) }
-      let(:report) { Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Report.new('container_scanning', nil, nil) }
+      context 'invalid data' do
+        let(:artifact) { create(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :sast) }
+        let(:finding_without_name) { build(:ci_reports_security_finding, name: nil) }
+        let(:report) { Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Report.new('container_scanning', nil, nil) }
-      before do
-        allow(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_and_raise_exception).and_call_original
-        report.add_finding(finding_without_name)
-      end
+        before do
+          allow(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to receive(:track_and_raise_exception).and_call_original
+          report.add_finding(finding_without_name)
+        end
-      it 'raises invalid record error' do
-        expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
-      end
+        it 'raises invalid record error' do
+          expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
+        end
-      it 'reports the error correctly' do
-        expected_params = finding_without_name.to_hash.dig(:raw_metadata)
-        expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error { |error|
-          expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to have_received(:track_and_raise_exception).with(error, create_params: expected_params)
-        }
+        it 'reports the error correctly' do
+          expected_params = finding_without_name.to_hash.dig(:raw_metadata)
+          expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error { |error|
+            expect(Gitlab::ErrorTracking).to have_received(:track_and_raise_exception).with(error, create_params: expected_params)
+          }
+        end
-  end
-  context 'with existing data from previous pipeline' do
-    let(:finding_identifier_fingerprint) do
-      build(:ci_reports_security_identifier, external_id: "CIPHER_INTEGRITY").fingerprint
-    end
+    context 'with existing data from previous pipeline' do
+      let(:finding_identifier_fingerprint) do
+        build(:ci_reports_security_identifier, external_id: "CIPHER_INTEGRITY").fingerprint
+      end
-    let(:scanner) { build(:vulnerabilities_scanner, project: project, external_id: 'find_sec_bugs', name: 'Find Security Bugs') }
-    let(:identifier) { build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, project: project, fingerprint: finding_identifier_fingerprint) }
-    let(:different_identifier) { build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, project: project) }
-    let!(:new_artifact) { create(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :sast, job: new_build) }
-    let(:new_build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: new_pipeline) }
-    let(:new_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) }
-    let(:new_report) { new_pipeline.security_reports.get_report(report_type.to_s, artifact) }
-    let(:existing_signature) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding_signature, finding: finding) }
-    let(:unsupported_signature) do
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
-        finding: finding,
-        algorithm_type: ::Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.algorithm_types[:location])
-    end
+      let(:scanner) { build(:vulnerabilities_scanner, project: project, external_id: 'find_sec_bugs', name: 'Find Security Bugs') }
+      let(:identifier) { build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, project: project, fingerprint: finding_identifier_fingerprint) }
+      let(:different_identifier) { build(:vulnerabilities_identifier, project: project) }
+      let!(:new_artifact) { create(:ee_ci_job_artifact, :sast, job: new_build) }
+      let(:new_build) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: new_pipeline) }
+      let(:new_pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) }
+      let(:new_report) { new_pipeline.security_reports.get_report(report_type.to_s, artifact) }
+      let(:existing_signature) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding_signature, finding: finding) }
-    let(:trait) { :sast }
+      let(:trait) { :sast }
-    let(:finding_location_fingerprint) do
-      build(
-        :ci_reports_security_locations_sast,
-        file_path: "groovy/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/App.groovy",
-        start_line: "29",
-        end_line: "29"
-      ).fingerprint
-    end
+      let(:finding_location_fingerprint) do
+        build(
+          :ci_reports_security_locations_sast,
+          file_path: "groovy/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/App.groovy",
+          start_line: "29",
+          end_line: "29"
+        ).fingerprint
+      end
-    let!(:finding) do
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding,
-        pipelines: [pipeline],
-        identifiers: [identifier],
-        primary_identifier: identifier,
-        scanner: scanner,
-        project: project,
-        uuid: "e5388f40-18f5-566d-95c6-d64c6f46a00a",
-        location_fingerprint: finding_location_fingerprint)
-    end
+      let!(:finding) do
+        created_finding = create(:vulnerabilities_finding,
+          pipelines: [pipeline],
+          identifiers: [identifier],
+          primary_identifier: identifier,
+          scanner: scanner,
+          project: project,
+          uuid: "e5388f40-18f5-566d-95c6-d64c6f46a00a",
+          location_fingerprint: finding_location_fingerprint)
-    let!(:vulnerability) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding], project: project) }
+        existing_finding = report.findings.find { |f| f.location.fingerprint == created_finding.location_fingerprint }
-    let(:desired_uuid) do
-      Security::VulnerabilityUUID.generate(
-        report_type: finding.report_type,
-        primary_identifier_fingerprint: finding.primary_identifier.fingerprint,
-        location_fingerprint: finding.location_fingerprint,
-        project_id: finding.project_id
-      )
-    end
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding_signature,
+               finding: created_finding,
+               algorithm_type: existing_finding.signatures.first.algorithm_type,
+               signature_sha: existing_finding.signatures.first.signature_sha)
-    let!(:finding_with_uuidv5) do
-      create(:vulnerabilities_finding,
-        pipelines: [pipeline],
-        identifiers: [different_identifier],
-        primary_identifier: different_identifier,
-        scanner: scanner,
-        project: project,
-        location_fingerprint: '34661e23abcf78ff80dfcc89d0700437612e3f88')
-    end
+        created_finding
+      end
-    let!(:vulnerability_with_uuid5) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding_with_uuidv5], project: project) }
+      let!(:vulnerability) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding], project: project) }
-    before do
-      project.add_developer(user)
-      allow(new_pipeline).to receive(:user).and_return(user)
-    end
+      let(:desired_uuid) do
+        Security::VulnerabilityUUID.generate(
+          report_type: finding.report_type,
+          primary_identifier_fingerprint: finding.primary_identifier.fingerprint,
+          location_fingerprint: finding.location_fingerprint,
+          project_id: finding.project_id
+        )
+      end
-    subject { described_class.new(new_pipeline, new_report).execute }
+      let!(:finding_with_uuidv5) do
+        create(:vulnerabilities_finding,
+               pipelines: [pipeline],
+               identifiers: [different_identifier],
+               primary_identifier: different_identifier,
+               scanner: scanner,
+               project: project,
+               location_fingerprint: '34661e23abcf78ff80dfcc89d0700437612e3f88')
+      end
-    it 'does not change existing UUIDv5' do
-      expect { subject }.not_to change(finding_with_uuidv5, :uuid)
-    end
+      let!(:vulnerability_with_uuid5) { create(:vulnerability, findings: [finding_with_uuidv5], project: project) }
-    it 'updates UUIDv4 to UUIDv5' do
-      subject
+      before do
+        project.add_developer(user)
+        allow(new_pipeline).to receive(:user).and_return(user)
+      end
-      expect(finding.reload.uuid).to eq(desired_uuid)
-    end
+      subject { described_class.new(new_pipeline, new_report).execute }
-    it 'reuses existing scanner' do
-      expect { subject }.not_to change { Vulnerabilities::Scanner.count }
-    end
+      it 'does not change existing UUIDv5' do
+        expect { subject }.not_to change(finding_with_uuidv5, :uuid)
+      end
-    it 'inserts only new identifiers and reuse existing ones' do
-      expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Identifier.count }.by(5)
-    end
+      it 'updates UUIDv4 to UUIDv5' do
+        finding.uuid = '00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444'
+        finding.save!
-    it 'inserts only new findings and reuse existing ones' do
-      expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Finding.count }.by(4)
-    end
+        # this report_finding should be used to update the finding's uuid
+        report_finding = new_report.findings.find { |f| f.location.fingerprint == '0e7d0291d912f56880e39d4fbd80d99dd5d327ba' }
+        allow(report_finding).to receive(:uuid).and_return(desired_uuid)
+        report_finding.signatures.pop
-    it 'inserts all finding pipelines (join model) for this new pipeline' do
-      expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline.where(pipeline: new_pipeline).count }.by(5)
-    end
+        subject
-    it 'inserts new vulnerabilities with data from findings from this new pipeline' do
-      expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerability.count }.by(4)
-    end
+        expect(finding.reload.uuid).to eq(desired_uuid)
+      end
-    it 'updates existing findings with new data' do
-      subject
+      it 'reuses existing scanner' do
+        expect { subject }.not_to change { Vulnerabilities::Scanner.count }
+      end
-      expect(finding.reload).to have_attributes(severity: 'medium', name: 'Cipher with no integrity')
-    end
+      it 'inserts only new identifiers and reuse existing ones' do
+        expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Identifier.count }.by(5)
+      end
-    it 'updates signatures to match new values' do
-      existing_signature
-      unsupported_signature
+      it 'inserts only new findings and reuse existing ones' do
+        expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::Finding.count }.by(4)
+      end
-      expect(finding.signatures.count).to eq(2)
-      signature_algs = finding.signatures.map(&:algorithm_type).sort
-      expect(signature_algs).to eq(%w[hash location])
+      it 'inserts all finding pipelines (join model) for this new pipeline' do
+        expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::FindingPipeline.where(pipeline: new_pipeline).count }.by(5)
+      end
-      subject
+      it 'inserts new vulnerabilities with data from findings from this new pipeline' do
+        expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerability.count }.by(4)
+      end
-      finding.reload
-      existing_signature.reload
+      it 'updates existing findings with new data' do
+        subject
-      # check that unsupported algorithm is not deleted
-      expect(finding.signatures.count).to eq(3)
-      signature_algs = finding.signatures.sort.map(&:algorithm_type)
-      expect(signature_algs).to eq(%w[hash location scope_offset])
+        expect(finding.reload).to have_attributes(severity: 'medium', name: 'Cipher with no integrity')
+      end
-      # check that the existing hash signature was updated/reused
-      expect(existing_signature.id).to eq(finding.signatures.min.id)
+      it 'updates signatures to match new values' do
+        next unless vulnerability_finding_signatures_enabled
-      # check that the unsupported signature was not deleted
-      expect(::Vulnerabilities::FindingSignature.exists?(unsupported_signature.id)).to eq(true)
-    end
+        expect(finding.signatures.count).to eq(1)
+        expect(finding.signatures.first.algorithm_type).to eq('hash')
-    it 'updates existing vulnerability with new data' do
-      subject
+        existing_signature = finding.signatures.first
-      expect(vulnerability.reload).to have_attributes(severity: 'medium', title: 'Cipher with no integrity', title_html: 'Cipher with no integrity')
-    end
+        subject
-    context 'when the existing vulnerability is resolved with the latest report' do
-      let!(:existing_vulnerability) { create(:vulnerability, report_type: report_type, project: project) }
+        finding.reload
+        existing_signature.reload
-      it 'marks the vulnerability as resolved on default branch' do
-        expect { subject }.to change { existing_vulnerability.reload.resolved_on_default_branch }.from(false).to(true)
-      end
-    end
+        expect(finding.signatures.count).to eq(2)
+        signature_algs = finding.signatures.sort_by(&:priority).map(&:algorithm_type)
+        expect(signature_algs).to eq(%w[hash scope_offset])
-    context 'when the existing resolved vulnerability is discovered again on the latest report' do
-      before do
-        vulnerability.update!(resolved_on_default_branch: true)
+        # check that the existing hash signature was updated/reused
+        expect(existing_signature.id).to eq(finding.signatures.find(&:algorithm_hash?).id)
-      it 'marks the vulnerability as not resolved on default branch' do
-        expect { subject }.to change { vulnerability.reload.resolved_on_default_branch }.from(true).to(false)
-      end
-    end
+      it 'updates existing vulnerability with new data' do
+        subject
-    context 'when the finding is not valid' do
-      before do
-        allow(Gitlab::AppLogger).to receive(:warn)
-        allow_next_instance_of(::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Finding) do |finding|
-          allow(finding).to receive(:valid?).and_return(false)
-        end
+        expect(vulnerability.reload).to have_attributes(severity: 'medium', title: 'Cipher with no integrity', title_html: 'Cipher with no integrity')
-      it 'does not create a new finding' do
-        expect { subject }.not_to change { Vulnerabilities::Finding.count }
-      end
+      context 'when the existing vulnerability is resolved with the latest report' do
+        let!(:existing_vulnerability) { create(:vulnerability, report_type: report_type, project: project) }
-      it 'does not raise an error' do
-        expect { subject }.not_to raise_error
+        it 'marks the vulnerability as resolved on default branch' do
+          expect { subject }.to change { existing_vulnerability.reload.resolved_on_default_branch }.from(false).to(true)
+        end
-      it 'puts a warning log' do
-        subject
+      context 'when the existing resolved vulnerability is discovered again on the latest report' do
+        before do
+          vulnerability.update_column(:resolved_on_default_branch, true)
+        end
-        expect(Gitlab::AppLogger).to have_received(:warn).exactly(new_report.findings.length).times
+        it 'marks the vulnerability as not resolved on default branch' do
+          expect { subject }.to change { vulnerability.reload.resolved_on_default_branch }.from(true).to(false)
+        end
-    end
-    context 'vulnerability issue link' do
-      context 'when there is no associated issue feedback with finding' do
-        it 'does not insert issue links from the new pipeline' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::IssueLink.count }.by(0)
+      context 'when the finding is not valid' do
+        before do
+          allow(Gitlab::AppLogger).to receive(:warn)
+          allow_next_instance_of(::Gitlab::Ci::Reports::Security::Finding) do |finding|
+            allow(finding).to receive(:valid?).and_return(false)
+          end
-      end
-      context 'when there is an associated issue feedback with finding' do
-        let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) }
-        let!(:issue_feedback) do
-          create(
-            :vulnerability_feedback,
-            :sast,
-            :issue,
-            issue: issue,
-            project: project,
-            project_fingerprint: new_report.findings.first.project_fingerprint
-          )
+        it 'does not create a new finding' do
+          expect { subject }.not_to change { Vulnerabilities::Finding.count }
-        it 'inserts issue links from the new pipeline' do
-          expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::IssueLink.count }.by(1)
+        it 'does not raise an error' do
+          expect { subject }.not_to raise_error
-        it 'the issue link is valid' do
+        it 'puts a warning log' do
-          finding = Vulnerabilities::Finding.find_by(uuid: new_report.findings.first.uuid)
-          vulnerability_id = finding.vulnerability_id
-          issue_id = issue.id
-          issue_link = Vulnerabilities::IssueLink.find_by(
-            vulnerability_id: vulnerability_id,
-            issue_id: issue_id
-          )
-          expect(issue_link).not_to be_nil
+          expect(Gitlab::AppLogger).to have_received(:warn).exactly(new_report.findings.length).times
-    end
-  end
-  context 'with existing data from same pipeline' do
-    let!(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project, pipelines: [pipeline]) }
-    let(:trait) { :sast }
+      context 'vulnerability issue link' do
+        context 'when there is no assoiciated issue feedback with finding' do
+          it 'does not insert issue links from the new pipeline' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::IssueLink.count }.by(0)
+          end
+        end
-    it 'skips report' do
-      expect(subject).to eq({
-        status: :error,
-        message: "sast report already stored for this pipeline, skipping..."
-      })
-    end
-  end
+        context 'when there is an associated issue feedback with finding' do
+          let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) }
+          let!(:issue_feedback) do
+            create(
+              :vulnerability_feedback,
+              :sast,
+              :issue,
+              issue: issue,
+              project: project,
+              project_fingerprint: new_report.findings.first.project_fingerprint
+            )
+          end
-  context 'start auto_fix' do
-    before do
-      stub_licensed_features(vulnerability_auto_fix: true)
-    end
+          it 'inserts issue links from the new pipeline' do
+            expect { subject }.to change { Vulnerabilities::IssueLink.count }.by(1)
+          end
-    context 'with auto fix supported report type' do
-      let(:trait) { :dependency_scanning }
+          it 'the issue link is valid' do
+            subject
-      context 'when auto fix enabled' do
-        it 'start auto fix worker' do
-          expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id)
+            finding = Vulnerabilities::Finding.find_by(uuid: new_report.findings.first.uuid)
+            vulnerability_id = finding.vulnerability_id
+            issue_id = issue.id
+            issue_link = Vulnerabilities::IssueLink.find_by(
+              vulnerability_id: vulnerability_id,
+              issue_id: issue_id
+            )
-          subject
+            expect(issue_link).not_to be_nil
+          end
+    end
-      context 'when auto fix disabled' do
-        context 'when feature flag is disabled' do
-          before do
-            stub_feature_flags(security_auto_fix: false)
-          end
+    context 'with existing data from same pipeline' do
+      let!(:finding) { create(:vulnerabilities_finding, project: project, pipelines: [pipeline]) }
+      let(:trait) { :sast }
-          it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
-            expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+      it 'skips report' do
+        expect(subject).to eq({
+          status: :error,
+          message: "sast report already stored for this pipeline, skipping..."
+        })
+      end
+    end
-            subject
-          end
-        end
+    context 'start auto_fix' do
+      before do
+        stub_licensed_features(vulnerability_auto_fix: true)
+      end
-        context 'when auto fix feature is disabled' do
-          before do
-            project.security_setting.update!(auto_fix_dependency_scanning: false)
-          end
+      context 'with auto fix supported report type' do
+        let(:trait) { :dependency_scanning }
-          it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
-            expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+        context 'when auto fix enabled' do
+          it 'start auto fix worker' do
+            expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).to receive(:perform_async).with(pipeline.id)
-        context 'when licensed feature is unavailable' do
-          before do
-            stub_licensed_features(vulnerability_auto_fix: false)
+        context 'when auto fix disabled' do
+          context 'when feature flag is disabled' do
+            before do
+              stub_feature_flags(security_auto_fix: false)
+            end
+            it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
+              expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+              subject
+            end
-          it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
-            expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+          context 'when auto fix feature is disabled' do
+            before do
+              project.security_setting.update_column(:auto_fix_dependency_scanning, false)
+            end
-            subject
+            it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
+              expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+              subject
+            end
-        end
-        context 'when security setting is not created' do
-          before do
-            project.security_setting.destroy!
-            project.reload
+          context 'when licensed feature is unavailable' do
+            before do
+              stub_licensed_features(vulnerability_auto_fix: false)
+            end
+            it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
+              expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+              subject
+            end
-          it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
-            expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
-            expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:success)
+          context 'when security setting is not created' do
+            before do
+              project.security_setting.destroy!
+              project.reload
+            end
+            it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
+              expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+              expect(subject[:status]).to eq(:success)
+            end
-    end
-    context 'with auto fix not supported report type' do
-      let(:trait) { :sast }
+      context 'with auto fix not supported report type' do
+        let(:trait) { :sast }
-      before do
-        stub_licensed_features(vulnerability_auto_fix: true)
-      end
+        before do
+          stub_licensed_features(vulnerability_auto_fix: true)
+        end
-      it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
-        expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
+        it 'does not start auto fix worker' do
+          expect(Security::AutoFixWorker).not_to receive(:perform_async)
-        subject
+          subject
+        end